Had he made it this far, Elvis would be 75 today (Jan. 8). (I tried to conjure up a mental image of a 75 year old Elvis in his trade mark leather suit but failed.) The momentous event of his birth is being remembered with an exhibition: "One Life; Echoes of Elvis" in the National Portrait Gallery, D.C.
The curator said, "Everybody should have a moment with Elvis." Perhaps. But, like so many other blanket statements, it reflects the sentiments of the speaker. Millions; probably hundreds of millions, will agree with the curator, but not "everybody." Me for example.
Although I like some of Elvis' music, I will not pine over my missed chance to have a moment with him. Our paths never crossed and we had little in common; he didn't practice architecture and I can't sing or wiggle like he did so well; he was fabulously wealthly and I'm not; he was handsome and----oh well, you get the idea.
Overall, I think that under the grease paint, hair gel and leather suit that Elvis had a kind heart. Anyway, if you should have a "moment with Elvis," tell him I said hello and happy birthday.
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On occasion someone will remark that I look younger than my age. I have no reason to be flattered since this is the way God made me. Sometimes I reply that I take vitamins G-O-D. The reactions I get are always interesting; from slack-jawed confusion to big smiles. Or, I could say that I spent a lot of time interviewing prospective parents and finally chose the most improbable couple: a 32 year-old Greek immigrant as my father and a 17 year-old Amercan cabaret singer for my mother. I never measured him but I believe my Dad was about 5'-5" tall and never weighed more that 140 lbs. In any case, My brother Dick and I towered over him heightwise and inherited the longevity gene not from, him but from some other ancestor. We're aiming to be the oldest ever in our clan, God willing.
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Another headline from our local paper:
If you've ever had to endure the endless waiting in a hospital emergency room you will certainly sympathize with this couple. 30 years surely qualifies as the record and one wonders why it took so long for them to recognize each other if they were in the same room for that long.
I guess that's not so strange when you consider this:
In 2004 a university dormitory was torn down. In the basement, behind the furnace, workers found a skelton wearing a tattered Tshirt. The lettering on the shirt was still clear. It read: "1925 Texas A&M Hide and Seek Champion."
The story was told to me by a UT grad so I cannot vouch that it actually happened.
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'Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and He with me." Rev. 3:20
This verse is usually considered to be an invitation to non-believers. It is, but it is also (and I believe primarily) directed to Christian believers to come into a deeper relationship with Christ. He will not break down the door or push his way into our lives but, if we invite him in, He will come in and we will feast together on spiritual nourishment.
"Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance. (Portion of Isaiah 55:2)
"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
Thursday, January 14, 2010
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I laughed at your comments about Elvis. My friend down the street is a fan and she has pictures of him on her wall. She loves his music and has a winter throw with his picture on it too. She will say to me, "Elvis is keeping me warm tonight" She is so silly but she knows better and is a lover of the Lord herself. So, I guess it takes all kinds, huh?