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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nancy Pelosi said of the Healthcare Reform Bill, "We need to pass this thing so we can see what's in it." What's in it will be a number of revelations that may or may not please Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. If, sometime in the near future, you hear a collective angry roar, that will be the nation's seniors finally discovering the cuts made to Medicare. Of this you can be certain: taxes will go up, for those who pay taxes, and there will be more layers of federal bureaucracy thus increasing the government payroll. The IRS will hire 16,000 new employees and the Dept of Health and Human Services will be been given a $1 billion advance for administering the provisions of the bill. What we will probably never know are the backroom deals and earmarks it took to make the deal palatable to the number of Congressmen/women required for passage of the bill. Are there things buried in the bill that have absolutely nothing to do with healthcare? Count on it. And, there is precious little in the bill that qualifies as "reform." The excessive cost of malpractice insurance that physicians must carry is not addressed. Docs order extra tests for patients so they can protect themselves against claims of negligence. Who can fault them for taking precautions against lawsuits? But this adds to the overall costs of healthcare.

The projected savings, as trumpeted from the Whitehouse, are Pollyanna guesses at best and sheer fantasy at worst. How 30 million people can be added and the cost of health care reduced is a mystery. The most skilled mathematician cannot add and subtract at the same time. Only politicians can do that. Of course you know that members of Congress are not subject to this bill; they maintain their own separate cushy health care. In America we are all created equal but some regard themselves as being more equal than others. A few other groups that deliver block votes have cut themselves a deal, viz. unions, etc. It is ever thus in Washington.

The stock market is telling us of others who will make out really big because of this bill. The stocks of pharma companies and health insurance companies are on the rise. Also rising are health insurance premiums and drug costs.
In the end, when the dust settles, it will be you dear reader, who will be forced to pick up the check for this party.
On the plus side, and the most important part of the bill, the poor will have access to better care and that is how it should be and has been a tragically long time coming.
I look out my window and everything looks the same. No mobs in the street headed to Washington with pitchforks, tar and feathers. The earth will continue to spin, the sun will rise tomorrow, the seasons will continue there appointed rounds, etc. and who knows? This bill may be the best thing since the invention of the chocolate peanut butter bar (which I hope will be in heaven). Pray that this bill will be for the good of our nation.
In the meantime, no matter what changes are in store, rest in the comfort and the sure knowledge that God never changes and He is sufficient for all our needs. So be it.

After thoughts:

In my opinion, the bill's requirement that everyone must have insurance or pay a penalty will not hold up against the scrutiny of the Supreme Court.

News Report, April 1, 2025

The Coast Guard announced today that, following a tip, it had intercepted an Australian freighter off the coast of California and found it to be carrying 200,000 frozen hamburgers complete with tomatoes, onions and buns made with white flour. The Coast guard claimed it was the largest forbidden-food bust in history. The National Forbidden-Food Coalition (NFFC) hailed the bust as a victory in the continuing battle with Columbian drug lords who, the NFFC said "are perverting our children with their vicious victuals."

They went on to say, "Since marijuana cigarettes have been made legal and after the precipitous drop in the use of other drugs that followed the great spiritual revival in Hollywood last year, (lead by Sean Penn and Madonna,) the drug lords have been forced to seek other profit centers. Expect to see a rise in the smuggling of Twinkies and real meat hot dogs into our country since both are going for $10 an ounce on the street. And that's without mustard or chili. Parents," the NFFC warned, "talk to your children about the dangers of forbidden-foods and be on the lookout for telltale mustard stains and Twinkies wrappers."

Elsewhere, a bidding war has developed between Dallas ISD and Houston ISD for the services of star science teacher, F.G. Newton. "We want Mr. newton on our team," Dallas superintendent J.B.Murky said. "We're not content with our second place showing in last year's Academic Olympics. We're prepared to offer him $25 million over five years and a Ferrari.

Houston ISD immediately countered with a firm offer of $25 million and a Roll Royce convertible. Mr. Newton's agent said his client will consider both offers when he returns from his summer home in Switzerland. The agent added that the offers were in line with what other top tier teachers are demanding.

Meanwhile, the upcoming Academic Olympics are shaping up as one of the most exciting in years. Yesterday, tickets went on sale at the venue for the Olympics, Tom Landry Stadium in Dallas, and all 90,000 tickets sold in 8 hours. An additional 20,000 disappointed fans were turned away and were unable to buy tickets at any price.

Locally, the event has been marred by ugly rumors that some local alumni have been secretly paying for books and special foreign tutors for Lufkin student Olympians.

Shawnee Prairie rancher O.U. "Sooner" Wilkins, e-mailed the local newspaper earlier today to report that he had observed a gaggle of pigs flying low over his south pasture.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The "Yes! of God

"Fear not for I am with you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10

When we exercise our 'faith muscles' the truth is revealed in us and to those around us.
Is God real? Yes!
Is God faithful to his word? Yes!
Does he answer prayer? Yes!
Is Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life? Yes!
Does God care for his children? Yes!
Can we trust him completely? Yes!
Is Jesus our Redeemer? Yes!
Is Christ the same yesterday, today and tomorrow? Yes!
Believers need to live and spread the Yes! of God "If you've been redeemed by the Lord, then say so." Ps 107:2
No matter what our circumstances , if we keep our spiritual eyes focused on God in Christ we have nothing to fear. "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind." 2Tim 1:7 When negative thoughts come against us we should refuse to believe them. Believe the fact that God is big enough to take care of us. Our faith is not in reports, opinions, arguments, situations, positions, politicians or tv demagogues. Our faith is in Almighty God who upholds us with the right hand of his righteousness. So be it.
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I've known a small number of atheists and have taken the opportunity to witness to them about Christ. Two in particular come to mind, one the director of a city library and the other a college librarian. I don't think their profession influenced their religious beliefs although I had an architecture professor who claimed architecture was his religion.

My conversations with the two librarians always seemed amicable and I never came on as "pushy." I had learned the hard way long ago that being aggressive was not the way to promote Christian life.

As far as I could tell, neither of the librarians ever budged from their positions. Both had keen minds and their intellects barred them from believing in God. ("That man is a fool who says to himself, "Their is no God." Ps, 14:1 LB) When the city librarian died I was asked to speak at his funeral which was conducted by a Christian minister. ( Both I and the minister were friends of the departed librarian so our part in his funeral does not necessarily indicate that he had changed his mind.) On the other hand, I hope the Holy Spirit was able to finally convince him.

The other librarian, I'll call him Ed, is still physically alive and I've heard through a third party that he resents my efforts. He had ample opportunity to say so at the time and I don't understand why he didn't.
Could I have done a better job of witnessing? Probably. Did I make mistakes? Probably. Did I fail? Ed rejected Christ, not me. I'm sad it didn't work out for these two men but I don't regret being the messenger. I was not trying to change these men. God has not called us to change anyone; not even ourselves. That work belongs to Christ. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2Corin. 5:17
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Recently I wrote about expressing gratitude to those who have influenced our lives in a positive way and to worthy individuals or groups in general. I took my own suggestion and wrote a letter to our mayor and city council thanking them for their efforts. Being an artist, I can't seem to stop myself from doing things a little differently. I drew a medal of commendation of my own design on heavy watercolor paper, colored it, cut it out and included it in my letter to the mayor. He later promised to pin it on his lapel at the next commission meeting. Mmmm. Maybe.
My next letter of gratitude went to our preacher, truly God's man sent to our congregation.
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"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."Romans 15:13

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's reported that the circuitry of a person's brain is not complete until around age 20. That may partly explain the actions of the atheist college students' exchanging porn magazines for religious literature in San Antonio (see last week's blog). They are, as is the way of teenagers, also in the process of separating themselves from their parents and trying to find their own way. They rebel against traditions and lifestyles they consider old-fashioned and outmoded. Each new generation, full of admirable ideals, wants to be part of the avant garde who will usher in a "brave new world." For some, attacking Christianity ( at least what they consider to be Christianity ) is part of that rebellion, especially if their parents have declared themselves to be Christian but do not live out the Christian life before their children by backing up the talk by walking the walk. Even if parents are model Christians it's not always enough to overcome their children's doubts and incomplete brain circuitry.
Chances are very good that, in spite of parents' lifestyles and students' atheist leanings, some of the young people's search for meaning in life will eventually lead them to find the real value of Christianity. In the meantime our responsibility is clear: Patiently, without condemnation, but with love, demonstrate to all in word and deed that Christ is the source of Life and following Him is the only way to peace and satisfaction.
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Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine all have the potential to be addictive and to cause harm emotionally, mentally and physically. Yet, they are legal. Tobacco smoking is declining, becoming more and more unacceptable socially and its dangers realized, even by those who cannot stop smoking. I fore see that within the next ten years ( or sooner ) marijuana will legally take the place of tobacco as it used to be. The build-up of political pressure for legalization will overcome objections and common sense. Watch the news and notice the trend.
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I'm not a fan of Fox News but I don't have to be to recognize that it has spoken and reported incidents that the New York Times and the Washington Post didn't think the public needed to know about. For example Fox News reported that Anita Dunn, communications director for the Obama White House, spoke to the graduates at St. Andrews Episcopal school in Potomac, Md. and revealed her admiration for Mao Zedong, Communist China leader and one of the 20th Century's most heinous mass murderers. Later she said she spoke in jest. Right. The Times and Post reporters, who swoon whenever Mr. Obama speaks, ignored Dunn's remarks.
It was Fox that informed the public that Van Jones, a former "czar" appointed by Mr. Obama, is a self-declared Marxist. Fox also exposed the ACORN scandal. Ever since, Mr. Obama has tried to distance himself from this fraudulent organization that he was at one time closely associated with. ACORN is currently being investigated for stuffing ballot boxes for the D's.
In the meantime, the Republicans are doing no better even though they seem to be doing nothing. In one sub-committee meeting of the Republican National Committee it was debated whether or not Abraham Lincoln was a real Republican. I think Abe made the cut. The R's are also keen to gut Medicare and Medicaid thereby leaving more room for tax breaks for their big campaign contributors. Politics; God help us.
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The term "powder room" originated in England and referred to a room set aside for powdering wigs or the natural hair of men and women.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Spirit Moves Where He Will

During the seventies there was a noticeable move of the Spirit: the so-called Charismatic (gifts)Movement. There was a genuine awakening and deepening commitment of many Christians during this period. However, Satan was prepared with his counterfeit spirituality that he used to cause divisions and problems in some churches.

Most of the gifts of the Spirit are accepted, or at least are not objected to or are greeted with a shrug by those in many congregations. For those gifts Paul lists in 1Corin. 12, who would object to the gifts of wisdom, knowledge and faith? All are highly desirable. Gifts of healing and the working of miracles may raise some eyebrows and doubts. (Occasional healing services were held in our church for a while; attendance was sparse and there were soon complaints about what was going on.) Discerning of spirits; apostles, prophets and teachers? No real objection there. But, when it comes to different kinds of tongues and interpretation, this is where a small number in the Charismatic movement did not even use ordinary common sense. It was Satan's opportunity to cause trouble; the same kind he caused in the Corinthian church. His weapon? Pride.

As in Corinth, a small percentage of charismatics who received the gift of tongues considered themselves spiritually superior, more holy, than those who did not have the gift. A pastor friend told me that while attending seminary she carpooled with 3 other female students. One day they asked my friend if she had received the gift of tongues. When she replied that she had not, the others said they had and she couldn't ride with them anymore. There are few things more objectionable or insidious than spiritual (it is actually religious) pride. It can separate us from God. Pride was the principal sin of the Pharisees. It blinded them to their faults and their ignorance of the scriptures that foretold the coming of Jesus. ( Jn.5:45-47.) Today it blinds those who have set themselves on a pinnacle above their fellow believers. Humility was one of the main characteristics of Jesus (e.g. Jn 8:50, Jn 13:2-15) and one that seems to be most lacking in his followers (e.g. myself.)

Lest you think I am opposed to the gift of tongues; I'm not. For every sad story like that of my pastor friend I can tell many that have been positive in building the kingdom. Every spiritual gift, properly used as God intends, to serve Jesus and his body, the church, has the power of God within it. Except for love, no gift should be emphasized above another.

The sum? No matter what gifts we have been given or how far along we think we are in our spiritual walk with Christ, we have absolutely nothing to brag about. (1Corin.1:26-31.) No personal horn-tooting. (1Peter4:10)

Love is superior to all gifts. (1 Corin. 13) "They (the World) will know we are Christians by our love." (Jn 13:34) The World will not know we are motivated by love if we try to legislate morals. Christ understood that people are changed from the inside out. He did not seek the cooperation of the Roman government to accomplish his mission nor did he urge his followers to go that route.

Seek the gifts but remember, the Holy Spirit distributes them as he sees fit. We shouldn't make the mistake of telling the HS that we will not accept certain, or any, gifts. He doesn't go where he is not welcome. Our loss. He'll simply give the blessing to someone else.

There is much more to be said on the subject. Perhaps I will be led to share some of my experiences in later blogs. In the meantime, I recommend personal study.

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At the University of Texas at San Antonio an atheist organization exchanged pornography for religious literature. The news report stated that the event drew a crowd including protesters, the curious and those who took part in the exchange. On many campuses religious groups are barred from distributing their literature. Atheism meets the definition of religion: "Belief in, and worship of God or gods." Atheists believe each person is his own god. And, although they would not admit it, they worship themselves.
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Note to "Sunshine"
Thank you for your comments. It's admirable that your group is involved in intensive study of the Word and that you're standing strong for Jesus. Romans 15:13