Christians suddenly get tongue-tied when it comes to sharing their faith. We will blab about some of the most intimate things, and our inner feelings to others but we stoutly resist talking about "religion and politics." We don't want to come on as a fanatic, somehow spiritually superior or "interfering in someone else's life."
Here's the outline for a 2 minute testimony:
In your own words simply tell
What my life (I) was like before I met Jesus
How I met Jesus
How my life (I) changed after I accepted Christ
Some will protest that their testimony is "not very interesting or dramatic." Yes, Damascus Road type experiences are part of what has happened in some people's conversion but they are not requirements or what has happened in every Christian's life. The main point and emphasis is how JESUS works in YOUR life and how he made a difference. Here is a secret: People are hungering for what Jesus can supply and they are waiting for we Christians to point them in his direction so they can know the love, peace and certainty of eternal life they're seeking and that we already enjoy.Besides, I can't think of anything more interesting and dramatic than entering into eternal life through Jesus Christ. Some also hesitate to share their witness because they fear rejection. Personally you will not be rejected; if rejection occurs it is Jesus who is being rejected. We're not talking about stopping people on the street and confronting them with the Good News nor making a formal, uptight presentation to a friend or neighbor. Opportunities come in the normal course of everyday life. We only have to be willing to share, pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit will put seekers in our path, be spiritually alert to recognize them and be certain in our own heart of our commitment to Christ.
"'When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people of Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth about my death and resurrection." Acts 1:8
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Winston Churchill was asked to speak at a boy's school in England. As he stood to begin, the audience waited in hushed anticipation for the great man's oration.
"Never; never; never give up," he said and sat back down.
Recently, a 100 years old college student got his degree. He died the next day.
In Mississippi a 74 years old woman received her nursing degree.
"Everyone shall hate you because because you belong to me. But all who endure to the end shall be saved." Matthew 10:22
Never; never; never give up.
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