Thursday, December 24, 2009
The myth that there is really only one fruitcake in the world that is passed around continuously, year after year; that myth, I say, is no longer true because I intercepted that cake long ago. So, if you received an unwelcome fruitcake this Christmas ( or last), send it on to me and I will see to it that it is not wasted but waisted.
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Let me tell you about my friend, Mac, a good 'ol country boy; 6 feet, 1 inch tall and 225 lbs of good nature. He is one of those rare people with no pretense about him; what you see is what you get. If you don't want a truthful opinion, then don't ask him because he will deliver exactly what he thinks. You will not have to guess about or interpret what he says. He is ordinarily kind, tender-hearted, polite and generous but, as we say in Texas, he's not to be messed with.
Most Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m., I am privileged to gather together with Mac and Charles, another friend, at my home for prayer. I love to listen to Mac and Charles pray. Mac's prayers are lifted up in true east Texas english. He claims he doesn't speak well but in his own way his words are more eloquent than any high church petitions I've ever heard. I don't want to leave the impression that he is some kind of country bumpkin. Far from it. He is college educated, intelligent and before retiring had a successful business he built from scratch. Above all he seeks to be a man of God.
As children of God we are all unique; it just happens that Mac is a little uniquer.
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What are your thoughts this Christmas? Do you ever wonder what Jesus would make of the way we generally celebrate his birthday? What gift can we give to Him in exchange for the priceless gift of salvation?
"You don't want sacrifice; if you did, how gladly I would do it! You aren't interested in offerings burned before you on the altar. It is a broken spirit you want--remorse and penitence. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not ignore." Psalm 51:17 LB
God bless you and yours. Happy birthday Jesus.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Polls and Things
"For I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live. Yet, not I but Christ liveth in me, for the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20. This is Paul's confession of his bond with Christ. The very Spirit of Christ inhabits his innermost being. And, if we have accepted Christ as our savior, He lives in our innermost being also.
In the poll some respondents who claim to be Christian also said they believe in ghosts, some have had conversations with ghosts and others are mistakenly trying to blend New Age beliefs with their Christianity. Following are some of those beliefs:
That astrology is a method of foretelling the future
That crystals are a source of healing or energizing power
That tarot cards are a reliable base for life decisions
That God is "a state of higher consciousness that a person may reach"
That each person is God
That God can be defined as "the total realization of personal, human potential"
In these New Age beliefs, emphasis is on the creature rather than the Creator. All these beliefs are contradicted by God's word and most are expressly forbidden. The attempt to add them to Christianity may be a matter of "just in case" and "covering all the bases." Instead it only denies the power and person of God. King Saul did not get the answer he wanted from God so he consulted the Witch of Endor and suffered the disasterous results.
If a person is involved in authentic Christianity they know, as the old hymn states: "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand." Christ is The Source for Christians and is sufficient for all our needs. Nothing else is needed for us to be complete. And we clearly identify with Paul's confession of Galatians 2:20, sometimes referred to as the "220 hook-up."
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According to a recent newspaper article, Johnny Depp, temporarily a movie idol, stated he 'admired' John Dillinger, a gangster of the 1930's. (The fact that Dillinger was a a cold-blooded killer was not mentioned.) Depp said that Dillinger was "brave and charasmatic." Mr. Depp may be wallowing in that slop because he intends to make a movie about brave Mr. Dillinger.
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, orchestrator of the September 11th attacks, has remained alive for 8 years since being jailed. Need I point out that the victims of those Islam-fueled, murderous attacks have now been dead for those same 8 years? The victims have been denied those years while Mr. Mohammed has been fed, clothed, housed and had his medical needs attended to by the U.S. which includes, by extension and ironically, the victims families and survivors of September 11. I'm not clamoring for Mr. Mohammed's blood; I just would like to know why it is taking so long for justice to be served. More political correctness by an administration that doesn't seem to know what to do? Don't expect a speedy trial once it begins. The trial and appeals can add many more years to this travesty.
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President Obama apparently has taken his administrative cue from President Roosevelt's example. However there are differences both in conditions and style. Roosevelt had the full cooperation of Wall Street and Main Street and (almost dictatorial) war time powers. In 1933, oil prices hovered around 4 cents a barrel; No bank was considered too big to fail. Roosevelt also cut government salaries by $100 million; government and veteran pensions were reduced. Congress and the vice-president had their salaries cut by 15%. They may say they feel our pain but this current congress will not have their salaries reduced. The federal government is not only hiring many new workers but it is also increasing government salaries.
Monday, December 14, 2009
To some degree celebrity entitlement is real. Mr. Woods refused 3 times to grant an interview with the police. (Warning; Do Not Try This At Home!) The authorities humbly backed off.
Lest you think I'm passing judgment, I quickly confess that much in my life would not pass God's scrutiny. My entire hope is in Jesus. For all I know Mr. Woods may have done countless good deeds and will be nominated for sainthood. In any case, some other noted figure will soon provide a new scandal and the jackals of the media will leave the famed golfer alone to work out his problems.
In the meantime in Appalachia, a man you've probably never heard of is building up a name. No; it's not his name. He's not striving to be a celebrity. He's a former coal miner who received a copy of the New Testament on the job. He was so struck with the reality of Jesus' words that he immediately decided to follow Christ. Soon after he was called to minister full time to the miner's in his county and to proclaim the name of Jesus.
His first wife, now deceased, had a dream that one day they would have a facility that would stand as a symbol of Christian compassion and truth among the poor and needy. Eventually, with the help of a major coal company and bible literature from the American Bible Society, an aptly named Appalachia Dream Center came into being.
The stories of lives changed as a result of God's word and the Center are stirring to any believer.
Earl Harless was injured severely in a car accident and his internal bleeding could not be stopped by the doctors. He and his wife turned to Ezekiel 16:6 (KJV) and claimed the living words:
"And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live."
Much to the amazement of the doctors, the bleeding stopped. Instantly. "I never bled another drop," Earl said.
Debbie, a single mother, came to the Center broken and defeated. Now, transformed by Jesus into a new creature, (2Corinthians 5:17) she spends most of her time witnessing to the saving power of Christ to the hundreds of prostitutes in and around Logan County. She first offers food, clean water and shelter to generate a trusting relationship before giving a bible. Her efforts are not appreciated by everyone She has been the target of beer bottles. gunshots and had the headlights of her car broken out with a baseball bat. None of this has stopped her efforts to reach women for Christ.
Logan County, covered in coal dust, is not a tourist destination. Its poverty bound inhabitants activities are of little or no interest to others. The faith of Earl and his wife to believe God's word without doubt; the transformed life of Debbie who, without fear, goes into the most dangerous areas in the county driven by God's love, these are not the stories that capture the nation's attention.
Yet, which story has the most eternal merit? Is it the one about the man whose God-given talent has made him rich beyond imagination and now indulges his physical appetites? Or is it the one about humble people in an out of the way county? Which one warms your heart?
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W.C. Fields
"I've been asked if I ever get the DT's. I don't know. It's hard to tell where Hollywood ends and the DT's begin."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
This and That
1. Federal and State Government level.
2. Celebrity and Wealthy level.
3. Middle Class level.
4. Street level where the poor and the disenfranchised live.
Authorities discovered that Congressman Barney Frank's live-in partner has been growing pot in the back yard of Frank's home. Frank maintains he knew nothing about it. Hello? What's that funny odor in the house? Coincidentally, Frank has since submitted a bill in Congress which would permit homegown pot in his state.
Numerous Federal and State officials have overlooked their past-due income tax statements until it was called to their attention in the press. This is not allowed in levels 3 and 4. In levels 1 and 2 deals are available.
Strangely, in levels 1 and 2 the law, if regarded at all, seems to be very flexible and subject to broad interpretation; in levels 3 and 4 it becomes quite rigid. The drug user in the first two levels is not treated harshly like his/her counterpart in level 4.
Political correctness has assumed much more importance than it is due. In some cases in the legal process it has overcome common sense and sound judgment. Major Hussan was pushed up the ladder of rank and permitted to lecture to his superiors at length about Islam. Why? To do otherwise might make the Army look like they were politically incorrect. The United States Army, the most powerful in the world, did not have the leadership to do what needed to be done in the case of one Muslim officer who was obviously up to no good. After the events at Fort Hood and questions arose the Army and the Government were quick to come up with excuses for the tragedy and the Major's actions. Fortunately a police officer, who did not take orders from the military, was on hand during the shooting and took down Major Husan. Military police, for some unfathomable reason, are not allowed to carry firearms. Go figure.
Well, that's old news. Center stage is now occupied by the "Party Crashers." This is really serious stuff. About as serious as the party itself. Does it serve a good purpose that benefits our country? I'm waiting for some president to say, "While so many of my fellow citizens are in dire need, I don't think it is appropriate for me to sit down to a sumptious meal in a lavish setting paid for by those citizens barely eking out a living."
"All men are created equal;" but as said in the book "Animal Farm," some are more equal than others. Let 'em eat cake.
Al Gore who 'invented' the internet may also have 'invented' global warming. In e-mails hacked from Climate Research Unit, one of the centers of the man-made global warming universe, there is evidence that data may have gone unreported or may have been intentionally rigged to hide the DECLINE in global temperatures. (Lufkin Daily News, "An Inconvenient Truth") Dr. Trenberth, a man-made global warming advocate wrote scientists at Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England, "The fact is we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." This scientist is piqued because he cannot adjust data to suit his purpose. He is upset because the world is not going to melt. Is global warming a reality? Stay tuned.
Statements Gleaned From College and University Student Tests and Papers:
Hitler's instrument of terror was the Gespacho.
Plato invented reality. He was teacher to Harris Tottle who wrote The Republicans. Lust was a must for the Epicureans. Others were the Vegetarians and the Synthetics.
The Boston Tea Party was held at Pearl Harbor.
Moses was told by Jesus to lead the people out of Egypt into the Sahaira Desert. The Book of Exodus describes this trip, including the Ten Commandments, various special effects and the building of the Suez Canal.
Zorroastrologism was founded by Zorro. This was a duelist religion.
During the Dark Ages it was mainly dark.
Just think; the men and women who wrote these gems have graduated and are now probably in positions of leadership and responsibility.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
We walked for exercize which was no small feat since the village is built on the sides of steep hills. My technique for overcoming the slopes was to "creep", i.e., to take small slow steps. Each day we were able to press on for longer distances. Later, I mused on my stamina and decided I might be able to walk several miles in that area if a hospital emergency room was at the finish line.
One day while walking and enjoying the fall foliage I was reminded of Paul's conviction that nature itself proclaims the existence of God. Those whose faith is centered on science will disagree saying that no supernatural hand was involved; only time, the laws of physics and evolution were the reasons for our physical world. Okay, I say God created time, the laws of physics and evolution.
Do you ever marvel that God created the world in 'living color?" He could have chosen to make everything in shades of gray or brown. Instead he presented us richness and variety that not only delight the eye but nourish our souls. Paul was right.
Samuel B., 24, was booked in Solano County, Calif. on suspicion that he stole a car to make a court appearance on a previous auto-theft charge. ( A candidate for the tv program, "Dumbest Criminals.")
I feel somehow that this next blurb is in the same category as the above:
We, that is the taxpayers, have committed more than 4 trillion public dollars to Wall Street.
To put that astounding sum in perspective, consider that the cost of WWII in inflation-adjusted dollars was---you guessed it---$4 trillion. And the entire GDP, the entire wealth generated in the U.S. this year, is $14.1 trillion.
These are mind-numbing figures and they are hard to grasp. But, for an amount we can more easily understand, one doctor said, "For $200 million dollars we can take a walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ himself, curing millions of leprosy." Or, we can give it to Wall Street for the bonus pool.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Truth and Freedom
John 8:32 " And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Isn't it ironic that the words of Jesus recorded in John 8:32 are displayed on a wall of the CIA building in Washington? I doubt that Jesus is credited as the author. Although lies and deception are some of their main tools, the CIA has appropriated this quotation to lend dignity to their work which is to use whatever means necessary to spy out the 'truth' of what the enemies of our country are really up to. Somehow I can't bring myself to believe this is what Jesus had in mind. The CIA should remove this scriptural quotation and install these words instead: "We operate on the principle that the end excuses the means." That would be closer to the truth.
That the public is supplied with "misinformation" from every level of government is all too often the case. Raw truth is sweetened to make it palliative to the masses and served up cooked to the benefit of the party in power. One can only assume that ordinary people (as distinguished from the elite who alone know what is best for us) are considered to not have the intelligence to handle real truth.
Mr. Lincoln disagrees: "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." Are you listening Mr. Obama and members of Congress on both sides of the aisle? We don't need a nanny!
Little facts of life
If you accidentally drop a prescription pill to the floor, as it falls it gains energy that allows it to run and hide in some dark cranny where you can't find it. After you get up, puffing from searching on your hands and knees, the pill comes out of hiding unnoticed. The more expensive the pill, the more certainty there is that you will step on it or that the dog will eat it..
Thursday, November 5, 2009
You Can Take it With You
I know of a wealthy widow who, according to her relatives, could no longer safely live at home and needed to be in an assisted living facility. She resisted the move until she had no choice The reason for her resistance? She had many fine and valuable possessions and she could not take every single one of them to the facility.
When it comes to the accumulation of wealth and possessions I have observed that there is a point reached of too much but not a point of enough. An outsider might say of the super rich that they have wealth for several lifetimes (too much) but that will not stop the wealthy from seeking to add to their fortunes (not enough).
In the 10th Chapter of Mark Jesus encounters a man who "ran up to him and knelt before him."
Luke says he was a ruler and Matthew that he was young but all 3 writers agree he was rich.
This is the 4th of 4 people so far in Mark who have run up to Jesus seeking something only he could provide; wholeness for a leper, healing for a woman, restoration for a demoniac and now for this rich man, the key to eternal life. The fact that each ran to Jesus portrays their desperation and their belief that, at last, they had found the one who could supply the solution to their problem.
Jesus gives the rich man a short quiz of which Jesus already knew the answers. Jesus was satisfied that the man was devout and sincere. Perhaps the man expected Jesus' blessing,
approval or a few easy to follow instructions and then he could be on his way. It didn't happen.
Jesus did say that in order for the man to achieve his goal there was one obstacle standing in his way, the thing he loved more than God; his wealth.
A sad story and not a popular part of scripture. That may be because we sense that it is not only addressed to the wealthy but to everyone who has erected an idol in place of God. Idols? Who, me? Yes, me.
Consider Matthew 10:37,38: "If you love father and mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if love your son or daughter more than me you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine."
Of course Jesus is not saying we shouldn't have other loves and allegiances. He is saying that every love, allegiance, relationship, ambition, goal or desire we have is secondary to loving and trusting him. He will not accept anything but first place in our lives. Considering what he has done for us, that is a perfectly reasonable position and you can't beat the rewards.
Matthew 10:29-30 "I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "No on who has left home or brothers or sisters or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters,mothers, children and fields- and with them , persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life."
1 Corinthians 2:9 "Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him."
1 Corinthians 13:13 "There are three things that remain, faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love."
When we go to heaven we will no longer need faith because we will see Jesus. We will no longer need hope because are hope will be realized. What we will take with us and keep, is Love.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
This and That
At the time of purchase my wife and I thought the two-tone green paint was unique to our little town. In a few days we began to see cars with the same color scheme everywhere. But to us it was a treasure. No subsequent car purchase brought with it the same level of excitement we felt with the first one.
I see that "whatever" has been voted the current most annoying expression in the English language. I would have voted for the ubiquitous "you know" without which, you know, some people would be unable to converse. You know?
Another member of Congress has been caught in a scandal that may have far-reaching and negative effects on the Democratic party. Charles Rangel, (Dem.), N.Y. failed to pay some of his income taxes and to report all sources of income. What is it with members of Congress that makes them think they don't have to pay taxes? The IRS, without mercy or second thoughts, would put a widow out on the street if she did something similar but the rich and the powerful escape punishment.
Five will get you ten that Rangel will get out of this with a mild slap on the wrist. The "Ethics"
Commitee" is "investigating." The facts are known so what's to be investigated? They will stretch out their "investigation" because they depend on the American public's shamefully short attention span. That may not work this time.
The danger to the Democratic Party is that the Public's smoldering wrath may finally get fully vented at election time because of Rangel's blatant disregard of integrity and other Democratic mis-steps.
In the meantime, few if any Republican Congresspersons have halos to polish or unblemished records to crow about.
Pray, pray, pray for our country!
Our President and First Lady recently made a fruitless trip to Copenhagen. Their intention was to charm the socks off the Olympic Committee and secure the Olympics for the city of Chicago. Alas, the OC proved to be immune to the radiant charm of the First Couple and the prize was handed to Rio. Reading the transcripts of the Obama 'I/Me' speeches it seems they were inviting the world the wonderful opportunity to come visit the Obamas.
The "City of the Broad Shoulders" (Walt Whitman's description of Chicago) may now have sagging shoulders but it will survive. My brother suggests it may all be for the best. If 'Chi' had won, it would have been necessary to add a new Olympic event : "Dodging bullets and 2x4's to the head."
I honestly take no satisfaction from the President's failure. He did what he thought best. And I believe that no matter what he did the OC was determined to grant the Olympics to a country other than the USA.
Josef Stalin: "The death of one person is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic." Stalin should know. He was responsible for the deaths of millions of his own people.
Leo Tolstoy: "Love hinders death. Love is life. Anything at all that I understand, I understand only because I love. All is bound up in love alone. Love is God, and to die means that I, a tiny particle of love, shall return to the universal and eternal source."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Good Old Days
(This is not to be confused with a telephone call; he actually came to our house). Doctors making house calls was not at all unusual. For some reason the amount of his fee, $3.00, has stuck in my memory.
I was often the one sent to the A & P grocery store 2 1/2 blocks from our home with a list of items to be purchased. I presented the list to a clerk, behind the counter, who then went about the store to retrieve the items. If self-service existed it hadn't made its way to our little town at the end of Long Island, N.Y. The clerk tallied the prices in pencil on one of the paper bags that he loaded the groceries in. The question, "paper or plastic?" never came up since there were no plastic sacks.
At the time:
Bread was 9 cents a loaf
Eggs, 18 cents a dozen
Hamburger meat, 12 cents a pound
A hamburger (bun, meat, ketchup) at the diner was 5 cents as was a cup of coffee or a coke
Gas, 10 cents a gal.
A new Pontiac, $745
Average new home, $3845
Man's broadcloth shirt, $1.00
Woman's wool sweater, $1.00
Washing machine,$23.95
Gas stove, $19.95
Before you think that we were lucky to live in a time when prices were so low consider this:
Worker's wages were 9 cents an hour, ---if you could get a job. Skilled labor managed to get slightly higher wages. To date, inflation has moved prices and wages to their present levels so, everything is relative.
The history of the Federal Government's handling, (mishandling, really) of the depression crisis is both fascinating and depressing (no pun intended). President Herbet Hoover seemed incapable of understanding economics and spent a lot of his time organizing commitees and conferences. The country verged on socialism with both Big Business and Big Labor briefly advocating collectivism based on their individual agendas. For example, Big Labor would have had a Government agency appointed to force businesses to hire the number of workers the agency determined the businesses should have. Big Business leaders had equally unpalatable ideas. A radical left-wing newspaper was lavish with praise for the fascist inclinations.
To say our country during the 1930's was on an extremely slippery slope is no exaggeration. Only the advent of WWll pulled us back from the abyss.
Once again our nation is on a slippery slope; perhaps not as steep as the Great Depression but still dangerous.
I may well be mistaken in my belief that in many ways we are not the nation of my earlier years. After all, greed and corruption in high places is still with us except it is more overt. We still do not have lobbyists for the mass of average citizens. We are a country divided. Often I have the feeling that nobody is in charge.
This is not the nation of my earlier years. Our liberties are slowly being chipped away but each succeeding generation does not realize it, thinking the way things are is the way it's always been.
If you've never had something how would you know if it's gone?
Charles Dickens slept facing north. He believed it improved his writing (Did I hear one of you saying I ought to try it?)
The house where Thomas Jefferson wrote much of the Declaration of Independence was torn down to make room for a hamburger stand.
The above 2 facts are from "The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader"
Lincoln: "A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be." (It's our choice)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Check Your Ammo
Those bombers were relatively slow; so slow in flight that birds sometimes rested on the wings. Actually, not so; it just seemed that way. When I was not flying, my other duties involved my training as an aircraft mechanic. I worked on 1700 horsepower radial air-cooled engines. I am mechanically inept around car engines, BUT if they ever start putting 1700 hp air cooled engines in cars I'll be ready.
In my first story above, I was operating with the mistaken belief that there were no more bullets left in my machine gun. Over the target range I had pulled the trigger in bursts until the weapon quit firing. On the way back to base I swung the turret around, pointed my weapon at planes in our formation and pulled the trigger. The closest plane was about 50 feet away. When we got back to base and I got out of the turret and removed the can of spent shell casings I looked up and saw to my horror that there were still 5 fifty caliber live bullets hanging in the belt. I scrambled back up into the turret, opened the lid to the firing chamber and could see that the mechanism that pulled bullets into the chamber had scratched the next bullet in an attempt to pull it into firing position. If that bullet had been somehow moved 1/32 of an inch more it would have fired and carried the next 4 with it.
Operating with insufficient, mistaken, false or unverified beliefs is as dangerous to our spiritual lives as was my similar dangerous actions with live bullets. It is up to each of us individually to do the study required to build on solid scriptural ground; to seek, recognize, listen to and abide by, the teachings of the Holy Spirit delivered through whatever source He may choose.
My second story illustrates that if we are going to stay prepared, we cannot stand still in our learning. To live the abundant life Christ promised us it is not enough to sit on our salvation. My knowledge of the 1700 hp radial engine is useless to me now and it did not prepare me for dealing with the complexities of modern car engines. Too many Christians say to themselves, "I know all I need to know." They stop growing and then resist the gentle prodding of the Spirit to move on to greater and greater joys in Jesus.
A little boy asked his mother, "Mommy, where do people come from?"Thinking the boy was too young for the birds and bees story she said, "Well, the Bible says we come from dust and we return to dust.'
That seemed to satisfy him and he went to his room to play.
A short time later he came back to his mother and said, "Mommy, I looked under my bed and someone is either coming or going."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friend: (dictionary definition) A person whom one knows well and is fond of. An ally, supporter and sympathizer.
Acquaintance: A person whom one knows slightly.
Proverbs 18:24: A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 17:17: A friend loves at all times.
The word 'friend', like 'love', many times is misused or very loosely applied in a relationship. The term 'friend' is often used when actually we are referring to someone who is an acquaintance. A person may have many acquaintances but few real friends.
Aside from my wife, who is my best friend, and my children and other family who already meet the following, to me a friend is someone I can call at 2 or 3 in the morning; tell him I'm in need and he will come to my aid without even asking for details. He would be someone who, if I got in trouble, would not desert me and would be among the first to be at my side. I would do the same for him. We might get angry with each other but we don't let the anger linger. We have a deep respect for each other, overlook the defects in each other and build each other up. We pray together and for each other. A friends keeps me accountable.
These are not all the requirements of real friendship, and you may have different definitions of what constitutes true friendship , but when I apply these scenarios to those I know it quickly becomes apparent who is a friend sand who is an aquaintance.
Aristotle maintained that there are 3 categories, or tiers, of friends: 1. Business partners 2. People you enjoy being with socially 3. People with whom you pursue virtue or arete. The Christian form of arete is a self-sufficient life of contemplation and wisdom.
During one of our recent wars, (as I remember the story) two army buddies, Jim and Larry, came under enemy fire and ran toward a friendly bunker. Jim made it but didn't realize that Larry had been wounded and had fallen until he heard Larry call for help. Jim immediately started to his aid but the sergeant in charge grabbed Jim and commanded him to remain in the bunker; the enemy fire was so heavy and accurate that Jim would certainly be wounded or killed once he left the safety of the bunker. Jim wrested himself from the sergeant's grip and crawled to his friend. Larry managed a weak smile, grasped his friend's hand and said, "Jim; I knew you would come."
John 15:9, Jesus said to his disciples, "As the Father loved me, I also have loved you; abide in my love"
John 15:13,14: "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you."
John 15:15: "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from the Father I have made known to you."
With these words Jesus drew the disciples into a more intimate relationship with Him. At that point in their spiritual understanding they probably did not realize the importance of what he had said. He would die for them. He loved them with the most complete and deepest possible love: the love of God Himself. He had disclosed His Father's revelation to them of Jesus' identity and His mission: knowledge no one else had. That information could only be shared with friends; not with servants or acquaintances.
Now, by the grace of God, we are more than friends with Jesus. We are children of God and joint heirs with Jesus.
File this under Strange Wills and Last Requests:
Heinrich Heine left all his wordly goods to his wife but with this provision: She must re-marry.
He said he wanted at least one man to be sorry Heinrich died.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
There are a number of instances in U.S. history involving change that have led to protests that produced armed conflict, bloodshed and, in some cases, enduring bitterness.
To mention a few:
The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. A tariff imposed by the government eliminated any profit farmers might make on their sales of grain. The farmers greeted the change with violence against tax collectors.
The Civil War. Slavery states would not embace the changes required under the Emancipation Proclamation. You know what happened after that.
The Bonus Army. In 1932 some 43000 WWl veterans came to Washington, DC. They had been promised a bonus for their service but it was to be paid in 1945. They wanted that date to be changed to 1932. Economic conditions in the country had deteriorated so much that the veterans and their families were in desparate financial straits. They set up a shanty town and prepared to wait for Congress to act in their favor. It didn't happen. President Herbet Hoover ordered federal troops, headed by Douglas McArthur, to drive out the veterans which they did. The troops also set fire to the shanty town. A number of people were killed including two babies.
Change brings uncertainty.
A man had next door neighbors he never visited or spoke to. Yet, when they moved he found that the event made him very uncomfortable. Who would be his new neighbors? Would they be noisy? Would they keep up their property? Would they be black, white, tan, yellow or brown?
From the day we are born we constantly change in one way or another; physically, mentally or morally. We can each recount changes that have taken place in our lives; some minor some momentous; some positive and some negative. Graduations, marriage, having children, careers, financial ups and downs, death of a spouse or parent, illnesess, aging, confronting our own demise and many, many others.
Accelerating changes in technology can be disorienting. They may make us feel we are being left behind and adrift with nothing static that we can hold on to.
An elderly lady made her first airplane trip. Her granddaughter met her at the terminal and asked, "How was the trip, Granny?"
"It was alright I guess, but I didn't let my weight all the way down on the seat."
On what can we confidently let all our weight down? What is there that is permanent in an ever-changing world? What is there that merits our complete trust? What is there that we can hook our anchor to and know that it will never be cut loose?
It's not our bank account, stocks or bonds; it's not our position in society, confidence in other people or our own abilities; most of which can be wiped out or nullified in a moment. Thousands of Americans found that out just recently.
"For I am the Lord, I do not change." Malachi 6:8
"Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock." (Jesus) Matthew 7:24, 25
From time to time I will bring you personally tested recipes from our chef's kitchen. This first one is for the more adventuresome who are looking for new taste sensations.
Potato Chip Sandwich. That's right; potato chips.
2 slices bread of your choice
Real Pimento cheese. (As opposed to fake cheese)
Barbeque flavored potato chips (I use Lay's)
Thin sliced ham or turkey
Spread one slice of bread liberally with cheese
Place 2 layers of chips over cheese
Place meat over chips and cover with remaining slice of bread; press to crush chips
Bon Apetit!
Eat your heart out Julia Child
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Joe Wilson and Acorn
Former president Jimmy Carter has waded into this controversy shooting from the hip as usual. Nobody invited his comments but that didn't stop him. Apparently he was able to read Mr. Wilson's mind and found that Mr. Wilson's remark was inspired by racism. Wilson's son gives a much more favorable view of his father's attitude toward race.
But, thank you, Mr. Carter for pouring gasoline on the fire and giving the demagogues more ammunition. His statement also helps to perpetuate the myth that all white people and only white people are racists. I think Mr. Carter is still trying to somehow make up for his disasterous presidency. This is not the best way.
To his credit, Mr. Wilson apologized saying, in effect, that stress caused him to lose control of his emotions. Really? The only member of Congress under stress?
I'll admit I don't know if Mr. Obama's health plan bill is good. bad or somewhere in between. To really be knowledgable, one would have to read the entire massive document. With all the usual fraud associated with any government program, earmarks and other special interest considerations it contains, the bill might be found to not be about health care at all! It might just be about shoveling money out of the treasury willy nilly. That would be a good joke, wouldn't it?
I understand that ridding Medicare of fraud and waste is supposed to help pay for the new program. My questions are: Why has that not been done already? If the goverment has known all along that fraud and waste are in the program, why has that been allowed to continue?
What do you think?
You may know by now that a man and a woman, pretending to be interested in establishing a brothel, went to the Brooklyn ACORN office for help. A hidden camera recorded the interview and revealed that the workers were more than happy to oblige. They took them thru the process and also advised the pretenders how they could avoid paying income taxes on their brothel business. Is this the first time supported ACORN workers have advised someone how to circumvent laws and avoid taxes? ACORN's president says this episode does not represent the org's activities and purpose and that the staff members involved have been terminated. She says Fox news was behind the scam for the Republican party. Does that imply that what the ACORN staff members did would be OK otherwise?
This is not the first or most notorious scandal involving ACORN. Go to "Scandals at ACORN" on the internet to see how your tax dollars are loosely handed out. There are too many incidents to list here. Nevertheless, they continue to operate with impunity. Could it be that it is to the advantage of one political party?
It's interesting to note that this organization, with offices around the nation, has recieved millions of taxpayer money. The White House spokesman said he "assumed" that how such monies were spent was monitored by the federal agencies that granted them. Baloney. This is pork barrel money. ACORN claims to work for the empowerment of the poor, for immigrants and low to medium income working families of blacks and Latinos. And they get out the vote. For whom, they don't say. But, it doesn't take a genius IQ to figure it out. One only has to see which members of Congress support and protect ACORN. Start with Barney Frank.
Of course, working for the benefit of the poor, etc., for their voting rights, decent housing and health care is a worthwhile cause. I certainly don't resent public monies being spent on helping the helpless and disenfranchised if it is done properly and honestly.
Jesus' deep concern for the poor is very clear in the scriptures and some might see his purposes as being aligned with such orgs as ACORN. However, before that truly happens, ACORN will have to adjust their methods, tactics and agenda to be at a much higher moral and spiritual level. Their current mottos seems to be "The end justifies the means." and "It's none of your business how we spend your money." They don't cut it.
The GOP is trying to cut off funding to ACORN.
Locally, the Christian Information and Service Center and other volunteer aid organizations are ministering to anyone in need regardless of race, creed or color and without government help, political bias or scandal.
(*) Kathleen Parker's column
Friday, September 4, 2009
The President's remarks received polite applause but very few in attendance or those who read an account later in the newspapers had the least idea his short, concise speech would one day be considered the masterpiece it is while the other four speeches would soon be forgotten. As for Lincoln, he thought his address had been a failure and lamented so to an aide.
Consider the last part of the address in light of today's events in our nation:
----"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation , under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth."
Of, by, and for, the people. Hmm. I wonder what Mr. Lincoln would think of our government today? It's beginning to look more like government of, by, and for, the government.
Mr. Lincoln also had this to say: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
From: Sun Tzu "Art of War"
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but do not know the enemy, for every victory you gain you will lose a battle."
"There is no instance of a country benefiting from prolonged warfare."
So far this gross error in judgment has cost 4327 American dead, 31,483 wounded, untold numbers of veterans returning home with psychological problems, families suffering from the loss of sons, daughters, husbands and wives and billions of dollars for which the public will never get a full accounting. Billions that could have been used at home and abroad for schools, food, infrastructure and hundreds of other worthwhile projects. Add the loss of stature for The U.S. around the world and the bill is staggering. That's some but not all on the debit side.
So, for the suffering and misery,waste and human loss what has been gained?
If you know of anything, please let me know. But, for my part, I can't see a single positive thing has been accomplished.
Afghanistan? More of the same. In addition, military power has been trumped by tenacity and terrain.
Again the first rule of war was ignored and so far the results prove it.
In 1919, after 3 Anglo-Afghan wars, Afghanistan won its independence from England. In one of those wars an entire British army group, except for one survivor, was slaughtered by the Afghans. Ask the Russians what it's like to fight in that country.
It may be politically naive of me to suggest it but I believe the U.S. should immediately withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan unless Mr. Obama can lay out in simple, honest terms exactly why it is absolutely necessary for our troops to remain. So far, in two administrations, we have been fed nothing but pap.
My security does not depend on wordly might. Zechariah 4:6: "Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty."
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This and That
When he was a child, a friend of mine attended a country church. He said whenever someone joined the church on profession of faith a member, a little old lady, would literally dance down the aisle. I wish I could have been there.
Jesus said, "There is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner which repents than in 99 just persons which need no repentance." The dear lady in the small church was reflecting the joy resounding in heaven. Joy in the Lord is not often expressed so exuberantly as in dancing but it is nothing new.
See 2Samuel 6:16, in part: "---Michal, Saul's daughter, watched from a window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord---") Michal was filled with contempt for David, not because he was leaping and dancing but because she did not share his love of God.
Personally, I have no objection if church members hang from the rafters, run, leap, dance, shout or do hand springs, if their actions are truly motivated by joy in the Lord. That's a big if. How would I evaluate? Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
I've been present at a many joyful worship services in various places. They take place every Sunday in our contemporary service. Others have been in prisons where I was sometimes privileged to speak. Another was in a barn with 50 or so other believers, singing in the Spirit. Some were during lay-led weekend programs; others were in homes, halls, churches, hotel ballrooms, stadiums, etc. and not limited to Sunday. The setting doesn't matter either. "Where two or three are gathered in My name there I am in the midst of them."
In 2007 a pastor was invited to speak to a group of war veterans in an east coast city. During his sermon he noticed a man standing in the back of the room, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. The attitude of his posture seemed to say, "Convince me if you think you can!"
After the service the pastor approached the man who said, "OK, preacher. You got me."
"What does that mean?" the pastor asked
"It means I'm tired of hating and I want Jesus in my life." Then the man said, "Hold out your hand."
The pastor did as he was requested and the man dropped a crudely-made bracelet in his hand. It appeared to be bits of ivory strung together. "What's this?"asked the pastor.
"Teeth," the man answered. "The teeth of men I killed in Vietnam. They killed my buddies and I killed them."
The Vietnam war had been over for nearly 40 years and for all that time this man had been carrying a burden of intense hatred. Now, under the prompting of the Holy Spirit, he was ready to surrender it to Jesus. He was finally convinced that there was only one cure for the corrosive effects of hate.
"Come to me all of you who labor and are carrying a heavy load of stuff and I'll give you rest."
Jesus is the garbage man. "Give me the garbage in your life in your life and I'll give you peace and rest for your soul."
P.S. From the sublime to the ridiculous:
In 1916, then President Howard Taft, et al, eased the income tax into law. Not to worry, soothed the Prez; the tax would be applied only to those who earned the stratospheric incomes of the Rich. At that, the tax would be only 1% for those earning $250,000 (sound familiar?) in today's dollars and topping out at 7% for the fortunate few making $6 million.
In 2006 there were 136 million tax returns. Out of that figure 43.4 million returns had no tax liability. Add to that 15 million households and individuals who did not file tax returns. None. Zip. Nada. So, 41%, or about 121 million, of U.S. citizens don't have to worry about taxes. That leaves 59% of us to pay the bills
This is not a rant against those who don't pay taxes. It's about the unreliability of government promises and leads to the question of how the programs proposed by Mr. Obama are going to be paid for. As resourceful as he may appear, he cannot repeal or override the laws of economics. His promise that there would be no new taxes is pure fairy dust.
One of these days our banker, China, may cash in all their chips (U.S. government bonds) and the American dollar will be worth less than toilet paper.
PPS I am indebted to Walter Williams column for the figures quoted above. He in turn credited a Washington firm: Tax Foundation
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sock It To Me
This will not make the front page, nor should it. Jesus said, "When you do your good works, do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. Your Father, who sees in secret will reward you openly."
Like most of Jesus' teaching this is contrary to human nature. We want the acclaim of others. Even if we should do some good work in secret, don't we secretly hope we will be found out? But Jesus knew that our pride in being recognized by our fellows cannot begin to compare to the joy of God's reward. Man's recognition brings ego inflation but like some drugs the effects are short-lived whereas God's commendation brings lasting and satisfying joy.
If you have plenty of socks, give thanks to God. And be reminded that there are those of our brothers and sisters who lack most of the things we take for granted. In our community more than 75% of children are on the school lunch plan. For some this is the only decent daily meal they get.
Isn't there something askew in the scheme of things? Hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars have been used to bail out the financial industry while also allowing a small segment of our population to continue to enjoy their lavish life style. In the meantime, children are going hungry and families are going without the basic necessities. I know: I know. The bail-out was necessary to keep the economy from going into the tank. It was necessary even if all of the money can't be accounted for due to lax oversight, waste, fraud and corruption.
The poor are trundled out onstage when they serve a political purpose and quickly abandoned
until the next time they can be useful. Unfortunately we cannot depend on government 'one size fits all' programs to completely solve the poverty situation, no matter how well intended. It's not a matter of cynicism to point out that Congress and bureaucrats are disconnected from the street-level realities of life.
So; what? Do I just moan and complain? Do I only point out the obvious difficulties, go on about my business and tell the poor to suck it up and do the best they can? Not if I claim to be a follower of Christ. His concern for the poor is obvious in what he said and in his ministry to them. I believe Jesus has called on us to live modestly and to share out of what has been given to us.
Think about it when you pull your socks on in the morning.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
84 and Still Learning
I am not in denial about my age, I just don't concentrate on it. I take the days as they come and decide what is ,and is not, important. We all have just so much energy and it shouldn't be wasted on things like anger and regrets, envy and worry. All of these are useful to Satan to mess up our lives. Jesus spoke about how we can overcome these negative emotions and reactions by completely relying on Him.
Anger consumes huge amounts of energy and adversely affects our health. There are few things in life worth our anger. There is a difference between anger and irritation. I aadmit there are people whose habits grate on my nerves. I try not to be one of them. But when I am with a person who I find irritating I try to remember how irritating I must be to God because of my many faults. It makes it much easier to abide the other person's company.
When confronted with the temptation of becoming angry, think: Is this worth what it is going to cost me in terms of my health? Will I escalate danger to myself or others? Will I alienate some person or group?
Actually, these and myriad other questions should already have been answered long before situations arise so we only have to ask ourselves, "Is it worth it?" The answer is usually a resounding NO. Yes, Jesus got angry on ocassion but study the situations and see what brought on his righteous anger
The aftermath of anger is mostly taken up with regrets about our actions. Regrets are useful only if we learn from them, repent of our mistakes and then move on. If we set up camp among regrets we will find they are distasteful companions and it will turn out to be a miserable existence. Unfortunately, too many hold onto and mourn over regrets for a lifetime
Worry is a killer. It kills joy, wastes time and inhibits positive production in our lives. Worry conjures up worst case scenarios. The more we worry the worse become the scenarios until it seems screenwriters for Hokeywood horror films must worry a lot. When I am tempted to worry, I think, "Is there something I can do to remedy this situation right now?" If the answer is Yes, I do what needs to be done. If the answer is No, I put it out of my mind. If it later turns out to be something I can still do nothing about, I give it to God. If someone tells me they are worrying about something I ask, "If it helps, please tell me." It never has because worrying has never changed any situation.
Our first defense is faith in Christ; faith that says, "No matter what happens, Christ will be with us." We put our faith in action with prayer. Very useful is a positive attitude which includes a sense of humor. It keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously.
Although Christ has laid out all of this in his Word, it has taken me many years to realize its practicality and to absorb what I've written above. I would like to say I've followed and enjoyed the benefits of these principles 100%. I have not because of my own faults (stupidity). However, I can say when I have followed these principles I find they work 100% of the time and usually in unexpected ways.
Try them for a day and really put them in practice. Then a few more days. Then a week, then: always. Don't wait til you're 84, although that's not too late to start.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Among aborgines this practice, in some form, has existed for centuries as practical and necessary. When members of a tribe could no longer provide for themselves they were sent off into the jungle, desert or into the frozen wasteland to die. There was simply no back-up plan.
Will we someday come full circle?
In my opinion our country is still 25 to 50 years away from from government-paid voluntary euthanasia followed in a few years by mandatory euthanasia. It may happen sooner. Far-fetched?
In countries like England, Canada, Sweden, etc. where some health care is rationed, people die waiting for the treatment they need. It's not called euthanasia but the effect is the same.
The U.S. has a chronic shortage of general practice doctors and nurses. Med school grads are opting for high-paying specialties. Those who do enter GP shun rural areas for monetary reasons. In order to get more GPs in rural areas the govt. will have to supplement their income.
We have before us a health bill put together by a sausage-making Congress, the AMA, pharma companies, medical equipt. manufacturers, unions and who knows who else, none of whom wants their ox to be gored. A bill was introduced that would would have required all members of the House to sign a statement that they had read the entire health bill. Are you surprised to learn that this bill was soundly defeated ?
Another bill would have required all members of Congress to sign up for their health insurance under the new health bill. Again, soundly defeated. Not good enough for Congress but O.K. for Mr. And Mrs. Tax Payer! Is this not the epitome of arrogance and disregard for their constituents?
I correctly predicted the implosion of the Republicans in the last election. I'm not ready to count the Democrats out but they are hell-bent on the same path. They seem to have no regard for the people they are sworn to represent. They have their agenda and bygod nobody is going to change it. This is not the "change" the electorate so passionately yearned for.
Are you listening, Mr. President?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Be Prepared
So it is with life. To some degree, all of us are hiding behind a facade. Maybe, when things are going well, we project an image of strength; of "having it all together." Regardless of our image, crises will ultimately reveal who we really are. What has been, or will be, our reaction to bad news; to emergency situations; to temptation; to our doctor's determination that our death is imminent? Will our relationship to Christ prove to be real? Will the "peace that passes understanding" well up or will panic and dispair overwhelm us? Can we say with Paul,"To live is Christ; to die is gain" and mean it?
If we knew that a violent storm was headed toward us and certain to strike us there is little doubt that we would prepare to withstand it. It would be foolish to say,"I'm too busy now. I'll deal with it later." We shall all certainly face spiritual storms. There is no escape. Doesn't it make sense to prepare ourselves spiritually now instead of when the storm is at our doorstep?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
In Spirit and in Truth
Jesus said to him (Thomas), "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 New KJV
"God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24 New KJV
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." Hebrews 11:6 New KJV
Weren't the Jews worshipping God properly? They were dutifully following the Mosaic law with all its rituals and sacrifices. The Temple and the law were central to their daily lives. The Sabbath was kept holy and anyone caught doing something on that day that could be interpreted as work was severely punished. The Pharisees were tithing right down to 10% of the produce in their herb gardens. A non-Jewish observer would surely be impressed with the Jews religiosity and dedication.
Yet Jesus saw their worship as hollow. The Jews failed to recognize him as the messiah they claim they were expecting. They didn't realize that it was necessary for them to accept Jesus as the Christ before they would be acceptable to God. Only then would their worship be real.
Jesus knew that there was far more interest among the Jews in following rules and in tradition and ritualistic displays than in things of the spirit. Could there be a message in that for us? Of course. Jesus' words are eternal. Taking part in the familiar rituals and order of worship; being in church at a certain hour; sitting in the same pew year after year; all may be comforting and enable us to leave the service feeling we have done our duty and filled with the warm fuzzies.
A church service is not to be measured by what we got out of it but rather by what we have given. In other words, it is not about us. It is about God. Unless our worship is based on the truth of who Christ is (as related to Thomas), and the help of the Holy Spirit we might as well be at a lecture on how to be good. Our worship is to be spiritual and real. Is it? Everyone must answer that question for themselves.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What's the Motivation?
A young woman was asked who she thought originated the expression. She replied,"I don't know but I know it's true. Every time I do a good deed for someone I get a parking ticket. I finally figured out I can't afford to do good deeds."
My wife, LaNell, (who never met a volunteer job she didn't like) was asked by our associate pastor to raise funds for, and to help administer, a prayer pager ministry in our church. People who are in the hospital or ill at home, upon request, are provided a prayer pager that alerts them that someone is praying for them. The ministry has been a source of comfort to many, knowing that they are being remembered in prayer.
A worthwhile, meaningful and spiritually-rewarding ministry. The 'punishment', (to complete Wilde's aphorism) has come in the form of some undeserved criticism and complaints. This has not dissuaded LaNell in the least and she has no intention of giving up her part of the ministry.
With the best of intentions, a young and inexperienced minister decided to publish, in the church newsletter, the names of all members of his congregation who helped in the church vacation bible school. Alas, the name of one woman had been mistakenly omitted. The woman wrote the minister and let him know she was severely offended because she had supplied Kool Aid for the bible school and her name was not included in the newsletter.
Mother Teresa is known world-wide for her charity. She and her nuns worked with the disenfranchised, those in the deepest poverty and at the extreme edges of society; the sick, the dying and the dead whom they gathered up off the streets of Calcutta; those that no other group or individual would touch. Yet her motives were sometimes questioned and she and her organization had to endure much critisism from individuals and government entities. Her response? "No matter who says what, you should accept it with a smile and do your own work."
If we are going to do a good deed for others it best to do it out of heart-felt desire to serve God and without thought of reward or recognition. Otherwise, there will be nothing but hurt feelings and disappointment. Are we willing to be overlooked when we "furnish Kool Aid" and not expect to see our name in print or get a round of applause?
If the "parking fines" begin to add up will we press on?
If we are hit with undeserved criticism and complaints are we willing to "accept, smile and do our own work?"
Jesus said,"Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise, you have no reward from your Father in heaven. Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.
But, when you do a charitable deed, do not not let your left hand know what you right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly." Matthew 6:1-4 New KJV
Thursday, July 16, 2009
"I walk slowly, but I do not walk back." Abraham Lincoln concerning his resolve to uphold the Emancipation Proclamati0n.
As the time drew near for his return to heaven, he (Jesus) moved steadily onward toward Jerusalem with an iron will. Luke 9:51 Life Application Bible
These are stirring words. Contrast them with this story:
Before retiring one evening, a man told his wife he planned to start walking for exercise the next morning before dawn. When the wife awoke after sunrise, her husband was still asleep.
She shook him awake and asked,"Why aren't you walking?"
He replied,"I wanted to but my toes voted against me ten to one."
The Pilgrim; Lincoln; Jesus. They had different goals but they had one essential thing in common: Rock-solid Determination to reach their goal. Their destination was always before them and, no matter what, they refused to let obstacles deter them. They would not settle for half a loaf. Jesus was Son of Man as well as Son of God and the temptations to quit the journey or take the easy way must have presented themselves to him. But he knew that whatever hardships he might go through, the reward would make it all worthwhile.
".....looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2, The New KJV
Occasionally my wife will tell me I am a 'godly man' or a 'good man.' Each time the compliments literally make me cringe and I firmly tell her I am neither godly nor good. I remind her that Jesus said, "There is none good but God." I am much more like the man who let his toes tell him what he could do.
The truth is, I struggle every day to keep my eyes on Jesus. My faith is weak. But I have learned not to have faith in my faith but to have faith in Christ's faith. I believe my struggles are in common with all who have set their foot on the path to follow Jesus. It is a sign both that we are never going to quit and of our unchanging confidence that Jesus is our Savior.
In our determined walk with Jesus we may walk slowly, but we do not walk back.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Where Some Seeds Fell
Thirty years ago or so, I'd heard that a fellow architect from a distant town had joyfully accepted Christ about a year previously. When I saw him at a meeting I asked, "How are you and Jesus getting along?" Very gruffly he replied, "I don't have time for that Mickey Mouse stuff!" I was taken aback by his reply but I said, "Someday you will have time." He turned his back on me and walked away.
What had happened? Had someone mocked his new found faith? Did he have second thoughts after the initial enthusiasm wore off? In any case the seed had fallen on a rock. It sprang up and it withered away.
A young man in our Sunday school class usually voiced a number of questions in each session. I invited him to lunch so we could talk one on one. He met each of the answers to his questions with, "Yes; but..." Throughout our conversation he resisted the gospel message with the same retort. In his profession and in his thinking only what he regarded as scientific facts were believeable. 1Cor. 2:14 "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him. nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
This young man trampled down the seed. The Spirit could not overcome his intellectual defenses.
Our office was housed in the corporate headquarters building of a chain of discount stores. I knew the president of the corporation (I'll call him 'Bob') only because we attended the same church. One evening we were leaving the building at the same time and I was impressed to invite Bob to a Bible study in my home. He thanked me and said he would ask his wife. (As I write this I am filled again with awe at the workings of the Holy Spirit) His wife (I'll call her 'Ann') said later, "I don't know why I agreed to go to the Bible study. At the time, I was interested only in golf, bridge and cocktails at the country club."
Bob and Ann decided to attend the study. Their knowledge of the bible was sketchy at best but they absorbed the Word quickly. When they heard the message of salvation they eagerly accepted Christ. Their lives changed completely. Eventually Bob was ordained and led hundreds to Christ through a prison ministry.
The seed fell on good ground "and yielded a crop a hundredfold."
All praise, glory and honor to our Father, God and his only Son, Jesus
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Currently, that attention is riveted on the death of Michael Jackson. The cup of the news media is filled to overflowing with copy concerning every detail of his life and death that can be uncovered and then churned endlessly on tv. Farrah Fawcett Majors had the misfortune to die at about the same time as Mr. Jackson and lost any chance of being front page news. Not that she cares.
I'm not qualified to either praise or or decry the life of Mr. Jackson. He may have been a kind, generous and decent man who only wanted to do good for others. I hope so. I know very little about him except that he was a mortal just like the rest of us. No amount of fame, money, power or influence can make any of us immune to physical death and, as often happens, at a very inconvenient time. No sermon necessary here. If one subscribes to the "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die" philosophy the sermon would be ignored. If one is "in Christ," the matter is already settled.
What prompts the huge outpouring of grief at the passing of celebrities? What motivates Elvis fans to make annual 'pilgrimages' to Graceland where they burn candles and offer flower tributes to the "King?" Similar pilgrimages to Neverland are a certainty as soon as they can be arranged. I'm not criticizing the fans of Jackson or Elvis. It's none of my business what people decide to do with their time, money, energy and emotions. Apparently, adoration of these celebrities fills some need in the lives of their admirers. Any character defects in their idols are completely overlooked and/or forgiven. Considered larger than life they are not constrained by ordinary standards that apply to the rest of us. They are called 'idols' for a reason. For many, they will be remembered and looked upon with reverence usually reserved for Saints.
The exploitation of Elvis' name and fame is a clear indication of what lies ahead for the fame and name of Mr. Jackson. Already the vultures are circling. Some have landed. Various individuals and groups will vy for the spoils. Hangers-on will scramble for the crumbs. Publicity-lusting 'reverends' have worked the situation for all they can get. (The latest news is that a will has been located and all of M.J.'s assets are to go into a foundation. Bravo!) Previously, an estate attorney said that establishing who will control Jackson's estate will be "very messy." Wills can be contested. But it's obvious that whoever ends up with control will be operating a money machine.
R.I.P., Michael.
In an interview, John Lennon of the Beatles, flush with new-found fame, declared, " Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. We're more popular than Jesus now." He went on to say that Jesus was all right but his disciples were 'thick' and they ruined it (Christianity) for him. He wasn't sure whether rock and roll or Christianity would go first. As it turned out, Lennon went first.
His remarks were off the cuff and he probably didn't mean to insult Christianity. There is a word of caution in what Lennon said in that as current disciples of Jesus we must be very careful not to "ruin" Christianity for others.
Even 'idols' have idols. Elvis' idol was WWll General Douglas McArthur
Elvis volunteered to be an FBI agent
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What Does the Bible Say?
Adultery is a sin. Yet, though David committed adultery and then schemed the death of the unfortunate husband, David was said to be a man after God's own heart. Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in the act of adultery. Killing is a sin. But Paul, before his encounter with Jesus, caused the death of many Christians. Stealing is a sin. Yet, on the cross Jesus promised a thief he would join Jesus in Paradise that very day.
What's going on here? This can be very perplexing. Do these events imply that God allows sin if it's for a good cause? No way. God does not gloss over sin nor does he excuse it. David repented, was forgiven but he suffered the effects of his sin. In the Old Testament days faith in God was counted as righteousness. In spite of his faults, David was a man of faith.
In the crowds that Jesus preached to and the individuals he healed, were there not those who were sinners of every stripe? Of course there were. Yet, he did not call out individuals or groups and say to them, "You go home. My message of salvation is not for you. I don't approve of your lifestyle so get out of my sight. Salvation is only for certain people and you're not among them." No, thank God, he didn't say that. Instead he said,"For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:56)
Paul had much to say about sexual sin: Romans 1:26-27; 1Cor. 6:9, 1Tim. 1:10. Does this mean the church should wage war against homosexuals? Does it mean that these men and women are forever outside the grace and love of God? That is not the kind of God revealed to me in Christ. Without dismissing God's word or giving approval to their lifestyle we are called to love our neighbors.
During an argument early in our marriage, my first wife told me," I love you but I don't like you." I was baffled by her statement. How was it possible to love someone without liking them? It was not until I became a Christian years later that I fully understood what she was saying.
It's been said that Jesus came to save the least, the lost and the losers. I believe that at the time Jesus saved me I fit into each of those categories. Remembering how much God has forgiven in my life I am not willing that the joy of salvation be denied to anyone.
This is an emotionally-charged subject. I have been present when the subject of homosexuality was brought up and Christian friends all but frothed at the mouth in anger. I don't expect my viewpoint to be popular and I may lose some of the few readers of this blog. So be it. There is a saying,"Beware when all men think well of you."
Suggested reading: "20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid To Touch" by Tony Campolo
Ghandi used what he learned in Chapters 5-7 of Matthew for his non-violent response to the oppressive British rule of India.
Prince Charles of England has a valet to squeeze toothpaste on the prince's toothbrush.
Congress is not supposed to be involved in the management of GM (Government Motors ?). GM had scheduled one of their parts plants to shut down. This plant is in Congessman Barney Frank's state. He personally countermanded GM's order and the plant is to remain open for another 14 months. GM could become like Amtrak which Congress apparently treats like their personal toy train set. Now they have a car company to meddle with.
Congress recently (and very quietly) voted itself additional money for staff and office expenses.
Monday, June 15, 2009
What Does the Bible Say?
Every now and then, we read that the Ten Commandments, carved in stone, cast in metal or otherwise displayed, are removed from some courthouse or other government building. Inevitably a hue and cry of objection is raised by a preacher or group of Christians who noisily gather at the site and grimly predict that the action will surely be the ruination of our country. Not.
For one thing, I would wager that most people of the community were not aware the Commandments were in the courthouse until they found that they were to be removed. Secondly, how many children or unbelievers or others do you suppose were actually influenced by the displayed silent scriptures?
More importantly, the government at any level is not and should not be engaged in the promotion of any religion. That is constitutionally decreed (First Amendment). It is unwise for Christians to rise against that in protest. They mistakenly assume that, if the amendment is abolished, the government would favor Christianity. But, adherents to other religions: Muslims, Bhuddists, Hindus, etc., would demand their rights to promote their beliefs.
What does the Bible say about where the Ten Commandments are to be placed?
"But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel: After those days , says the Lord, I will put My law in their in their minds, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they will be My people." Christians are included.
Next on the list (not necessarily in order of importance) of hackle-raising complaints is the subject of prayer in school. I've heard that the downward spiral of morals in our country began, "when God ( i.e. prayer) was taken out of our schools." Prayer in school is not expressly forbidden by the constitution. Mandatory prayers provided by the school administration or teachers are forbidden because that is viewed by the courts as being contrary to the first amendment. Various groups of Catholics, Mormons, Baptists, people of other faiths and athiests have all objected to prayer in school.
Within limitations, students may pray aloud in school. Nothing can prevent them from praying silently. God cannot be taken out of the schools or anyplace else. He is omnipresent and soveriegn.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My Journey to the Son Part 7
I have no doubt who saved me. It was Jesus. Church membership couldn't; the preacher couldn't; the denomination couldn't; my parents couldn't; my bloodline couldn't; my good works couldn't and my (futile) attempts to obey the Ten Commandments couldn't. Only Jesus could and did. The idea that church membership and/or being a good person makes one a Christian is a deception of the Devil. "I am the way, the truth and the life," Jesus said, " no man comes unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6. That's it. Period. And it is plain enough. There's no back door; no wiggle room; no substitute; no detour around it and no alternate route. There is no other way to God.
It sounds nobly tolerant to say there are many ways to get to God and that one faith is as valid as another. But people who say such things are actually saying they don't believe in anything. Peter said, "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved" Acts 4:12. Nothing else and no one else but Jesus and only Jesus can make us right with God. If anyone disagrees, I would say to them: tell Jesus. Tell God. Tell the Holy Spirit. Just don't bother telling me because I will never change my mind. This n0t how I verbally witness to non-believers. Standing on this Rock is done inwardly in my spirit. My unshakable faith in Christ is not an excuse for me to back someone in a corner, get nose to nose and bludgeon them with scripture and threats of damnation. Nor do -I have the right to believe or to act like I am spiritually superior to anyone or to have a "holier than thou" attitude. One of the major characteristics of Jesus was his humility. Shouldn't it be one of ours?
It took me awhile to understand that if I was to witness effectively, my own enthusiasm and powers of persuasion were not enough; that people are not argued or frightened into the Kingdom; that there must be evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in my life and that the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts and convinces people of their need for Christ.
It was the Spirit's revelation of God's love for me that caused the Sonrise in my soul.
"The Lord came to us from far away, saying "I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. So I have helped you come to me with loving-kindness." Jeremaiah 31:3
My wife and I didn't know all this when we resumed our daily routines on the Monday morning after the Lay Witness weekend. We only knew we had been changed. Now it was time to show it in our lives, beginning with our three children all of whom were still at home. Before they left for school I said, "I want to pray for you." Their expressions seem to say, What happened to you, Dad?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Journey to the Son Part 6
The rest of what transpired in that classroom is mostly a blur in my memory. Except for the end of the session. The leader said , "Let's stand for prayer." We stood. "Now," she said, "Hold hands with the persons next to you." Yech! I was standing between two men. At the time, the thought of holding hands with men made me very uneasy. But, if that's what it took to finally get out of the situation I'd do it. Reluctantly, I did as instructed and survived the hand-holding. Our group dispersed and I left with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts roaring in my mind.
One night, a few months before the mission weekend, after all my family had retired, I went outdoors and looked up into the night sky. "God," I implored, "if you are real, where are you?" I listened. No answer. Hmm. Maybe God only talked to people good enough to talk to him. Maybe there was some churchy thing I had to do first; some ritual to perform. Maybe I needed to get my act cleaned up. Just wanting to talk to him didn't seem to be enough. I continued to listen but only the crickets answered. Or so I thought. Dejected, I trudged back into the house and to a night of fitful sleep.
We cannot begin to comprehend how much God loves us; how much he wants to "gather us under his wings like a hen gathers her chicks." I knew nothing about his grace. At that moment I had no inkling that God had already set events in motion that would bring me and my wife under his wings. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
During the night something stirred and awakened in me. The next morning I no longer felt threatened by anything that might happen in the rest of the meetings. With each of the remaining meetings I felt peace expanding in me. It looks like this could be what I've been searching for. These laymen have simplified things and concepts that I've puzzled over for years. They said that Christ loves me just the way I am. He knows my name; knows where I live and that he died for me.
On Sunday morning my wife and I walked the aisle and knelt at the altar rail. I had not cried since I was a little boy but, as I knelt, tears of joy began to wash away years of pent up anger, resentment and doubts. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
Next week: Life changes
Agape to all,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
My Journey to the Son Part 5
We were like the disciples Paul encountered at Ephesus. When he asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" They answered, "No. We don't know what you mean. We haven't even heard there is a Holy Spirit." (Remember that incident. I'll refer to it again in later blogs.) There are many in the church today who might respond to Paul's question in a similar way.
Our ignorance did not prevent the Spirit from operating in the team of lay people who came to our church the fateful weekend that would totally change our lives. I had no intention of attending that weekend event. But something happened that some might consider coincidence. My brother, Dick, called to say he and his wife Delia, would be coming from Houston as members of the team. As a matter of courtesy, I invited them to stay in our home. When they arrived I agreed to go to the first session on Friday night and then planned to find some excuse to skip the rest of the meetings.
On Friday night my brother and his wife had to go early for a team meeting and Nita and I rode along with them. There were three or four people present when we entered the fellowship hall but my gaze was drawn to one person, a stranger, seated at the far end of the hall. When he saw us, he grinned, leaped from his chair and quickly walked.....almost where I stood. He grabbed my hand, pumped it vigorously and, with great enthusiasm, said, "God loves you and I love you too!"
I was shocked and repulsed.. What could make a supposedly sane person act in such a bizarre way? How weird, I thought. He loves me? Ridiculous. He doesn't even know me. After he released his his grip my first reaction was to go back to the safety of my home before this 'fanatic' had a chance to hug me or do something equally repugnant and embarrassing. But, I didn't leave. Thank God.
After the crowd arrived the session began with dinner. Following dinner visiting team members were called on to each bring a short testimony. One of those was my brother. Coincidence again? I thought I knew all about my brother but as he spoke I could see something new in him as he related how Christ had changed his life. Those that followed my brother also testified about the difference Christ had made in them. Although still a bit skeptical, how could I disagree with them? I didn't have a spiritual leg to stand on. In spite of lingering resistance, I found myself becoming more and more interested in what they had to say.
Hmm, I thought. Maybe there's something to this after all. Think I'll stick around.