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Friday, October 29, 2010

Recently I was reminded of some home remedies I was subjected to as a child. My step-mother was a great believer in the efficacious properties of various folk potions to cure whatever might ail me and my brother. One such potion that I remember, with a shudder, was supposed to alleviate colds and coughing. It consisted of sliced onions, covered with sugar, allowed to age on the back of the wood-burning range until a thick malodorous syrup formed. A teaspoon of it was administered every time I coughed. I nearly suffocated trying to suppress coughs.

One cannot imagine the uniquely horrible taste of this concoction. It must be experienced to fully appreciate the sulfurous aroma and the reaction of the gag reflex. No amount of resistance, crying or protest spared me from what was adamantly stated as,"good for you." Ingesting that stuff may be why I'm so goofy today.

Another form of torture, left over from the Spanish Inquisition no doubt, was the infamous mustard plaster. This was applied to my bare chest for a "deep chest cold." The plaster consisted of dry mustard and burning embers (at least that's what it felt like) mixed together and covered with a cloth. It stuck to the skin like searing glue and when finally removed it took the top layer of skin with it.

Perhaps those remedies were not as bad as a Spring tonic forced on a friend of mine as a child. His grandmother would fill a mason jar with rusty nails and then pour vinegar over them. After the rust (iron) had time to mix with the vinegar it was considered ready as a tonic to "cleanse the blood."

Of the two, I think I would prefer the onion cocktail.

People then, as now, were doing the best they could with what they knew and what they had. I'm still alive in my 80's so perhaps the folk remedies really were, " good for me."


In the news recently were the results of a poll taken to see how much Americans know about their particular religion. Result? Not much. In fact, atheists seem best informed.

Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all people. That's pretty difficult if we can't share with others why we believe as we do.

Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein said, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.". He was saying that there are some philosophical things that cannot possibly be expressed because of the limits of language, so don't even try. Unknowingly, too many Christians have adopted Wittgenstein's words out of context and feel it best to be silent about their faith. Have you shared your faith with your children? In our flawed and imperfect way we must live out the faith as well or where is the profit?


From a Chinese calendar:

"Lucky stars will help your development and career to achieve positive returns. Be aware to be haughty and high profile to stimulate those envied enemies who are waiting to chasten your glee. Keep soberly mind to scrutinize unexpected matters or problems. Take action, stop chattering and seek help from others."

I say again I don't believe in fortune telling (the Bible expressly forbids it) and I include this only for the delightful English grammar. Also, this person's English far surpasses my Chinese.


I suggest you add the following to your morning prayer:

Holy and Righteous Father, I ask that today people see nothing in me but Jesus and are drawn to Him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Since 2009, thousands of employees have been added to the Fed's ( taxpayer's) payroll. Read that again. Thousands added to the already bloated government bureaucracy. If you have ever tried to maneuver through the mine field of red tape and road blocks, set up by bureaucrats to obscure access to dependable information, you can only imagine the higher level of frustration in store to be brought about by this new surge of bureaucratic troops.


Molly Norris, Seattle cartoonist who started "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" in support of free speech has been advised by the FBI to go into hiding. A Muslim mufti (Islam scholar/jurist) has issued a "fatwah", or death sentence against her. Molly Norris is being denied her right of free speech in her own country and even the FBI cannot protect her. Few fatwahs are death sentences and a fatwah is not necessarily binding on all Muslims to carry out. But the FBI apparently thinks this situation is dangerous enough that Molly should abandon her home, friends and livelyhood. Using threats of violence and fear are the kind of tactics we can expect from some, but not all, adherents of this religion.
Mohammed means nothing to me but I don't disparage him or moderate Muslims even though the Qur'an (Koran) denies the divinity of Jesus and that he is the Son of God. Any restrictions repecting the depiction of Mohammed are for Muslims and do not apply to non-Muslims just as restrictions of other religions apply only to the adherents of those religions. Fundamentalist Muslims insist that everyone, including non-Muslims, must obey their restrictions.

Still on the subject of religion, a Clayton, NC freshman was sent home from school because of metal objects piercing her face, a practice against school rules. She is claiming religious persecution because she and her mother belong to the "Church of Body Modifications." From what I can find, there really is such a church. It appears to have no spiritual base but does, -- surprise!, ---have a tax-free status with the IRS. Kind of reminds me of comedian Flip Wilson's "The Church of What's Happening Now." I always thought that would be a great name for a church and even suggested it during a church committee brainstorming session. All it did was reinforce my reputation as an eccentric.

In a remarkable change, Belgium has gone from a predominantly Catholic country to a predominantly secular country in one generation. There is outrage among its citizens concerning child molestation by some current and former priests and the arrogant (their word) way the Vatican is handling the situation. Christ has been crucified again and buried in Belgium. But God has declared He will always have a witness and Jesus will rise again in that country.

For the first time, according to a news article in the Lufkin Daily News, whites entering the Univ. of Texas are in the minority. They are outnumbered by a combination of incoming students who are black, oriental and hispanic. My prediction of 2040 as the tipping point in our country, from white to tan, is looking more realistic.

A dear friend of mine died recently of a combination of ailments with emphysema as the main cause. Addiction to tobacco in the form of cigarettes was his undoing. Emphysema also caused the deaths of my brother-in-law and and sister-in-law (not in the same family.) It is an insidious disease and a terrible way to die. Yet, in the U.S., 1 in 5 Americans continue to smoke and tobacco is the cause of death for an average of 1000 people each day.
If you are a smoker: QUIT!!!

Well, Republicans are positively giddy over the prospect of taking control of the House of Reps. I humbly suggest attention of the voters be turned back to those recent years when the Repubs had control of all 3 branches of government. As they grew fat and sassy with power, they abandoned basic Repub principles. Instead, they increased central government, fostered corruption, let the hounds of Wall Street loose on an vulnerable unsuspecting public, launched 2 disasterous wars and ran the national debt into the stratosphere. But, hey; to the victor belongs the spoils, right? They finally had the keys to the candy store and they cleaned it out. The Dems came in and took the paint off the walls; all that was left.
Not to be outdone, the Dems cranked up their Magic Money Machine which is powered by thin air and a cord that reaches all the way to China. It has spewed out a bushels of greenbacks promptly delivered to the UAW, GM, banks, favored unions, favored states, favored organizations that get out the Dem voters, the corrupt Afghanistan and Iraqi governments and only the good Lord knows where else.
I know I appear cynical but having witnessed the revolving door to Congress and the White house spin so many times as the parties passed each other going in and coming out I confess I don't expect any wonderful changes. Same thing; only the names will be different.

Take heed to King Solomon in Proverbs, chapter 29:

Vs. 2 "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan."
Vs. 4 "By justice a king gives stability to the land, but one who makes heavy exactions (taxes) ruins it."
Vs. 18 "When the wicked are in authority, transgression increases, but the righteous will look upon their downfall."