Come close. I have a quiet confession to make. I like fruitcake. There; I've said it. I realize I'm in the minority but count me among those who actually eat the stuff. Sure, most of the fruit-filled delight probably ends ingloriously as door stops or anchors or boat ballast, but, whenever possible, I rescue it before those fates befall it. You may find it easier to understand my appetite for this much maligned delicacy when I tell you I also like........brussel sprouts.
The myth that there is really only one fruitcake in the world that is passed around continuously, year after year; that myth, I say, is no longer true because I intercepted that cake long ago. So, if you received an unwelcome fruitcake this Christmas ( or last), send it on to me and I will see to it that it is not wasted but waisted.
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Let me tell you about my friend, Mac, a good 'ol country boy; 6 feet, 1 inch tall and 225 lbs of good nature. He is one of those rare people with no pretense about him; what you see is what you get. If you don't want a truthful opinion, then don't ask him because he will deliver exactly what he thinks. You will not have to guess about or interpret what he says. He is ordinarily kind, tender-hearted, polite and generous but, as we say in Texas, he's not to be messed with.
Most Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m., I am privileged to gather together with Mac and Charles, another friend, at my home for prayer. I love to listen to Mac and Charles pray. Mac's prayers are lifted up in true east Texas english. He claims he doesn't speak well but in his own way his words are more eloquent than any high church petitions I've ever heard. I don't want to leave the impression that he is some kind of country bumpkin. Far from it. He is college educated, intelligent and before retiring had a successful business he built from scratch. Above all he seeks to be a man of God.
As children of God we are all unique; it just happens that Mac is a little uniquer.
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What are your thoughts this Christmas? Do you ever wonder what Jesus would make of the way we generally celebrate his birthday? What gift can we give to Him in exchange for the priceless gift of salvation?
"You don't want sacrifice; if you did, how gladly I would do it! You aren't interested in offerings burned before you on the altar. It is a broken spirit you want--remorse and penitence. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not ignore." Psalm 51:17 LB
God bless you and yours. Happy birthday Jesus.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Polls and Things
A recent poll showed that 76% of Americans claim they are Christians. Hm. I wonder what criterion the respondents used as the basis for their answers? I was reminded of a similar poll taken some years ago in which a movie producer said he was a Christian because he was born in America which is, he said, a Christian nation. No; neither does being "good" or belonging to and/or attending church, automatically qualify someone to call themselves Christian.
"For I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live. Yet, not I but Christ liveth in me, for the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20. This is Paul's confession of his bond with Christ. The very Spirit of Christ inhabits his innermost being. And, if we have accepted Christ as our savior, He lives in our innermost being also.
In the poll some respondents who claim to be Christian also said they believe in ghosts, some have had conversations with ghosts and others are mistakenly trying to blend New Age beliefs with their Christianity. Following are some of those beliefs:
That astrology is a method of foretelling the future
That crystals are a source of healing or energizing power
That tarot cards are a reliable base for life decisions
That God is "a state of higher consciousness that a person may reach"
That each person is God
That God can be defined as "the total realization of personal, human potential"
In these New Age beliefs, emphasis is on the creature rather than the Creator. All these beliefs are contradicted by God's word and most are expressly forbidden. The attempt to add them to Christianity may be a matter of "just in case" and "covering all the bases." Instead it only denies the power and person of God. King Saul did not get the answer he wanted from God so he consulted the Witch of Endor and suffered the disasterous results.
If a person is involved in authentic Christianity they know, as the old hymn states: "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand." Christ is The Source for Christians and is sufficient for all our needs. Nothing else is needed for us to be complete. And we clearly identify with Paul's confession of Galatians 2:20, sometimes referred to as the "220 hook-up."
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According to a recent newspaper article, Johnny Depp, temporarily a movie idol, stated he 'admired' John Dillinger, a gangster of the 1930's. (The fact that Dillinger was a a cold-blooded killer was not mentioned.) Depp said that Dillinger was "brave and charasmatic." Mr. Depp may be wallowing in that slop because he intends to make a movie about brave Mr. Dillinger.
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, orchestrator of the September 11th attacks, has remained alive for 8 years since being jailed. Need I point out that the victims of those Islam-fueled, murderous attacks have now been dead for those same 8 years? The victims have been denied those years while Mr. Mohammed has been fed, clothed, housed and had his medical needs attended to by the U.S. which includes, by extension and ironically, the victims families and survivors of September 11. I'm not clamoring for Mr. Mohammed's blood; I just would like to know why it is taking so long for justice to be served. More political correctness by an administration that doesn't seem to know what to do? Don't expect a speedy trial once it begins. The trial and appeals can add many more years to this travesty.
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President Obama apparently has taken his administrative cue from President Roosevelt's example. However there are differences both in conditions and style. Roosevelt had the full cooperation of Wall Street and Main Street and (almost dictatorial) war time powers. In 1933, oil prices hovered around 4 cents a barrel; No bank was considered too big to fail. Roosevelt also cut government salaries by $100 million; government and veteran pensions were reduced. Congress and the vice-president had their salaries cut by 15%. They may say they feel our pain but this current congress will not have their salaries reduced. The federal government is not only hiring many new workers but it is also increasing government salaries.
"For I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live. Yet, not I but Christ liveth in me, for the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20. This is Paul's confession of his bond with Christ. The very Spirit of Christ inhabits his innermost being. And, if we have accepted Christ as our savior, He lives in our innermost being also.
In the poll some respondents who claim to be Christian also said they believe in ghosts, some have had conversations with ghosts and others are mistakenly trying to blend New Age beliefs with their Christianity. Following are some of those beliefs:
That astrology is a method of foretelling the future
That crystals are a source of healing or energizing power
That tarot cards are a reliable base for life decisions
That God is "a state of higher consciousness that a person may reach"
That each person is God
That God can be defined as "the total realization of personal, human potential"
In these New Age beliefs, emphasis is on the creature rather than the Creator. All these beliefs are contradicted by God's word and most are expressly forbidden. The attempt to add them to Christianity may be a matter of "just in case" and "covering all the bases." Instead it only denies the power and person of God. King Saul did not get the answer he wanted from God so he consulted the Witch of Endor and suffered the disasterous results.
If a person is involved in authentic Christianity they know, as the old hymn states: "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand." Christ is The Source for Christians and is sufficient for all our needs. Nothing else is needed for us to be complete. And we clearly identify with Paul's confession of Galatians 2:20, sometimes referred to as the "220 hook-up."
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According to a recent newspaper article, Johnny Depp, temporarily a movie idol, stated he 'admired' John Dillinger, a gangster of the 1930's. (The fact that Dillinger was a a cold-blooded killer was not mentioned.) Depp said that Dillinger was "brave and charasmatic." Mr. Depp may be wallowing in that slop because he intends to make a movie about brave Mr. Dillinger.
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, orchestrator of the September 11th attacks, has remained alive for 8 years since being jailed. Need I point out that the victims of those Islam-fueled, murderous attacks have now been dead for those same 8 years? The victims have been denied those years while Mr. Mohammed has been fed, clothed, housed and had his medical needs attended to by the U.S. which includes, by extension and ironically, the victims families and survivors of September 11. I'm not clamoring for Mr. Mohammed's blood; I just would like to know why it is taking so long for justice to be served. More political correctness by an administration that doesn't seem to know what to do? Don't expect a speedy trial once it begins. The trial and appeals can add many more years to this travesty.
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President Obama apparently has taken his administrative cue from President Roosevelt's example. However there are differences both in conditions and style. Roosevelt had the full cooperation of Wall Street and Main Street and (almost dictatorial) war time powers. In 1933, oil prices hovered around 4 cents a barrel; No bank was considered too big to fail. Roosevelt also cut government salaries by $100 million; government and veteran pensions were reduced. Congress and the vice-president had their salaries cut by 15%. They may say they feel our pain but this current congress will not have their salaries reduced. The federal government is not only hiring many new workers but it is also increasing government salaries.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Much against his will Tiger Woods has been dragged into the glaring spotlight of scandal. History shows that scandal's glare is just one sidestep from the light of popularity. There is a price to be paid for fame and it can be very heavy as Mr. Woods is now discovering. If you are a celebrity the public feels that you belong to them and that includes your private life. Americans are as equally enthusiastic in tearing down their idols as they are in building them up. Those who find golf a necessary and an important part of their lives will support Mr. Woods no matter what he does or doesn't do. Those who find it odd that so much money and attention are directed to sports figures could care less that another one has tripped over his sense of entitlement.
To some degree celebrity entitlement is real. Mr. Woods refused 3 times to grant an interview with the police. (Warning; Do Not Try This At Home!) The authorities humbly backed off.
Lest you think I'm passing judgment, I quickly confess that much in my life would not pass God's scrutiny. My entire hope is in Jesus. For all I know Mr. Woods may have done countless good deeds and will be nominated for sainthood. In any case, some other noted figure will soon provide a new scandal and the jackals of the media will leave the famed golfer alone to work out his problems.
In the meantime in Appalachia, a man you've probably never heard of is building up a name. No; it's not his name. He's not striving to be a celebrity. He's a former coal miner who received a copy of the New Testament on the job. He was so struck with the reality of Jesus' words that he immediately decided to follow Christ. Soon after he was called to minister full time to the miner's in his county and to proclaim the name of Jesus.
His first wife, now deceased, had a dream that one day they would have a facility that would stand as a symbol of Christian compassion and truth among the poor and needy. Eventually, with the help of a major coal company and bible literature from the American Bible Society, an aptly named Appalachia Dream Center came into being.
The stories of lives changed as a result of God's word and the Center are stirring to any believer.
Earl Harless was injured severely in a car accident and his internal bleeding could not be stopped by the doctors. He and his wife turned to Ezekiel 16:6 (KJV) and claimed the living words:
"And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live."
Much to the amazement of the doctors, the bleeding stopped. Instantly. "I never bled another drop," Earl said.
Debbie, a single mother, came to the Center broken and defeated. Now, transformed by Jesus into a new creature, (2Corinthians 5:17) she spends most of her time witnessing to the saving power of Christ to the hundreds of prostitutes in and around Logan County. She first offers food, clean water and shelter to generate a trusting relationship before giving a bible. Her efforts are not appreciated by everyone She has been the target of beer bottles. gunshots and had the headlights of her car broken out with a baseball bat. None of this has stopped her efforts to reach women for Christ.
Logan County, covered in coal dust, is not a tourist destination. Its poverty bound inhabitants activities are of little or no interest to others. The faith of Earl and his wife to believe God's word without doubt; the transformed life of Debbie who, without fear, goes into the most dangerous areas in the county driven by God's love, these are not the stories that capture the nation's attention.
Yet, which story has the most eternal merit? Is it the one about the man whose God-given talent has made him rich beyond imagination and now indulges his physical appetites? Or is it the one about humble people in an out of the way county? Which one warms your heart?
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W.C. Fields
"I've been asked if I ever get the DT's. I don't know. It's hard to tell where Hollywood ends and the DT's begin."
To some degree celebrity entitlement is real. Mr. Woods refused 3 times to grant an interview with the police. (Warning; Do Not Try This At Home!) The authorities humbly backed off.
Lest you think I'm passing judgment, I quickly confess that much in my life would not pass God's scrutiny. My entire hope is in Jesus. For all I know Mr. Woods may have done countless good deeds and will be nominated for sainthood. In any case, some other noted figure will soon provide a new scandal and the jackals of the media will leave the famed golfer alone to work out his problems.
In the meantime in Appalachia, a man you've probably never heard of is building up a name. No; it's not his name. He's not striving to be a celebrity. He's a former coal miner who received a copy of the New Testament on the job. He was so struck with the reality of Jesus' words that he immediately decided to follow Christ. Soon after he was called to minister full time to the miner's in his county and to proclaim the name of Jesus.
His first wife, now deceased, had a dream that one day they would have a facility that would stand as a symbol of Christian compassion and truth among the poor and needy. Eventually, with the help of a major coal company and bible literature from the American Bible Society, an aptly named Appalachia Dream Center came into being.
The stories of lives changed as a result of God's word and the Center are stirring to any believer.
Earl Harless was injured severely in a car accident and his internal bleeding could not be stopped by the doctors. He and his wife turned to Ezekiel 16:6 (KJV) and claimed the living words:
"And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live."
Much to the amazement of the doctors, the bleeding stopped. Instantly. "I never bled another drop," Earl said.
Debbie, a single mother, came to the Center broken and defeated. Now, transformed by Jesus into a new creature, (2Corinthians 5:17) she spends most of her time witnessing to the saving power of Christ to the hundreds of prostitutes in and around Logan County. She first offers food, clean water and shelter to generate a trusting relationship before giving a bible. Her efforts are not appreciated by everyone She has been the target of beer bottles. gunshots and had the headlights of her car broken out with a baseball bat. None of this has stopped her efforts to reach women for Christ.
Logan County, covered in coal dust, is not a tourist destination. Its poverty bound inhabitants activities are of little or no interest to others. The faith of Earl and his wife to believe God's word without doubt; the transformed life of Debbie who, without fear, goes into the most dangerous areas in the county driven by God's love, these are not the stories that capture the nation's attention.
Yet, which story has the most eternal merit? Is it the one about the man whose God-given talent has made him rich beyond imagination and now indulges his physical appetites? Or is it the one about humble people in an out of the way county? Which one warms your heart?
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W.C. Fields
"I've been asked if I ever get the DT's. I don't know. It's hard to tell where Hollywood ends and the DT's begin."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
This and That
Have you noticed? There appear to be at least four levels of justice in our country:
1. Federal and State Government level.
2. Celebrity and Wealthy level.
3. Middle Class level.
4. Street level where the poor and the disenfranchised live.
Authorities discovered that Congressman Barney Frank's live-in partner has been growing pot in the back yard of Frank's home. Frank maintains he knew nothing about it. Hello? What's that funny odor in the house? Coincidentally, Frank has since submitted a bill in Congress which would permit homegown pot in his state.
Numerous Federal and State officials have overlooked their past-due income tax statements until it was called to their attention in the press. This is not allowed in levels 3 and 4. In levels 1 and 2 deals are available.
Strangely, in levels 1 and 2 the law, if regarded at all, seems to be very flexible and subject to broad interpretation; in levels 3 and 4 it becomes quite rigid. The drug user in the first two levels is not treated harshly like his/her counterpart in level 4.
Political correctness has assumed much more importance than it is due. In some cases in the legal process it has overcome common sense and sound judgment. Major Hussan was pushed up the ladder of rank and permitted to lecture to his superiors at length about Islam. Why? To do otherwise might make the Army look like they were politically incorrect. The United States Army, the most powerful in the world, did not have the leadership to do what needed to be done in the case of one Muslim officer who was obviously up to no good. After the events at Fort Hood and questions arose the Army and the Government were quick to come up with excuses for the tragedy and the Major's actions. Fortunately a police officer, who did not take orders from the military, was on hand during the shooting and took down Major Husan. Military police, for some unfathomable reason, are not allowed to carry firearms. Go figure.
Well, that's old news. Center stage is now occupied by the "Party Crashers." This is really serious stuff. About as serious as the party itself. Does it serve a good purpose that benefits our country? I'm waiting for some president to say, "While so many of my fellow citizens are in dire need, I don't think it is appropriate for me to sit down to a sumptious meal in a lavish setting paid for by those citizens barely eking out a living."
"All men are created equal;" but as said in the book "Animal Farm," some are more equal than others. Let 'em eat cake.
Al Gore who 'invented' the internet may also have 'invented' global warming. In e-mails hacked from Climate Research Unit, one of the centers of the man-made global warming universe, there is evidence that data may have gone unreported or may have been intentionally rigged to hide the DECLINE in global temperatures. (Lufkin Daily News, "An Inconvenient Truth") Dr. Trenberth, a man-made global warming advocate wrote scientists at Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England, "The fact is we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." This scientist is piqued because he cannot adjust data to suit his purpose. He is upset because the world is not going to melt. Is global warming a reality? Stay tuned.
Statements Gleaned From College and University Student Tests and Papers:
Hitler's instrument of terror was the Gespacho.
Plato invented reality. He was teacher to Harris Tottle who wrote The Republicans. Lust was a must for the Epicureans. Others were the Vegetarians and the Synthetics.
The Boston Tea Party was held at Pearl Harbor.
Moses was told by Jesus to lead the people out of Egypt into the Sahaira Desert. The Book of Exodus describes this trip, including the Ten Commandments, various special effects and the building of the Suez Canal.
Zorroastrologism was founded by Zorro. This was a duelist religion.
During the Dark Ages it was mainly dark.
Just think; the men and women who wrote these gems have graduated and are now probably in positions of leadership and responsibility.
1. Federal and State Government level.
2. Celebrity and Wealthy level.
3. Middle Class level.
4. Street level where the poor and the disenfranchised live.
Authorities discovered that Congressman Barney Frank's live-in partner has been growing pot in the back yard of Frank's home. Frank maintains he knew nothing about it. Hello? What's that funny odor in the house? Coincidentally, Frank has since submitted a bill in Congress which would permit homegown pot in his state.
Numerous Federal and State officials have overlooked their past-due income tax statements until it was called to their attention in the press. This is not allowed in levels 3 and 4. In levels 1 and 2 deals are available.
Strangely, in levels 1 and 2 the law, if regarded at all, seems to be very flexible and subject to broad interpretation; in levels 3 and 4 it becomes quite rigid. The drug user in the first two levels is not treated harshly like his/her counterpart in level 4.
Political correctness has assumed much more importance than it is due. In some cases in the legal process it has overcome common sense and sound judgment. Major Hussan was pushed up the ladder of rank and permitted to lecture to his superiors at length about Islam. Why? To do otherwise might make the Army look like they were politically incorrect. The United States Army, the most powerful in the world, did not have the leadership to do what needed to be done in the case of one Muslim officer who was obviously up to no good. After the events at Fort Hood and questions arose the Army and the Government were quick to come up with excuses for the tragedy and the Major's actions. Fortunately a police officer, who did not take orders from the military, was on hand during the shooting and took down Major Husan. Military police, for some unfathomable reason, are not allowed to carry firearms. Go figure.
Well, that's old news. Center stage is now occupied by the "Party Crashers." This is really serious stuff. About as serious as the party itself. Does it serve a good purpose that benefits our country? I'm waiting for some president to say, "While so many of my fellow citizens are in dire need, I don't think it is appropriate for me to sit down to a sumptious meal in a lavish setting paid for by those citizens barely eking out a living."
"All men are created equal;" but as said in the book "Animal Farm," some are more equal than others. Let 'em eat cake.
Al Gore who 'invented' the internet may also have 'invented' global warming. In e-mails hacked from Climate Research Unit, one of the centers of the man-made global warming universe, there is evidence that data may have gone unreported or may have been intentionally rigged to hide the DECLINE in global temperatures. (Lufkin Daily News, "An Inconvenient Truth") Dr. Trenberth, a man-made global warming advocate wrote scientists at Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England, "The fact is we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." This scientist is piqued because he cannot adjust data to suit his purpose. He is upset because the world is not going to melt. Is global warming a reality? Stay tuned.
Statements Gleaned From College and University Student Tests and Papers:
Hitler's instrument of terror was the Gespacho.
Plato invented reality. He was teacher to Harris Tottle who wrote The Republicans. Lust was a must for the Epicureans. Others were the Vegetarians and the Synthetics.
The Boston Tea Party was held at Pearl Harbor.
Moses was told by Jesus to lead the people out of Egypt into the Sahaira Desert. The Book of Exodus describes this trip, including the Ten Commandments, various special effects and the building of the Suez Canal.
Zorroastrologism was founded by Zorro. This was a duelist religion.
During the Dark Ages it was mainly dark.
Just think; the men and women who wrote these gems have graduated and are now probably in positions of leadership and responsibility.
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