So, what's in store for Miss Lohan? I pray for a Spirit-filled Christian man or woman to counsel with her and lead her into a relationship with Christ. Otherwise, if she continues in her current lifestyle it will likely lead to an emotional and physical breakdown. Suicide? Possible. Especially as she ages, her beauty fades and her career winds down. Currently, she has managed to avoid jail time for her latest escapade which only reinforces her sense of entitlement. A series of judges have been exceptionally lenient with her which has not changed her behavior.
Why should I care about Lindsay Lohan? If someone were to ask that question they wouldn't understand the answer.
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Following is a quotation of Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States from 1901-1907
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against such man because of creed, or birthplace,or origin. But this is predicated on the the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all . We have room for one flag, the American flag.
We have room for one language here and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is the loyalty to the American people."
I'm indebted to my brother, Dick, for alerting me to this quotation. He and I are fervent on the subject of allegiance to our country. If that makes us old-school and out of fashion we readily plead guilty. Our father emigrated to the U.S. from Greece and served in the U.S. army in the Mexican Border Campaign and WWl. He never referred to himself as Greek-American; only as an American. My brother and I do the same. The hyphenating of Americans is divisive. Either we are Americans or we are not. Will there ever come a time when we will all refer to ourselves simply as Americans? Probably not. Politicians like it as it is; they can pit one hyphenated group against another and the groups use their hyphenated identification to push for political power.
To those acquainted with the history of our country it seems President Obama has fashioned his presidency in the mold of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I think he chose a damaged model. Teddy Roosevelt would have been a better choice.
Mr. Obama appears to believe if he talks nice to Islamists and treats terrorists softly that somehow that will appease them and they will quit their horrific activities. NOT. "Get ready for all Muslims to join the holy war against you," the jihad leader Abd el-Kader warned his western enemies. In 2010? No; the year was 1859. This is the firm mindset of radical Islamists and it will not change. The avowed purpose of Islam is to overcome the U.S. from the inside and convert it into a Muslim country. Far-fetched, you say? It couldn't possibly happen? Sleep on. They are already preparing to use our Constitutional freedom of religion and separation of church and state to further their ends. And they're in no big hurry. As one jihadist said in Afghanistan, "You have the watches; we have the time." By the way, has anyone heard anything about Major Husan lately? You may remember he slaughtered a group of Americans at Fort Hood. His mentor, an Islamist preacher in Yemeni, proudly claimed Husan as one of his students and praised him for killing Americans. He urged "all Muslims to kill Americans." Husan is still living and having all his needs provided for by---you guessed it; Americans!
The only one I hate is the Devil. I do not hate Muslims. Hate corrodes the spirit of the hater and is a road that has no end. But I do not have respect for anyone who comes to this country and has no intention of assimilating into what it means to be an American. I am no fear-monger nor alarmist. The evidence for what I have said has been relayed on tv and in the newspapers and-----in the history books. It is in plain sight for those who are paying attention.
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