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Monday, December 20, 2010

Every time I smell the odor of Vicks it immediately takes me back to my childhood and memories of my stepmother spreading the salve on my chest and throat when I had a cold. On occasion she made me swallow a spoonful of the stuff for a sore throat. I don't know if the Vicks did any good but the touch of my stepmother's hand was always soothing when I was ill. What is more comforting than a mother's touch? When that is no longer available we still enjoy the warm touch of a spouse, friend, child, etc. It is good to remember to share that with others when the opportunity is available..

LaNell and I have the privilege of serving communion, once a month, to residents of a local retirement home. Most of the residents are widows or widowers, in their 70's to 90's; some without any living relatives. We make it a practice to touch the hands or shoulders of the women and men when they receive the elements. It reinforces our efforts to show that we care. LaNell has been led to kiss the forehead of some of the women and the recipients responded with tears. It's something they have not experienced in years.

God's spirit is present there in abundance. When we leave we feel we have gained more than those we came to minister to.

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27


Jesus said, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth."

A preacher who has spoken in countries around the world said he has been to many remote and isolated places. Some were accessible only by riverboat, horseback or airplane. But every where he went he saw Coca Cola signs. So, he thought, the uttermost part of the earth must be somewhere beyond the ubiquitous Coca Cola signs.

In 1996 he preached in a Russian city 1600 miles northeast of Moscow, deep in Siberia. He looked around the city and not one Coca Cola sign was to be found. This indeed must be the uttermost part of the earth. Yet, at each home he visited, the host would proudly show him a Gideon bible printed in Russian; distributed by Russian Gideons. (Note: The Bible distributed by the Gideons is the Holy Bible, not an interpretation by the Gideons. Gideons are Christian laymen and members of evangelical churches throughout the world.)

It is estimated that, out of the 6 billion people on earth, 1.5 billion have never read the bible or heard the gospel. Among those are people in the U.S. and in your city wherever you are; maybe your next door neighbor.

When our church proposed a building to house a separate contemporary service it met with stout resistance from some longtime members who still refer to it as "that other church." Yet, in spite of the selfish objections, the service has prospered and there are now some young men and women members who previously had not set foot in a church or read the bible. My own voiced opinion about the service before it was implemented was, "If just one person receives Christ in that service, it is worth any amount of difficulty or expense." Luke 15:8 "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."

The Gideons organization has distributed millions of bibles in countries around the world, even beyond the Coca Cola signs, resulting in many decisions for Christ. 1.5 billion persons seems an insurmountable number to witness to. But Jesus knew it would be possible if those who have received the Holy Spirit will use the power He has given them. Otherwise He would not have commanded it to happen. (Acts 1:8) And who has received the Holy Spirit? Everyone who has confessed Christ as their Savior. The most effective method of witnessing is one on one.
Before embarking on a long road trip we ask God to send angels to protect us as we travel and to keep us from inadvertently doing harm to anyone. I don't pray to angels. They are ministering spirits; created by God. They only obey God. Neither do I pray to saints, the Apostles or Mary. For any of them to answer prayer they would have to be equal with God. They're not.
In Las Vegas it is unlawful to pawn false teeth.
When Mr. Obama was elected I wrote in a blog that Americans would not like the "changes" he would promote. Bingo. I also wrote that beneath his shining armor we would find a Chicago politician, Double bingo. Thirdly, I said he would be unable to keep his promise to change Washington and that change would only happen when Jesus returns. Triple bingo. Shortly thereafter I stated that the Democrats seemed determined to self-destruct. For the sake of our country I take no pleasure that I happened to be right on these issues. Who is going to right our ship of state and keep it from sinking further?
Add to the former list of celebrities: alligator hunters, pawn brokers, pastry bakers, loggers, motorcycle builders, wrestlers and ballroom dancers. If you don't find yourself among these I counsel patience because new categories are opening every day. Who knows? Someday there may even be one for dippy old men who write blogs.

A Holy and Merry Christmas to all.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Have you noticed how many celebrity categories there are now? In addition to the usual high society, sports and Hollywood types we now have celebrities in new categories: Gamblers, (Poker Stars,) Cooks, (Paula Dean et al), Chefs (as distinguished from mere cooks), Miners (Ecuador), Political Malefactors (former governor of Illinois; former N. Y. D.A.), Mothers of Large Broods (minimum of eight, please), GlenBeckers et al, Passengers on Interrupted Cruise Voyages, Real (?) Housewives (outfitted in ensembles that cost thousands and make Beaver's mother look like a bag lady), etc.. Artist Andy Warhol, himself a celebrity, said "Everyone will have their fifteen minutes of fame." Have you had yours? Be patient.

Charles Rangel (D, NY, very popular in Harlem) is a prime example of why there needs to be term limits for members of Congress. A member of the House for 40 years he is finally being brought before a House Ethics Committee on charges of misconduct. ("House Ethics;" Isn't that an oxymoron?) Failure to pay income taxes on property he owns is only one of the charges. Rangel claims he is innocent and will not resign. Shame is a concept un known in Congress.

Mickey Rooney is 90 years old! Rooney, 50% egotist; 50% imp and 100% talent, was born to a vaudeville couple and began his show business career at the tender age of 17 months. Married 8 times he said, "Always get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whole day."

His other pastime was gambling. He confessed, "I lost $3 on a horse and spent a million dollars trying to get it back."

Benjamin Franklin asked an intriguing question, "If all your friends were blind, what would your house look like?" Many Americans take their design cues from "the mansion on the hill." Big is good; lavish is better. It's a sure sign that you have "arrived." On the frontier, settlers lived in one room log cabins or, on the plains, in dugouts. As soon as they could afford better they built something like they had back east. Moving up-scale has been a national ambition.
That upward movement has crested and the latest economic melt-down may change buying habits as the Great Depression did when people discovered they could do with less, --- a lot less and delayed gratification was not a form of torture. The lay-away plan was born. Thrift and frugality were seen, not as being "cheap" but as real virtues. My children learned an old New England saying, "Use it up; Wear it out; Make it do or Do without." Of course they never did without any of the necessities of life.
Except for the wealthy, the average new house will soon be 1800 square feet or less. Separate, rarely used formal dining rooms, family rooms, powder rooms, huge bathrooms, butler pantries, etc. will go by the wayside. Combining kitchen, dining and living room is becoming more in vogue. Smaller space means smaller utility bills and conservation of natural resources. If one cannot be happy and content in a 1800 s.f. house they will very likely not be happy in a 5000 s.f. house. Besides, real satisfaction and contentment arise from a spiritual relationship: building our "house" on the solid Rock of Jesus.
Fashion Forecast
For men: Look for the appearance of shoes in colors beyond black and brown. Red, blue and purple shoes will soon become more popular. And why not? Years ago (before the Elvis Presley era) I had a pair of blue suede shoes. I'm still looking for another pair. Red would be OK.
For women: Lower hemlines; mid-calf or to the ankles. Hats are coming back; some modeled after the 'cloche' hat, so popular in the 20's and the Depression. Appropriate for the present economic situation.
Oooookay; the Repubs are back in power,--well, sort of. After slathering their constituents with the whipped cream of promises soon forgotten after election, they appear to be gazing at each other with that, "Now what?" look. In their slash and burn drive to make the world safe for big banks and corporations they seem to have overlooked something essential: A comprehensive, clear-cut plan to help bring the country (the USA) out of the economic Sargasso Sea we are drifting in. Can any of them say "bi-partisan?"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Recently I was reminded of some home remedies I was subjected to as a child. My step-mother was a great believer in the efficacious properties of various folk potions to cure whatever might ail me and my brother. One such potion that I remember, with a shudder, was supposed to alleviate colds and coughing. It consisted of sliced onions, covered with sugar, allowed to age on the back of the wood-burning range until a thick malodorous syrup formed. A teaspoon of it was administered every time I coughed. I nearly suffocated trying to suppress coughs.

One cannot imagine the uniquely horrible taste of this concoction. It must be experienced to fully appreciate the sulfurous aroma and the reaction of the gag reflex. No amount of resistance, crying or protest spared me from what was adamantly stated as,"good for you." Ingesting that stuff may be why I'm so goofy today.

Another form of torture, left over from the Spanish Inquisition no doubt, was the infamous mustard plaster. This was applied to my bare chest for a "deep chest cold." The plaster consisted of dry mustard and burning embers (at least that's what it felt like) mixed together and covered with a cloth. It stuck to the skin like searing glue and when finally removed it took the top layer of skin with it.

Perhaps those remedies were not as bad as a Spring tonic forced on a friend of mine as a child. His grandmother would fill a mason jar with rusty nails and then pour vinegar over them. After the rust (iron) had time to mix with the vinegar it was considered ready as a tonic to "cleanse the blood."

Of the two, I think I would prefer the onion cocktail.

People then, as now, were doing the best they could with what they knew and what they had. I'm still alive in my 80's so perhaps the folk remedies really were, " good for me."


In the news recently were the results of a poll taken to see how much Americans know about their particular religion. Result? Not much. In fact, atheists seem best informed.

Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all people. That's pretty difficult if we can't share with others why we believe as we do.

Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein said, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.". He was saying that there are some philosophical things that cannot possibly be expressed because of the limits of language, so don't even try. Unknowingly, too many Christians have adopted Wittgenstein's words out of context and feel it best to be silent about their faith. Have you shared your faith with your children? In our flawed and imperfect way we must live out the faith as well or where is the profit?


From a Chinese calendar:

"Lucky stars will help your development and career to achieve positive returns. Be aware to be haughty and high profile to stimulate those envied enemies who are waiting to chasten your glee. Keep soberly mind to scrutinize unexpected matters or problems. Take action, stop chattering and seek help from others."

I say again I don't believe in fortune telling (the Bible expressly forbids it) and I include this only for the delightful English grammar. Also, this person's English far surpasses my Chinese.


I suggest you add the following to your morning prayer:

Holy and Righteous Father, I ask that today people see nothing in me but Jesus and are drawn to Him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Since 2009, thousands of employees have been added to the Fed's ( taxpayer's) payroll. Read that again. Thousands added to the already bloated government bureaucracy. If you have ever tried to maneuver through the mine field of red tape and road blocks, set up by bureaucrats to obscure access to dependable information, you can only imagine the higher level of frustration in store to be brought about by this new surge of bureaucratic troops.


Molly Norris, Seattle cartoonist who started "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" in support of free speech has been advised by the FBI to go into hiding. A Muslim mufti (Islam scholar/jurist) has issued a "fatwah", or death sentence against her. Molly Norris is being denied her right of free speech in her own country and even the FBI cannot protect her. Few fatwahs are death sentences and a fatwah is not necessarily binding on all Muslims to carry out. But the FBI apparently thinks this situation is dangerous enough that Molly should abandon her home, friends and livelyhood. Using threats of violence and fear are the kind of tactics we can expect from some, but not all, adherents of this religion.
Mohammed means nothing to me but I don't disparage him or moderate Muslims even though the Qur'an (Koran) denies the divinity of Jesus and that he is the Son of God. Any restrictions repecting the depiction of Mohammed are for Muslims and do not apply to non-Muslims just as restrictions of other religions apply only to the adherents of those religions. Fundamentalist Muslims insist that everyone, including non-Muslims, must obey their restrictions.

Still on the subject of religion, a Clayton, NC freshman was sent home from school because of metal objects piercing her face, a practice against school rules. She is claiming religious persecution because she and her mother belong to the "Church of Body Modifications." From what I can find, there really is such a church. It appears to have no spiritual base but does, -- surprise!, ---have a tax-free status with the IRS. Kind of reminds me of comedian Flip Wilson's "The Church of What's Happening Now." I always thought that would be a great name for a church and even suggested it during a church committee brainstorming session. All it did was reinforce my reputation as an eccentric.

In a remarkable change, Belgium has gone from a predominantly Catholic country to a predominantly secular country in one generation. There is outrage among its citizens concerning child molestation by some current and former priests and the arrogant (their word) way the Vatican is handling the situation. Christ has been crucified again and buried in Belgium. But God has declared He will always have a witness and Jesus will rise again in that country.

For the first time, according to a news article in the Lufkin Daily News, whites entering the Univ. of Texas are in the minority. They are outnumbered by a combination of incoming students who are black, oriental and hispanic. My prediction of 2040 as the tipping point in our country, from white to tan, is looking more realistic.

A dear friend of mine died recently of a combination of ailments with emphysema as the main cause. Addiction to tobacco in the form of cigarettes was his undoing. Emphysema also caused the deaths of my brother-in-law and and sister-in-law (not in the same family.) It is an insidious disease and a terrible way to die. Yet, in the U.S., 1 in 5 Americans continue to smoke and tobacco is the cause of death for an average of 1000 people each day.
If you are a smoker: QUIT!!!

Well, Republicans are positively giddy over the prospect of taking control of the House of Reps. I humbly suggest attention of the voters be turned back to those recent years when the Repubs had control of all 3 branches of government. As they grew fat and sassy with power, they abandoned basic Repub principles. Instead, they increased central government, fostered corruption, let the hounds of Wall Street loose on an vulnerable unsuspecting public, launched 2 disasterous wars and ran the national debt into the stratosphere. But, hey; to the victor belongs the spoils, right? They finally had the keys to the candy store and they cleaned it out. The Dems came in and took the paint off the walls; all that was left.
Not to be outdone, the Dems cranked up their Magic Money Machine which is powered by thin air and a cord that reaches all the way to China. It has spewed out a bushels of greenbacks promptly delivered to the UAW, GM, banks, favored unions, favored states, favored organizations that get out the Dem voters, the corrupt Afghanistan and Iraqi governments and only the good Lord knows where else.
I know I appear cynical but having witnessed the revolving door to Congress and the White house spin so many times as the parties passed each other going in and coming out I confess I don't expect any wonderful changes. Same thing; only the names will be different.

Take heed to King Solomon in Proverbs, chapter 29:

Vs. 2 "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan."
Vs. 4 "By justice a king gives stability to the land, but one who makes heavy exactions (taxes) ruins it."
Vs. 18 "When the wicked are in authority, transgression increases, but the righteous will look upon their downfall."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One morning recently I opened the kitchen outside door to go get the paper. Imagine my shock and surprise to see a snake stretched out on the threshold! To me, "harmless snake' is an oxymoron. All snakes are Cobras until otherwise identified by someone with a Doctorate of Herpetology. By the time the expert arrived all he would see would be raw snakeburger. The slimy creature and I looked at each other for what seemed an hour but it was only a nano second. I don't know which of us was the most frightened. I quickly slammed the door and searched for something to use as a weapon. I grabbed an umbrella, the only thing at hand. What I thought I could do with an umbrella I don't know but I was gripped by desperation. Fortunately for the snake (and me) he had slithered off by the time I opened the door again. I told wife LaNell she would have to be the first person out that door in the morning from now on.

New York City Mosque

President Obama got his hand slapped when he reached into the brouhaha concerning the location of the mosque. I think he now wishes he had said that the location of the mosque is something the citizens of N.Y. should work out with imam Fasail Abdul Rauf. But the President has every right to comment on the situation as do all of us. The 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers and resulting massacre of civilians was an Islamist attack on America, not just New York City. It is a wound that has not healed and will not disappear anytime in the near future in spite of Americans' notoriously short attention span.

As with other situations of like importance, we don't know, and probably never will, what is going on behind the scenes, in secret, under the table, behind closed doors, etc. It appears to me that if Mr. Rauf is as peace-loving as he advertises he would have long ago abandoned his plan for a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. State and local NYC authorities have offered alternative sites but Mr Rauf stubbornly insists on having his way. Is this an attempt to see if authorities will bend to his will? Is this a play for sympathy from the American public or is he playing to Muslims around the world and does he cling to this site because it might have great significance to Muslims? There are 100 mosques in NY City so the claim that the objection to a mosque being built on this site is a rejection and persecution of the Isalmist religion is patently false. Yet, this deliberate misunderstanding is the rallying cry of foreign radical Islamists used to recruit jihadists worldwide, including America, to protect their religion and to vent their rage in acts of terrorism. Muslims are extremely sensitive about their religion and expect others to respect it. Conversely, Mr. Rauf is either disrespectful of the sensitivities of New Yorkers about the area around Ground Zero or he doesn't consider their feelings worthy of consideration.

Americans are woefully ignorant about Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world. (Islam is the religion; Muslims are the followers) Again, I urge you to get a copy of the booklet, "The Facts On Islam" by John Ankerberg, John Weldon and Dillon Burroughs available at for around $6. You will get a fair overview of this important subject. I'm not like Chicken Little running around claiming the sky is falling. The sky is firmly fixed in place. I simply believe Americans in general and Christians in particular cannot afford to remain unaware of the influence of Islam and dangers of radical Islamists on America's future.
The pastor of a Christian church in Florida has announced that he and members of his congregation will burn copies of the Koran, the Islamic bible. This is inexcusable and un-American not to mention un-Christian. It will be a gross insult to moderate American Muslims who should not be castigated because of the inhuman acts of terrorism done by those who use their religion as an excuse to commit those acts. Book burning would play directly into the hands of radicals who will use it as propaganda to show the rest of the world supposed American intolerance and persecution of Islam.
The goal of radicals is to impose Shari'a (Islamic) law on every nation and they will not be dissuaded until every nation capitulates. I don't believe this nation will. I know for certain this citizen will not. Enough said for now.


Our resident chef served a simple but delicious side dish for lunch today.
Go to for the recipe.

Follow recipe for preparation of corn. Our chef used the kernels from 5 ears of corn

Changes and addition of bacon to recipe:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Heat cast iron skillet in oven

Place 4 bacon slices in a cast iron skillet; return to oven til bacon is done

Remove skillet; set bacon aside. Do not remove bacon grease

After corn is placed in skillet, spread cooked bacon over corn; return skillet to oven. Cook as directed in recipe.

Makes 4 side dish servings

Monday, August 16, 2010

I appreciate the thoughtful comments of 'Mark' who responded to last week's blog. I had read in a national news mag about the Black Panthers intimidating white voters at a polling site but I must have missed the date it occured or the editors of the mag were remiss in checking their source. Also, in further conversation with 'Mark' I found that Rosie is very generous in funding certain charities. A good reminder that most people have an altruistic part of their life we are not aware of. Thanks 'Mark.'

My blog will be coming out at random times instead of regularly. It does take time and I have a lot of other interests; too many, probably.

Fancifulfloyd's Fearless Forecast, continued

After reading today that many incoming college freshmen do not wear watches, have never used a phone with a cord attached, do not write in cursive or use email, I realized how far behind the times I am. Some of my "Fearless Forecasts" now appear quaint and, though only guesses, way off the mark. Changes in technology and its effects on society are accelerating at a dizzying pace. Young people readily accept tech change but it can strike fear in the hearts of the middle-aged and elderly or at the least make them very uncomfortable. They may feel the world is racing ahead without them and whatever significance they had is disappearing. But there are others in the older age groups who may not fully embrace rapid change but who jump on for the ride and reserve their opinions 'til they see where it takes them.

Aldous Huxley, in his book "Brave New world," was remarkably prescient. Written in novel form around 1930, many of his predictions have come to pass. One in particular has remained with me even though I read it some 40 years ago. In the future Huxley saw the nuclear family as we know it, father, mother and children, has disappeared except for one family that is exhibited ------in a zoo.

Could it be that our nation is moving in that direction? Not long ago having a baby out of wedlock stigmatized both mother and baby. Today, there is slight, if any, such stigma attached to unwed mothers or their offspring. The divorce rate hovers around 50% of all marriages. It is interesting to note that the divorce rate is slightly higher for couples in which one or both individuals are Christians. In the future there will be far fewer divorces because marriage itself is being progressively viewed as archaic and unnecessary. Sex is regarded as recreational and considered an integral part of dating. This is another indication of the fading influence of the church which was once the arbitor of morals in a community.


Please read Matthew 20:1-16

This Jesus' parable of the landowner who hires day laborers at different times of a day, promising to pay them "what is right" for their services. At the end of the day the landowner directs his farm manager to pay the workers beginning with the last hired and then going to the first. Work for a full day was from 6:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening and was worth one denarius. Imagine the astonishment and resentment of those who had worked all 12 hours when they saw that those who had worked only one hour and the others who had worked less than a full day got paid a whole denarius. When it became their turn, the full-day laborers expected to be given more than one denarius. When it didn't happen they let the landowner hear about it. Their attitude was: We worked longer; we deserve more pay than these others, it's only fair.

"Not fair? " the landowner said. "I didn't deceive you. You got the going rate of one denarius for a day of work. I choose to be generous and I can do as I wish with my money. Take your denarius and go home."

The landowner represents God. Those who were first hired may be seen as the Pharisees and other leaders who saw themselves as having labored since the time of Abraham. They and their ancestors had been following what they understood to be God's directions for a long time and felt they were entitled to a greater reward. Note that that the landowner was not compelled by law, need or custom to hire any of these men. He could have gone on and found others who might be looking for a day's pay. It was the landowner's choice.

Many Jews in Jesus' day believed wealth was a sign of God's favor and a person's righteousness. But God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) and he is free to dispense his grace as he sees fit. God's generosity is shown in the landowner's hiring of every laborer available and paying the last as much as the first. Jesus says we can trust God to be fair and the last who come into the Kingdom will be treated as well as those who entered first. Note also: the early hires were content with the usual denarius for their work until they saw that the latecomers were getting the same. Instead of being grateful that they had what was promised them and they could now feed their families another day, they began to concentrate on what they didn't get. This is one of the chief causes of discontent and misery personally, nationally and internationally.

I recently watched a tv program of an interview with a man born without arms or legs. It would seem he had cause to berate God for letting him be born with that condition. Instead of complaining, he took what he had been given and became an evangelist for Christ. Wherever he goes people are drawn to him, amazed at his joyful spirit and that he glorifies God who, in opinion of many, dealt the man a really bad hand.

We should thank God for what we have. No matter what condition we are in there are millions of people in the world who would gladly change places with us. "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

Next blog: The mosque in New York City

Fancifulfloyd's Fearless Forecasts (continued from last week) What do you think will happen in the future? Will I be close or way off in my guesses? Make up your own mind about whether these changes, if they come to pass, will be for the better or the worse.

Next 25 years: 2010-2035

Medical (Addendum to last week's predictions) Assumptions were made based on Obamacare becoming law. If Supreme Court finds it unconstitutional that people must buy the insurance or pay a fine, then the whole thing will come down like a house of cards. The Court may also, and should, find it totally unreasonable to use Interstate Commerce as the boat to float the requirement.


Gay Marriage

Slam dunk by or before by 2011 in California; in the rest of the nation by or before 2025. There is growing public support and tide is turning in favor of gay marriage. Objections are generally being regarded as religious only. Supporters say religion should not stand in the way of, nor should Christians impose their views on, what supporters feel is a strictly civil matter . Many young people have a much more liberal attitude about this matter than their elders so the next generation will provide the final push.

Race Relations.

Anglos are usually singled out as the main source of racism and all other ethnic groups as the victims and objects of their disdain. Any honest observer can see that is not true. Racism is a two-way street. It is passed on from generation to generation and deeply embedded in all ethnic groups.

A possible solution would be for all 220 million people, who label themselves as 'Christian' to actually live out the Golden Rule as stated by Jesus. The situation is as complicated and defying of resolution as trying to get members of the Aryan Nation and the Black Panthers to peacefully co-exist. It does not help that the current attorney general of the U.S. did nothing when Black Panthers threatened white voters at a polling place. Did our president know of this and have a part in the decision to look the other way? Hmm.

Politicians and demagogues have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. To discredit them, some office seekers find it effective to brand opponents as racists. It doesn't have to be true; there will be plenty of people ready to believe it even without proof. Hucksters found they could make a very good living keeping the racial stew stirred up and served hot. The elite of our nation, who fancy themselves as the all-knowing intelligentsia, do their part in invoking history to create a sense of guilt for events none of us had anything to do with.

I think a possible remedy for racial antagonism is already underway. It lies in the inexorable movement of our nation away from being predominately white to predominately 'tan.' Interracial marriages are on the increase. They seem to have found acceptance and interracial marriage will be the vehicle which will carry the nation to 'tan-hood' and perhaps an end to the senseless strife of racism.

On the hand, racism may be so set in concrete that it won't be abolished until Jesus returns. Nevertheless, nation-wide tipping point of white to tan: around 2040.

More next week.

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Rosie O'Donnell recently said, "Fundamental Christianity is as dangerous as fundamental Islam." Really? Where did she get her information? I'd bet she doesn't know much about either one and it's my opinion she is more dangerous than either of them because of her lack of knowledge and she will soon have a talk show where she can spread this blather. Part of the reason for her astonishing statement is to call attention to the new talk show. Another part is she may actually believe what she said.

Far too many critics of Christianity see it as a hammer pounding on two nails: abortion and gay marriage. "Christians hate gays and women who have abortions." That is the message critics say they are getting and the one I think may be behind Rosie's statement and also being drilled into the mind of unbelievers. As if to reinforce that message, a misguided man claiming to be a Christian shot and killed an abortionist doctor.

What's happened to Jesus' message of love, peace, compassion and forgiveness? It is much more attractive and winsome than constantly harping on the negative.

As for Rosie: She has a right to say whatever she wants and I am a firm believer in the right of free speech. Pray that God will soften her heart and increase her spiritual wisdom. I don't feel any animosity toward her. Instead, I feel she is an unhappy and lonely person who needs Jesus in her life.

But, what do I know? My first wife answered that with, "Not much."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fancifulfloyd's Bold Predictions.
(Not prophecies; only guesses based on trends, history and experience.)

The next 25 years: 2010-2035


Legal in California by or before 2015

Legal in other states (a few holdouts; Idaho, Utah, etc.) by or before 2020

Taxed like cigarettes creating a black market run by drug lords (dl)

In the meantime, violence escalates along the U.S.-Mex. border. U.S. border guards and ranchers and other citizens killed/kidnapped by dl, forcing our president to finally take military action. Bush is blamed. (Only kidding)
Drug gangs unite; they assassinate Mexican president in plan to take over Mexico.

Drug use will continue in the U.S. Stupidity cannot be wiped out. Besides, too many powerful and not so powerful people have financial interests in the continued flow of drugs.

TV and Movies

No limit on obscene language and full frontal nudity on TV (10 p.m. and later) and on R-rated movies to occur before 2025. Explicit sex acts will be allowed to be portrayed by 2035 on "premium" channels.
If you are thinking it could never happen you may not have noticed how those responsible for tv shows are constantly pushing back the borders of decency. If you're over 70 just think back to when toilet paper was advertised as 'bathroom tissue" because the word "toilet" was not allowed on tv. Jack Paar, host of the "Tonight Show" quit the show temporarily because he was not allowed to use the word "commode" in a skit. Young people, used to the coarse language of today, would not believe these restrictions ever existed. More recently, comedian George Carlin made a list of obscene words that he said could not be used on tv. He didn't live to see he was mistaken.
When I was a youngster I went to see "Gone With the Wind" when it first came to our little town. I can still remember the collective horrified gasp that came from the audience when Clark Gable said, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Damn was not to be said in public.


30 million (or the real number) people who will receive med insurance under Obamacare will get care equal to Medicaid. There are not enough MD's now, nor will there be, to provide a higher level of care. There will be a dramatic increase in the number of Nurse Practioners (NP) in a ratio of at least 3 NPs for each physician. Patients will be seen by NPs; physicians will limit themselves to the more acute cases. Only very sick or injured patients will be allowed hospitalization. Cuts in Medicare, increases in premiums, will be made to help finance Obamacare, so Medicare patients will fare only slightly better. Patients will pay full cost of elective surgery.

More predictions next week.
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A recently ordained minister was scheduled to perform his first wedding. He consulted an older minister for advice. After going over the mechanics the older minister offered a word of warning. "Sometimes it happens that even the most seasoned minister will suddenly go completely blank during the service and forget what goes next. It helps to say a passage of scripture to get your mind get back on track."
Sure enough, it happened. While trying to reassemble his thoughts, the young minister spoke the first scripture passage that came to him, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."
I don't know about others, but those words applied to me at my first wedding. I didn't know what I was doing. Still in the Navy, pitifully small savings, 20 years old, etc. My plans were to go to college and become an architect when I left the Navy. I had never even met an architect and had no realistic idea about what an architect did. Talk about clueless. I liked to draw so I felt that was all I needed to know. (After we know it all, what we learn becomes our real education.) Nothing prepared me for the reality of architectural practice: dealing with clients, budgets, contractors, deadlines, building committees, codes and government regulations, etc.
There are other areas of life where we comfortably believe we know what we need to know. I recently listened as a friend gave her testimony as part of the Sunday school lesson she was teaching. She had been raised in a Christian home, faithfully attended ss, church services and youth activities. When she became an adult she felt, she said, that she knew what it meant to be a Christian and was comfortable with her beliefs.
But then, still quoting her, she and her husband attended a Life in the Spirit seminar in our home and met the real Jesus. She gave me credit but I can't change anyone. I credit it completely to the work of the Holy Spirit who caused the spiritual life of she and her husband to change.
The reach of the Spirit is not limited. He can work anyplace to deliver an epiphany to us. Church, Sunday school, living room, at the kitchen sink (as happened to a friend of mine,) at a bar, while driving, reading, walking, etc.
God knows I don't mean to challenge anyone's Christianity. If you've confessed Christ as your savior and believe it in your heart, you are, according to scripture, a Christian. What ever is the state of your relationship with God is your business. I'm saying some people bop along thinking they have this Christian thing nailed and then, because they are prompted by the Spirit to know more of Jesus, their spiritual eyes are opened. There is always more of Jesus for us to know. All we need is the desire.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Psalm 91:10, 11

"No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways."
Some years ago a home security salesman called to see if I might have an interest in having a security system installed at my house. I told him I already had such a system; that there was an angel with a flaming sword standing guard at every door and window of my house.
There was a pause and then he said, "Oh?" Another pause, he thanked me and hung up.

What he thought of the angel bit I have no way of knowing. Obviously he was not expecting such an answer. But I wasn't kidding or just trying to brush him off. I meant it. Is it practical to rely on God to provide guardian angels? No; electronic security systems are practical. Would I advise anyone to do as I have done? No. Everyone must make their own decision. However, I believe it is not, as a dear friend of mine would say, "a heaven or hell" proposition.

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I recently celebrated my 85th birthday with most of my family. They came from Hot Springs, Dallas, Lubbock and Tyler for the day. What a great treat for me to have 2 of my 3 children, my grandchildren and all 6 of my great-grand children (all under 5 yrs) plus in-laws. All of the adults are Christians. God has blessed me without measure. My son and his wife live in Colorado and could not attend..

If anyone were to ask me what it feels like to be old, I would tell them they would have to ask someone else, because I don't know.

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If it were announced that the method of executing criminals would henceforth be changed to drilling a hole in the back of the person's head and then vacuuming out their brain, what do you think would be the public reaction? Outrage, surely. It won't happen of course. The law protects criminals from "cruel and unusual punishment." But it is not all that unusual because
approximately 3000 times a year this is the method used for partial-birth abortion. After emerging from the mother and with its head still in the birth canal, the baby is killed by the doctor by inserting a sharp instrument into its skull and the brain is vacuumed out. A living being with a beating heart and every right to live is killed. Apparently if the baby was fully delivered and then killed it would be murder. But, as long as the baby remains partially in the mother it is called a fetus and when killed it is only considered abortion. Those in favor of abortion maintain that a fetus has no rights until it is fully delivered.
Even unwanted animals receive better and more humane treatment from veterinarians.
Barbara Boxer, California congresswoman with San Francisco in her district, says that a fetus can only be considered a baby when it leaves the hospital.
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Mark 11;22-24
"So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast in the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe you receive them and you will have them."
What a magnificent promise! Often overlooked or skipped because it sounds too good to be true.
Is this just pie in the sky? Does Jesus really mean this or is he just teasing us? No empty words ever issued from the lips of Jesus. Not a single one. His words are truth and life. and completely reliable. Believe this and you will live.
He begins the promise with an absolute requirement for its fulfillment: Have complete, unwavering trust in God. Believe without doubt that God can do what to us seems impossible.
One of the best descriptions of faith is this, "Walking to the edge of all the light you have and taking one more step." If we don't believe that God is omnipotent, gracious and responds to our prayers with unbounded love there's no use going any further because our words will only bounce off the ceiling. So, let us take our mustard seed of faith and go to the Throne of Grace.
What ever 'mountain' we saw before us, whatever obstacle or decision, etc. we now view from the perspective of faith. We see the 'mountain' reduced by the power of God to the point that it disappears and in its place is the clear answer to our prayer. Spiritually we have already received our request. Faith accepts the answer as already accomplished even though the manifestation may take place in the future. As an evangelist said, "That should make an Egyptian mummy shout halleluja!"
After we have prayed in faith and accepted that our prayer has been answered we should keep our spiritual eyes open for signs that our answer is being unveiled.
When we are confronted with troubles or difficult decisions our first reaction is to worry. I say again: Since the dawn of time, worry has not solved a single problem. What it does do is paralyze us with indecision.
Jesus had much to say about worry. The main thing he said about it is: "Don't!" Instead trust in the omnipotence of God even though this is counter to our sense of self-reliance and, some would say, common sense.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear Readers; No blog this week and maybe for the next few weeks. I will be concentrating on my paintings for a while.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

As I plod my 2 mile walk at our church's Christian Life Center track, every other walker passes me. I joke that once I was in a race where I was the only contestant but I'm so slow I still came in second. Hey; I'm grateful I can still walk. I also use the time to think about subjects for upcoming blogs.

I thought this morning that if you live long enough you're going to see most things at least twice. Fashions, for example, and other areas of design and art which seem to cycle every decade or so. Some things my take longer. Colors of the 70's, once so popular (turquoise, chartreuse, etc.) and now considered to be just this side of hideous, will reappear someday as the must-have NEW COLORS! All it would take is for some celebrity like Martha to make the declaration and her countless devoted followers would fall in line. I hope that someday ladies will again wear hats and white gloves. My wife greeted that idea with thumbs down. LaNell said if men had to wear hats and white gloves I wouldn't think it would be so charming.
Past political solutions proposed to solve national problems is another area that gets recycled. Our president, who is a rank amateur at governing and who has proved the adage told to children for many years, that anyone can grow up to be president, seems to have looked to FDR for guidance in solving some of our current problems. Although FDR was a seasoned politician and former governor of New York, very little of what he did made any improvement during the Depression. His Progressive advisers offered many noble proposals for the betterment of society. Some became law but most simply made the central government bigger and more bureaucratic as will Obamacare. Progressives find the Constitution a nuisance and are constantly trying to get around it or undermine it in order to further their agenda.
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In connection with last week's blog on security I offer this poem I wrote years ago:


Some souls float on the surface of life,
Content to drift with the tide.
Others, afraid of venturing too far,
Find secluded coves and hide

They shall come down to the evening of life
Wishing they had been more bold.
Fearful of getting too close to the fire,
They end being out in the cold.

Don't worry what others are thinking,
Be your very own woman or man,
Cast off your line from safe harbor;
Live to the fullest you can.

Don't waste the gold of hours;
Too soon our sky is the sod.
Don't trade freedom for safety,
There's security only in God.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 New King James

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fame and fortune are just not what they're cracked up to be. Exhibits: Al and Tipper Gore, Sandra Bullock and former husband Jesse James, etc. No amount of money or acclaim can assure anyone protection from disappointment, sorrow, illness and, ultimately, death which the Greek poet Euripides said is, "The debt we all must pay."

For some the inevitability of death, and the mistaken notion that this life is all there is, urges them to cram as many pleasures as possible into their lives; experiences that may be moral or , if that doesn't do the trick, immoral. Hey; What ever it takes. They must be constantly involved and in motion. To slow down, to think about where they are going and why they exist might cause them to face the fact that they are mortal like everyone else and they will have to "pay the price." This activity, this never-ending search for pleasure erroneously referred to as "living life to the fullest," can be compared to a duck gliding smoothly on the surface of the water but out of sight beneath the water his feet are churning furiously. How often that could be applied to men and women, of all ages, who seem to have it all together on the outside but inside are frightened children, dismayed and disappointed in their fruitless search for meaning, love, peace and satisfaction. They desperately struggle to find them in drugs and/or at the bottom of a bottle; looking for love and security in all the wrong places. One of the descriptions of Ernest Hemingway, the famous author, included that he knew how to "live life to the fullest." Yet, he was plagued by self-doubt and spiritual bankruptcy and so finally committed suicide.

No one has to have my permission to live however they wish. I haven't done the best job with my own life. But I would suggest that no life can truly be full if the fear of death is constantly lurking nearby. Hiding that fear in the shadows doesn't erase the reality of death. Wouldn't it be immeasurably better to be free from fear? To have a real sense of security in whatever situation that comes against us? To know that whether in life or death we belong to Christ?
Of course.

Real security is formed neither in our physical nor in our emotional being; it was formed in our spiritual being when we accepted the free gift of God in Christ's sacrifice at the Cross. Unfortunately, after we have accepted this precious gift we may not have known what to do next. Too often we are cast adrift without true biblical teaching, directions for study, fellowship with mature Christians or an understanding of the spiritual gifts that came with our salvation. We may not have been told, taught or found for ourselves in the Scriptures that we have been set free in Christ. "If the Son sets you free you are free indeed." Part of that promise is the freedom from fear. "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Time after time Jesus said, "Fear not." ("Don't be afraid.")

Listen to St. Paul, "Since we, God's children, are human beings--made of flesh and blood--he became flesh and blood too by being born in human form; for only as a human being could he die and in dying break the power of the devil who had the power of death. Only in that way could he deliver those who through fear of death have been living lives as slaves to constant dread." Hebrews 2:14, 15 LB

Read Romans:8:31-39. Here are verses 35-39 LB:
"Who then can ever keep Christ's love from us? When we have trouble or calamity, when we are hunted down and destroyed, is it because he doesn't love us anymore? And if we are hungry, or penniless, or in danger, or threatened with death, has God deserted us?
"No, for the Scriptures tell us that for his sake we must be ready to face death every moment of the day----we are like sheep awaiting slaughter; but despite all this, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us enough to die for us. For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels won't and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God's love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are---high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean---nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us."

Freedom and security; Christ died so you and I could have them. We must not drive more spikes into Christ by refusing what his blood has bought. Freedom and security; they're a package deal. Please; don't be timid of spirit. Grab the package and run! It's yours. Embrace it in your spirit as the ancient Rabbis would dance with the Torah! To God be the glory.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Following the death of Nita, my first wife, I was a bachelor for two years. It was interesting how quickly I went from domesticated to caveman which is the default state of men. (If you are a neatnik you may want to skip this blog.) Previously neatness reigned in our household due to Nita's efforts and weekly visits by Charlotte our cleaning lady. "Cleaning lady" doesn't do her justice. She was part angel; part Mrs. Fix-it; part of our family and an absolute cleaning, washing, dusting and ironing whiz. She was energy and enthusiasm personified.
Fortunately, she stayed on as I entered bachelorhood otherwise my bed would never again have been made up; (What's the point? I'd just mess it up again,) and dust would have turned all the furniture grey. Vacuuming? Windows? All Charlotte's territory where I didn't tread.
As for cooking, I was on my own. By the way, my hearty blessings on the inventors of the microwave and the dishwasher. Meals generally were based on convenience rather than any thought to nutritional concerns. If it was frozen, packaged, canned or pre-cooked it had priority on the menu. Hot dogs, cold cuts, tv dinners, cereal, soup and chocolate were the main food groups no matter what the government pyramid says. If Martha Stewart wanted to come to my house in person to cook and set the table, fine. Otherwise I was not even remotely interested in her ideas of gracious living. In fact, I didn't really need a table for dining. Meals were consumed while I stood at the sink. That way, dirty utensils were very close to the dishwasher. Soup was eaten directly from the pot it was heated in; why mess up a bowl? To cool the soup I blew on it loudly and slurped with gusto and to my heart's content, habits that were later quickly corrected by LaNell, my present wonderful wife. (I've been blessed beyond measure to have had two beautiful, loving wives. Far more than I deserve. People who know me heartily agree.))
My painting gear spilled over from my studio to the living room and to the kitchen table. Brushes, paints etc. stayed where I left them at the end of the day. Very convenient.
Each time I gave Charlotte a raise she resisted and I insisted. It was the same with her Christmas bonus. She accepted it and invariably would buy me (and Nita and later LaNell) ) a present that amounted to more than her bonus. This remarkable lady had her own style of dress and it was--um--unique. It fit her outgoing personality perfectly as did her glowing red hair. Always upbeat, smiling and laughing Charlotte blew into our home and hearts each Wednesday morning for 19 years like a refreshing breeze. In addition to her housecleaning five days a week she also drove a school bus and there was usually a story or two about the school kids or the cranky bus that broke down far from mechanics at the bus barn. But there was never any gossip about her other house cleaning clients.
One day she called and said she had a doctor's appointment and would be late the next Wednesday. When she arrived I could see she in her expression she had received bad news. Pancreatic cancer. Very low survival rate. Would I pray for her? Of course. I laid hands on her and asked God for his healing power to be in her. In the ensuing weeks she continued her cleaning until it was physically impossible for her to move a vacuum cleaner. Staying active as long as possible was what she wanted to do.
The final time we saw Charlotte alive was at a small gathering of friends, she requested, in her home with her husband.
Thin and quiet but her spirit strong as ever, she sat with obvious effort as we recalled the good times. Then she said she was tired and needed rest. It seemed strange to hear this red-haired, former dynamo admit she was tired.
Charlotte loved Jesus and she saw him just before she died.
"Well done good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." Matt. 25:21

Thursday, May 27, 2010

To Lindsay Lohan, if she ever thinks about such things, it may seem she has wandered into this life by mistake. It must appear to her to be a cubist existence. I realize most of her outrageous behavior is standard Hollywood fare done solely for publicity. But beneath it all is a young woman without direction; completely in the dark about who she is and why she exists; flitting from one unsatisfying experience to another; desperately in need of, and searching for, what only Jesus can provide: "the Peace that passes understanding."
So, what's in store for Miss Lohan? I pray for a Spirit-filled Christian man or woman to counsel with her and lead her into a relationship with Christ. Otherwise, if she continues in her current lifestyle it will likely lead to an emotional and physical breakdown. Suicide? Possible. Especially as she ages, her beauty fades and her career winds down. Currently, she has managed to avoid jail time for her latest escapade which only reinforces her sense of entitlement. A series of judges have been exceptionally lenient with her which has not changed her behavior.
Why should I care about Lindsay Lohan? If someone were to ask that question they wouldn't understand the answer.

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Following is a quotation of Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States from 1901-1907

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against such man because of creed, or birthplace,or origin. But this is predicated on the the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all . We have room for one flag, the American flag.

We have room for one language here and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is the loyalty to the American people."

I'm indebted to my brother, Dick, for alerting me to this quotation. He and I are fervent on the subject of allegiance to our country. If that makes us old-school and out of fashion we readily plead guilty. Our father emigrated to the U.S. from Greece and served in the U.S. army in the Mexican Border Campaign and WWl. He never referred to himself as Greek-American; only as an American. My brother and I do the same. The hyphenating of Americans is divisive. Either we are Americans or we are not. Will there ever come a time when we will all refer to ourselves simply as Americans? Probably not. Politicians like it as it is; they can pit one hyphenated group against another and the groups use their hyphenated identification to push for political power.

To those acquainted with the history of our country it seems President Obama has fashioned his presidency in the mold of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I think he chose a damaged model. Teddy Roosevelt would have been a better choice.

Mr. Obama appears to believe if he talks nice to Islamists and treats terrorists softly that somehow that will appease them and they will quit their horrific activities. NOT. "Get ready for all Muslims to join the holy war against you," the jihad leader Abd el-Kader warned his western enemies. In 2010? No; the year was 1859. This is the firm mindset of radical Islamists and it will not change. The avowed purpose of Islam is to overcome the U.S. from the inside and convert it into a Muslim country. Far-fetched, you say? It couldn't possibly happen? Sleep on. They are already preparing to use our Constitutional freedom of religion and separation of church and state to further their ends. And they're in no big hurry. As one jihadist said in Afghanistan, "You have the watches; we have the time." By the way, has anyone heard anything about Major Husan lately? You may remember he slaughtered a group of Americans at Fort Hood. His mentor, an Islamist preacher in Yemeni, proudly claimed Husan as one of his students and praised him for killing Americans. He urged "all Muslims to kill Americans." Husan is still living and having all his needs provided for by---you guessed it; Americans!

The only one I hate is the Devil. I do not hate Muslims. Hate corrodes the spirit of the hater and is a road that has no end. But I do not have respect for anyone who comes to this country and has no intention of assimilating into what it means to be an American. I am no fear-monger nor alarmist. The evidence for what I have said has been relayed on tv and in the newspapers and-----in the history books. It is in plain sight for those who are paying attention.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"You don't want penance; if you did, how gladly I would do it. You aren't interested in offerings burnt before you on the altar. It is a broken spirit you want--remorse and penitence. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not ignore." Ps 51:16, 17 LB

"The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, the Holy One, says this: I live in that high and holy place where those with contrite, humble spirits dwell; and I refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts." Isa. 57:15 LB

Contrite: having or showing deep sorrow for having done something wrong; repentant.

Humble: having or showing a consciousness of one's shortcomings; modest; unpretentious.

Many people want to know that they have significance and that they are noticed by others but, for whatever reason, they find themselves on the fringe of society. These are the kind of people who flocked to Jesus. They were the poor, mostly with a minimum of education, without hope, utterly despised by the rich, the Pharisees and the rulers. Some of the despisers eventually accepted Jesus as savior but because of their sense of self-sufficiency and worldliness they had a more difficult time becoming humble and contrite, to be broken in spirit before God. The same kinds of obstacles that today some allow to block their way to Jesus.

What does it mean to be broken in spirit? To me it means I had to humbly admit that I had reached the point of spiritual bankruptcy. At a time when I should have been comfortable with my life and when, externally, it appeared as though I had the world by the tail and was dragging it toward Utopia, I was miserable. I had a fine loving family, doing well in my profession, financially stable, personally healthy. What was not to like? What else could I possibly need or want to make my life complete? Yet, spiritually, my inner being was full of discontent and loneliness. Strangely, though surrounded by friends and family, I felt alone.
God knows our hearts. He arranged for situations and used willing Christians to bring me face to face, so to speak, with Jesus. God has proved to be everything, and more, that he claims to be.
My outlook on this life changed radically. In a very real sense responsibility shifted from me to Jesus; he has the perfect plan for my life. (Not a plan for a life that will be free of difficulties.)
Perhaps someone is reading this and is in a position of doubt and a sense of separation from God as I was. Maybe you are struggling with a deep sense of hopelessness, a serious medical problem or facing death or any problem you admit you can't handle. If you know in your heart you do not have the spiritual strength to overcome your difficulties; that your only hope is in God, then you have reached brokenness of spirit. God is not remote; he is as close to you as your own heart. He is the answer. Confess your need for God, confess that you have sinned and that you need Jesus to take away those sins. "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved."

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In the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi there is a vending machine that dispenses gold bars.

Just in case you left home without enough gold bars?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Several years ago I took part in distributing a film about Jesus in our community. In the training before distribution we were told we should be able to give our testimony within 2 minutes in case the opportunity presented itself. We practiced and found we could deliver the salient points effectively within that time restraint.

Christians suddenly get tongue-tied when it comes to sharing their faith. We will blab about some of the most intimate things, and our inner feelings to others but we stoutly resist talking about "religion and politics." We don't want to come on as a fanatic, somehow spiritually superior or "interfering in someone else's life."
Here's the outline for a 2 minute testimony:

In your own words simply tell

What my life (I) was like before I met Jesus

How I met Jesus

How my life (I) changed after I accepted Christ

Some will protest that their testimony is "not very interesting or dramatic." Yes, Damascus Road type experiences are part of what has happened in some people's conversion but they are not requirements or what has happened in every Christian's life. The main point and emphasis is how JESUS works in YOUR life and how he made a difference. Here is a secret: People are hungering for what Jesus can supply and they are waiting for we Christians to point them in his direction so they can know the love, peace and certainty of eternal life they're seeking and that we already enjoy.

Besides, I can't think of anything more interesting and dramatic than entering into eternal life through Jesus Christ. Some also hesitate to share their witness because they fear rejection. Personally you will not be rejected; if rejection occurs it is Jesus who is being rejected. We're not talking about stopping people on the street and confronting them with the Good News nor making a formal, uptight presentation to a friend or neighbor. Opportunities come in the normal course of everyday life. We only have to be willing to share, pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit will put seekers in our path, be spiritually alert to recognize them and be certain in our own heart of our commitment to Christ.
"'When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people of Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth about my death and resurrection." Acts 1:8
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Winston Churchill was asked to speak at a boy's school in England. As he stood to begin, the audience waited in hushed anticipation for the great man's oration.
"Never; never; never give up," he said and sat back down.
Recently, a 100 years old college student got his degree. He died the next day.
In Mississippi a 74 years old woman received her nursing degree.
"Everyone shall hate you because because you belong to me. But all who endure to the end shall be saved." Matthew 10:22
Never; never; never give up.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stephen Prothero, a professor of religion, Boston University, has weighed the world's religions in the balance and has pronounced Islam as the greatest. In his book, "God Is Not One", he makes this statement: "Islam is the greatest of the great religions. In terms of adherents, this tradition of justice and mercy and forgiveness and submission is growing far faster than Christianity."(1)
He goes on to assert: "To presume that the conversation about a great religion starts with Christianity is to show your parochialism and your age. The 19th and 20th centuries may have belonged to Christianity. The 21st century belongs to Islam." That's his opinion.
Parochial? If that means adhering to Christ as "the Way, the Truth and the Life," then I am parochial and will go on rejoicing. Mr. Prothero has made his choice and I have made mine.
To Muslims, the will of Allah is revealed in the Shariah, the Islamic law, which takes precedence over all other laws.(2) The avowed purpose of Islam is to bring all nations under Shariah. That includes the United States. Wishful thinking, political correctness and negotiation will not change that.
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Franklin D. Roosevelt made some decisions based on whim. One day the Treasury Secretary consulted with FDR to set the price of gold. FDR gave him a figure that mystified the Secretary.
"Why that price?" he asked. "Because it's a combination of 3's and 7's and those are lucky numbers," the President replied.
Numbers in the Bible do have significance. For example:
Three: Spiritual completeness, e.g.: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Jesus rose on the third day.
Six: Man's number. Man was made on the sixth day.
Seven: Spiritual Perfection. e.g.: God created the world in seven days.
Eight: Regeneration. e.g.: Noah and his family, a total of eight persons, were saved on the ark and regenerated the earth.
Twelve: Governmental perfection: e.g.: 12 tribes, 12 Apostles
Forty: Time of testing: e.g.: It rained 40 days and 4o nights to cause the Flood; the Israelites were in the desert for 40 years, Jesus was tested in the desert for 40 days
There are no magic or mystic or secret messages attached to Bible numbers or text no matter what Dan Brown says.
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(1) Prothero book review in Lufkin Daily News 4/24/10
(2) From "The Facts On Islam" by John Ankerberg, John Weldon and Dillon Burroughss
available from $6.00. I highly recommend it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Would you contribute to a $200,000/ year salary to pay a man to watch pornography 8 hrs a day? Absolutely not, you say? Well, like it or not, if you're a taxpayer you have been doing just that. It seems that a Securities and Exchange Commission lawyer making 2oo G's has been spending his valuable time that way while wasting your money. And he is not the only SEC employee who managed to bypass the porn barrier on govt. provided internet. A few lesser employees have been fired; at least one higher on the ladder has been banished for two whole weeks. Now he can go home and watch porn on his own time. When he returns to the duties he has been neglecting he will no doubt have learned his lesson and will be a model citizen and honest employee.
There might be a hearing so congressmen /women can rise up in righteous indignation to show the folks back home that they will not put up with such outrageous behavior. There would be much huffing and puffing, finger-wagging and scolding. The head of the commission will say that he/she had not the least inkling that pornography viewing was so rampant during their watch. That in itself would be an admission of dereliction of duty. And so it goes in the Circus on the Potomac.
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Saturday, LaNell and I went to a book sale at our local library. We each went to a different area. LaNell later told me of an interesting encounter she had with a young black man. He witnessed to her about his faith in Jesus and invited her to visit his church. His witnessing he said," was the least he could do for Jesus his saviour." Yes, indeed. The young man was not deterred by skin color or the setting. His eyes were focused on Jesus.
Witnessing opportunities are available all around us. One day I got a call from a telemarketer. I told the young woman I would listen to her sales talk if she would listen to me first. She agreed. I quickly found she rarely attended church and did not know about the saving power of Christ. After a short discussion I asked her if she would like to have Jesus in her heart. She said yes and repeated a sinner's prayer after me. It is amazing how the Holy Spirit put hunger for Christ in her heart and prompted me to witness to her.
Glory to God. Amen

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Securities and Exchange Commission, ever alert except when it is mired in unbelievable incompetence, has come galloping into Dodge with pop guns popping to show Goldman Sachs who's boss.

This is the same commission that snoozed while Bernie Madoff and R. Allen Stanford performed their magic shows; you know, making wealth appear out of thin air, also called Ponzi schemes.

Authorities estimate Madoff charmed investors out of some $18 billion. Madoff said the SEC should have caught him in 2003 but instead, he sarcastically said, the commission acted like a bumbling detective.

The SEC was warned as early as 1997 that Stanford was up to some skullduggery but it was not until 2005 that an investigation began. By that time the money from investors had grown from from $250 million to $1.5 billion. Allegedly, a former SEC enforcement officer quashed earlier attempts to investigate. When he retired he went on to represent Stanford's bank. In other parts of the country this might be called "conflict of interest"; in Washington it's "business as usual."

Goldman Sachs, "too big to fail," will let the SEC show who's boss and it won't be the SEC. The commission's attempt to punish GS will be a dog and pony show; "sound and fury signifying nothing" because their case is weak and higher-ups do not want the stream of cash going into their campaigns to be interrupted. GS's latest caper was originating and selling synthetic ('does not exist') collateralized debt obligations. This was a betting set-up with one set of "investors" betting the housing boom would continue and the other set betting the bubble would burst. Wall Street: a casino without the free drinks.

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In case you had a few billion left over after paying your income taxes, you might want to consider some purchases like these:

Roman Abramovich, Russian billionaire, has built a yacht costing $1.2 billion. That's billion in case you missed it. One room on the yacht has walls covered in stingray skins.

A television set covered in gold and set with diamonds was sold by a Swiss company for $2.3 million.

A twenty story residence has been built by a billionaire in India at a cost of $1 billion. Each floor has a garden and the 6th floor has parking space for 168 cars. 600 servants are required to staff the house. At least it provided lots of jobs.

Such stories may excite some envy in us but great wealth does not bring lasting peace and or satisfaction. The Russian will eventually tire of his yacht; the gold plated tv set is just a tv set no matter how expensive; and in time the Indian may wish he had built his tower bigger or smaller. Shouldn't the famous, the rich and celebrities be satisfied to have reached what they consider the "top?" Read the recent stories of celebrities who have "reached the top" and cheat on their spouses or who died from over use of drugs and alcohol or are constantly in out of rehab of some sort. They have everything including a hollow existence. When one has experienced all the pleasure that this world affords, perversion follows.

Yet, the celebrity life style is glamorized by those who stand to profit from promoting the celebrity and many ordinary people try to emulate what they think is a meaningful life of excitement and notoriety. It would be well for celebrities and would-be's (and us) to read Psalm 73, Living Bible translation and to heed Jesus' words (Matthew 6:24) "You cannot serve two masters; God and money. For you will hate one and love the other, or else the other way around."

Paul advised Timothy to, "Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God , who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment." 1 Timothy 6;17.

Can you imagine the reception these scriptures would receive if recited in the corporate boardrooms on Wall Street? But wait. The very rich are easy targets. Before we level criticism at them we should examine our own hearts and also be sure there are no planks blurring our eyes so we can more clearly see our attitudes and emotions about, and use of, money.

I suggest a book that does not specifically address the lifestyles of fame, notoriety and/or riches but brings examples of how those who experienced them met their ends: "They Went That-A-Way" by Malcolm Forbes. Interesting book.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The riches of the scriptures are inexhaustible. No matter how many times we read them, occasionally some new truth or understanding is revealed or noticed for the first time. For example: John 10:1-6

"Most assuredly I tell you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the door opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet, they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers. Jesus used this illustration, but they did not understand the things which he spoke to them." (New KJV version.)

Picture a walled enclosure with a single door which is guarded by a watchman. Some one who climbs over the wall is a thief intent on stealing one or more sheep. But the shepherd who has a herd in the sheepfold has the authority to enter the gate. There is more than one herd of sheep in the enclosure so the shepherd calls out his sheep by name and they come to him because they recognize his voice.

This sheep/shepherd relationship was certainly familiar to the people Jesus was speaking to. What they failed to understand is that Jesus was referring to himself as the shepherd and he was calling out people who would recognize him as the Messiah and who would follow him and respond to his voice.

What brought me to Christ 40 years ago was the revelation that he knows his followers by name. Some one must have told me that. But it is only recently that I discovered the scripture to back it up. Have you ever come upon a scripture that you felt must have been slipped into the Bible because you never noticed it before?

The nugget I found is verse 10:3. Previously I had passed right over this as something sheep and shepherds had going on. But as Jesus used it in the parable it has nothing to do with sheep and everything to do with how well God knows and cares about us.

We are not just a part, a speck, of a faceless mass of humanity. Our God, creator and ruler of the universe, knows us individually and specifically to the extent that the very hairs on our head are numbered. That's more info than the government has in their file on you. Yes; I was about as dense as the crowd listening to Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit has a way of gently smacking us on the head and opening our spiritual eyes.

A story that illustrates this: A farmer named Kline lived in Kansas. Although elderly he still worked the land and continued to prosper. Because he felt he had no needs, spiritual or otherwise, he rejected any attempts to introduce him to Christ. Mr. Kline's house was situated next to the farm to market road and directly across the road was a small country church. One summer evening Kline sat in a rocking chair on his porch while the church choir was practicing. The church windows were open and the choir was singing, "Jesus Died For All Mankind."

Mr. Kline's hearing was poor and he thought he heard, "Jesus Died For Old Man Kline." As though jabbed with a cattle prod, Kline leaped from his chair and ran across the street to find out about this Jesus who had died for him.

What a difference it makes when it finally seeps into our soul that Jesus died for each of us individually. And also it helps immensely to know that no matter what hardship, difficulty or disappointment we go through through or endure, Jesus knows exactly what it feels like because he's already been there. Sadness? Terror? Loneliness? Temptation? Cancer? Rejection? Death? Jesus has been through it all. He had to. And he chose to do it.

Hebrews 2:14-18 (LB) "Since we, God's children, are human beings--made of flesh and blood--he became flesh and blood too by being born in human form; for only as a human being could he die and in dying break the power of the devil who had the power of death. Only in that way could he deliver those who through fear of death have been living all their lives as slaves to constant dread.

"We all know he did not come as an angel but as a human being--yes, a Jew. And it was necessary for Jesus to be like us, his brothers, so he could be our merciful and faithful High Priest before God, a Priest who would be both merciful to us and faithful to God in dealing with the sins of the people. For since he himself has now been through suffering and temptation, he knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted, and he is wonderfully able to help us."

Matthew 8:16, 17; "When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And he cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, 'He himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.'" (New KJV)

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"Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight with widely scattered light by morning."

"May the force of evil become confused on the way to your house."

George Carlin

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mary went to to the tomb and found it empty. Contemporary records estimate the stone over the tomb entrance, which was rolled away, weighed between 11/2 and 2 tons. The religious leaders of the day spread the rumor that followers of Jesus had taken his body from the tomb and had hidden it. How the followers managed to roll the massive stone back up the incline that it came down and why they took time to unwrap Jesus from his grave clothes and stack them neatly on the floor of the tomb was not explained. Also, how the followers of Jesus could have done all of this with 16 elite Roman soldiers guarding the tomb against just such activity also has never been explained.

Doubters and unbelievers may find comfort in these baseless theories. Even though these and similar theories have persisted through the centuries, they have not prevented the growth to over 1 billion of those who believe Christ rose from the dead.

If I find myself engaged in conversation with doubters and they persist in projecting their doubts, I don't argue with them. I tell them if they are happy with their beliefs, then so be it.

As for me and other believers, we have received the most powerful witness possible: From Someone who was actually present when Jesus arose: The Holy Spirit of God.
Doubters can't match that.

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For quite a while I was curious about one event that occurred after the resurrection. Why did Mary not recognize Jesus after he arose? Some offer the explanation that her eyes were blinded by her tears. Possible. Others say perhaps she was so overcome with grief that she was in shock. Also possible. Maybe, since she was not expecting to see Jesus alive and supposing him to be the gardener, she did not concentrate on his facial features. Or, she had her back to him. Again; possible. Yet, when he spoke her name she instantly recognized his voice.

My humble opinion? She didn't recognize Jesus because he was in his resurrection body. Subsequent events proved he was no longer confined by time or space. Later, he suddenly appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He accepted their offer of a meal and as he broke bread to share with them their eyes were opened and Jesus disappeared. Later still, Jesus appeared to the disciples who were in a room with the door locked. Finally, on the road to Bethany the disciples watched as Jesus was drawn up to heaven. Why do you think Mary didn't recognize Jesus?

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"It is stupid to occupy a land of rocks, sand, deserts, ice and snow." A comment concerning Afghanistan. A left-wing rant in 2010? No. The opinion of the Duke of Wellington circa 1839 as the British prepared to embark on what would prove to be a disastrous military campaign to put Prince Shah Shuja on the Afghan throne. The Duke was too intelligent to have anything to do with the campaign. In spite of Wellington's warning, British politicians and businessmen pushed approval of the project through Parliament. When the Grand Army of the Indus set out on its mission it numbered over 20,000 men and 30,000 camp followers. When the last wisp of gunpowder smoke drifted away after the battles and ambushes, one British soldier survived to tell the tragic story of what happened to the rest.
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Well, the truth concerning the Health Care Reform Bill is slowly emerging from the fog of misinformation, smoke and mirrors. Now that the bill has been passed, some Democratic politicians apparently feel it's safe to reveal the real purpose of the bill.

Here is what Senator Max Baucus (D. Montana) had to say about Health Reform: "It is an income shift." Also, "It is a shift, a leveling, to help lower income, middle income Americans."
Uh, excuse me, Senator. Please explain how raising taxes on middle income Americans to pay for this bill is going to help us.

Let's hear from Howard Dean, former DNC chair and Democratic presidential candidate. Maybe he can explain. "The question is, (who asked this question?) in a democracy, what is the right balance between those at the top (economically) and those at the bottom? When it gets out of whack as it did in the 1920's and it has now, you need to do some redistribution (of wealth). This (health bill) is a form of redistribution." Hmm. Mr. Dean, I thought this bill was about health, not wealth. After all, Mr. Obama stood in front of God and everybody and said the purpose of this bill was to provide health care for an additional 32 million Americans and it would also keep the country from going bankrupt. Would he deceive us?

Also, Mr. Dean and Sen. Baucas; I think, if not mistaken, redistribution of wealth is a socialist tenet and is not required, nor even suggested, by our Constitution.

"Any government big enough to give you what ever you want is big enough to take away everything you have." Thomas Jefferson

(Please be advised: When I refer to Democrats or Republicans I'm talking about politicians, not rank and file members of those parties.)

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My favorite scripture: "I through the law have died to the law that I might live to serve God. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live. Yet, not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me."

Galatians 2:19,20

Thursday, April 1, 2010

As we left church yesterday we saw a young child carrying a Batman Easter basket; another small sign of the gradual secularization of a Christian holiday (holy day). Sometimes lost in the mix of colored eggs, new clothes, ham, marshmallow peeps and chocolate bunnies is that the day marks the incredible fact of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That Jesus could rise from the dead is so far from our experience that it is impossible to grasp with the human mind. There is only one way to believe it is a fact ; accept it by faith. Once that is done the wonder of what God has sacrificed to reconcile us to himself becomes reality.

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I believe in the providence of God. I see his hand at work in my life and in the lives of others. This relieves me from the burden of any concerns about the future. Instead, I can relax in his care and trust his perfect plan for my life. It would be dishonest to pretend or project the image that Christians experience only what is pleasant and comfortable in life. It is simply not so. As long as we continue in our mortal bodies we are subject to all the ills of being mortal. But, no matter what happens we are assured by his Word that God is at work in all the circumstances of life, whether those circumstances are good or bad. Please read Matthew 6:25-34.
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The media are reporting about a terrorist group that has labeled itself as "Christian." The group had planned to murder policemen and hoped to incite a general insurrection. Beside the obvious there are several things amiss here.
First of all, no matter what they call themselves the people in this group are not "Christian" in any sense of the word. However, the many reports of the media never fail to include the title.
On the other hand, Muslim terrorist activities in our country are usually reported without reference to the terrorists' religion. This conspicuous and elaborate respect is considered to be politically correct and had its beginnings at the top level of our government. Paul said in Romans 12:18, "If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men." That I intend to do. I don't need government help in how to treat or co-exist with, people of other religions.

Christianity seems to be fair game with an unlimited hunting season for the media. Christians are accused of whining whenever things like this are pointed out. Christ and his followers are regularly mocked by comedians but any objections are greeted with replies like," Aw, it's all in fun. Don't be such a spoil-sport. Go chew on your bible."
Jesus prophesied such things would happen. And, he is big enough to take care of himself. He didn't ask nor does he need his followers to kill anyone who mocked him. Instead, he called on us to pray for our enemies.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace and he is risen!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nancy Pelosi said of the Healthcare Reform Bill, "We need to pass this thing so we can see what's in it." What's in it will be a number of revelations that may or may not please Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. If, sometime in the near future, you hear a collective angry roar, that will be the nation's seniors finally discovering the cuts made to Medicare. Of this you can be certain: taxes will go up, for those who pay taxes, and there will be more layers of federal bureaucracy thus increasing the government payroll. The IRS will hire 16,000 new employees and the Dept of Health and Human Services will be been given a $1 billion advance for administering the provisions of the bill. What we will probably never know are the backroom deals and earmarks it took to make the deal palatable to the number of Congressmen/women required for passage of the bill. Are there things buried in the bill that have absolutely nothing to do with healthcare? Count on it. And, there is precious little in the bill that qualifies as "reform." The excessive cost of malpractice insurance that physicians must carry is not addressed. Docs order extra tests for patients so they can protect themselves against claims of negligence. Who can fault them for taking precautions against lawsuits? But this adds to the overall costs of healthcare.

The projected savings, as trumpeted from the Whitehouse, are Pollyanna guesses at best and sheer fantasy at worst. How 30 million people can be added and the cost of health care reduced is a mystery. The most skilled mathematician cannot add and subtract at the same time. Only politicians can do that. Of course you know that members of Congress are not subject to this bill; they maintain their own separate cushy health care. In America we are all created equal but some regard themselves as being more equal than others. A few other groups that deliver block votes have cut themselves a deal, viz. unions, etc. It is ever thus in Washington.

The stock market is telling us of others who will make out really big because of this bill. The stocks of pharma companies and health insurance companies are on the rise. Also rising are health insurance premiums and drug costs.
In the end, when the dust settles, it will be you dear reader, who will be forced to pick up the check for this party.
On the plus side, and the most important part of the bill, the poor will have access to better care and that is how it should be and has been a tragically long time coming.
I look out my window and everything looks the same. No mobs in the street headed to Washington with pitchforks, tar and feathers. The earth will continue to spin, the sun will rise tomorrow, the seasons will continue there appointed rounds, etc. and who knows? This bill may be the best thing since the invention of the chocolate peanut butter bar (which I hope will be in heaven). Pray that this bill will be for the good of our nation.
In the meantime, no matter what changes are in store, rest in the comfort and the sure knowledge that God never changes and He is sufficient for all our needs. So be it.

After thoughts:

In my opinion, the bill's requirement that everyone must have insurance or pay a penalty will not hold up against the scrutiny of the Supreme Court.

News Report, April 1, 2025

The Coast Guard announced today that, following a tip, it had intercepted an Australian freighter off the coast of California and found it to be carrying 200,000 frozen hamburgers complete with tomatoes, onions and buns made with white flour. The Coast guard claimed it was the largest forbidden-food bust in history. The National Forbidden-Food Coalition (NFFC) hailed the bust as a victory in the continuing battle with Columbian drug lords who, the NFFC said "are perverting our children with their vicious victuals."

They went on to say, "Since marijuana cigarettes have been made legal and after the precipitous drop in the use of other drugs that followed the great spiritual revival in Hollywood last year, (lead by Sean Penn and Madonna,) the drug lords have been forced to seek other profit centers. Expect to see a rise in the smuggling of Twinkies and real meat hot dogs into our country since both are going for $10 an ounce on the street. And that's without mustard or chili. Parents," the NFFC warned, "talk to your children about the dangers of forbidden-foods and be on the lookout for telltale mustard stains and Twinkies wrappers."

Elsewhere, a bidding war has developed between Dallas ISD and Houston ISD for the services of star science teacher, F.G. Newton. "We want Mr. newton on our team," Dallas superintendent J.B.Murky said. "We're not content with our second place showing in last year's Academic Olympics. We're prepared to offer him $25 million over five years and a Ferrari.

Houston ISD immediately countered with a firm offer of $25 million and a Roll Royce convertible. Mr. Newton's agent said his client will consider both offers when he returns from his summer home in Switzerland. The agent added that the offers were in line with what other top tier teachers are demanding.

Meanwhile, the upcoming Academic Olympics are shaping up as one of the most exciting in years. Yesterday, tickets went on sale at the venue for the Olympics, Tom Landry Stadium in Dallas, and all 90,000 tickets sold in 8 hours. An additional 20,000 disappointed fans were turned away and were unable to buy tickets at any price.

Locally, the event has been marred by ugly rumors that some local alumni have been secretly paying for books and special foreign tutors for Lufkin student Olympians.

Shawnee Prairie rancher O.U. "Sooner" Wilkins, e-mailed the local newspaper earlier today to report that he had observed a gaggle of pigs flying low over his south pasture.