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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jesus Said It; That Settles It

I am delighted and humbled to find that this blog has several new readers. I welcome you and encourage your comments.

This set of scriptures below presents a number of interpretive difficulties. I do not claim to know or have the answers or solutions. I've found I am not alone after reading many commentaries and theological opinions. Some commentaries skip these verses entirely; some are brief and shed little light. This morning, I read on the internet, a skeptic's opinion of these verses. His conclusion: It is obvious Jesus lied and prayer is nothing but a practice of superstition. He based his opinion on "scientific studies" in which people prayed for the sick and none got well. It would be useless to debate with such a person because as is said in 1Corinthians 2:14, " But the natural man does not receive the things of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." What follows are my thoughts for what they are worth:

Mark 11:22-26 "So Jesus said to them,"Have faith in God. For assuredly, (I tell you the truth) I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and cast in the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says, will come to pass, he will have whatever he says.

"Therefore I say to you, what ever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

"And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive your trespasses.

"But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."

Have you pondered these verses in the past? Have you said to yourself, "It would be great if it could really happen like that when I pray." Or," Who could possibly have that much faith?" Jesus would not have spoken these words unless they were true and possible. He would not place before us something wonderful knowing all along that we would find it unattainable. That would be capricious and completely against the nature of God.

Have faith in God Not faith in your faith, or in the church, or other people, or your pastor or doctrines. Have total faith in God.

"Whover says......." Some believe this promise was limited to the Apostles and their time . However it seems clear 'whoever"embraces all who have faith in God. Nor was any limited time period stated. "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." It is as valid today as the day Jesus spoke the words. In Jesus' day prayers were usually said aloud. I don't believe that is necessary for this promise but it certainly wouldn't hurt to pray aloud and with someone who agrees with you in prayer and faith.

There are provisions to be met. Obviously, and already established, our prayer must be in line with God's will. Next, our faith cannot be a reed swaying in the wind. The amount of faith is not in question. Only as much as a mustard seed is needed. The key is the persistent, constant, immovable, unwavering, rock-solid application of that faith in belief that God will fulfill His promise. And it is at this point where we usually fail. If results do not happen as quickly as we would like, doubts begin to creep in. The world, the flesh, and the Devil will continually apply pressure to try to influence us to give up.

"Believe it will come to pass." Visualize the result. See it. Imagine it has already happened. This is not just positive thinking. It is believing God will do what He says He will.

Forgive. Our sins are forgiven in Jesus. The meaning here may be that those who cannot forgive are also incapable of receiving forgiveness.

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I think anyone paying attention can see the need for health care reform. But, the public has said the proposed Obamacare bulldozing, pork-laden, monstrosity is not the answer. The president mis-judged the magnitude of his magic powers and will, if he's as smart as I think he is, move to center-right where the majority of Americans are.

He could begin by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices with pharma companies, (as the VA already has) a sensible action forbidden by the previous (Republican) congress who were not about to bite the hand that fed them.

The law enforcement part of Medicare needs exponential enlargement to crack down on the $50 billion a year in fraud and outright stealing taking place. At present there are a comparative handful of investigative agents and like most govt bureaucracies Medicare does not seem motivated to go after the crooks. Even when unlawful activities are reported, Medicare officials are very slow to act.

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I strongly recommend the book "Lost Shepherd" by Agnes Sanford. It is out of print but used copies are available on

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Another unintended funny headline from our local paper. I do not make these up.


The article that followed did not say what caused the fight. Maybe the two men involved tried to pick up some "chicks" and roosters objected. The men arrested told police they didn't know that fighting chickens was against the law.
(As you may have guessed the headline and article were actually about roosters being made to fight each other for bloodthirsty people who find this 'sport' entertaining. That is not funny.)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gratitude, etc.

True service in Christ is offered without any thought of reward. Yet, even God and the most selfless of saints appreciates an expression of gratitude for a good deed. In the 17th chapter of Luke, Jesus heals 10 lepers but only one returns to acknowledge what God has done for him.

"Then said Jesus, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" Where's the gratitude? Jesus asks. God does not demand gratitude but from this excerpt we can see that it pleases Him.

What happened to the nine? Did it ever occur to them to offer thanks to God for their healing? Do we offer thanks to God for all He does for us? For His love, mercy, forgiveness? For the miracle of our salvation and eternal life?

The Samaritan realized that Jesus was more than a prophet and he fell on his face in worship; an act reserved for God. The Jews in general were more than happy to take the healings and food Jesus provided but they would not believe he was the promised Messiah. The 9 had faith that Jesus could heal them. Healing of their bodies was all they were interested in. The Samaritan may or may not have realized that Jesus was the Messiah but it was his faith in Jesus as God that made him well, not only in body, but more importantly it made his soul well. This story is also a lesson on the need for gratitude as an aspect of faith.

Gratitude should be an integral part of our worship of God and also a response to those who have been a positive influence in our lives. They're not sitting by the phone or standing at the mailbox waiting or expecting to hear from you but they will appreciate a simple, "thank you." If you show gratitude you will be rewarded in spirit.

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Many Christians are missing out on blessings. How so? you ask. If you have confessed Christ as your Savior, do you understand you are a child of God and a joint heir with Jesus? As such we are entitled to everything Jesus is heir to. We are not claiming our inheritance in all its fullness. We have subsisted on cheese and crackers when there is a sumptuous feast of spiritual benefits spread before us. "Eye has not seen nor ear heard; neither has it entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those who love Him."

Jesus invites us to enter into the heart of God and experience the joy He spoke of so often.

Mark Twain said, "Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it."

Christians do a lot of talking about spiritual matters but but don't always follow it with action.

Rivers of life-changing spiritual energy flow from the Throne of God. But if we don't jump in the river, it will flow right by us leaving us to wonder why some of our Christian brothers and sisters seem to have an indefinable "something." (More in next week's blog)

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Remember "Cash for Clunkers?"

The publishers of Kelly's Blue Book, who know more about car values than the government does, stated that the real cost to the taxpayers for each new car purchased under the Clunkers program was not $4500 as claimed. Kelly's simply divided the number of cars purchased into the total amount spent on the program and came up with-----$24,000 for each car.

Are those in charge of security for our country, beginning with President Obama, seriously concerned for our safety or does political correctness still reign over common sense?

Terrorists have been released from Gitmo with only a stern warning that they must not return to their former bad habits. They are sent back to the Middle East and guess what? They fail to see the error of their ways and take up where they left off. What's the term for this method of keeping our country safe? Idiocy?

If you were to catch a fox who has been threatening your chickens would you pen him up for a while, then turn him loose with a copy of Emily Post's book of manners tied to his tail? Of course not. Foxes do not give up their taste for chicken and terrorists do not give up their taste for murder.

Recently, an Israeli security official testified before a congressional committee and offered to give suggestions on how to improve airport security in the U.S. 'Thanks but no thanks' was the apparent response he got in a letter from security officials. "They didn't tell me to go to hell," he said. "They were polite."

The foul-ups in the case of the Underwear Terrorist is a clear example of government bureaucracy in which the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. It's also an indication that congress should have listened to the Israeli security expert.

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I wear a ring with the words, "Trust God" on it. I wear it to honor God. I found out long ago that trusting God takes care of most fear and worry.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Elvis, etc.

Had he made it this far, Elvis would be 75 today (Jan. 8). (I tried to conjure up a mental image of a 75 year old Elvis in his trade mark leather suit but failed.) The momentous event of his birth is being remembered with an exhibition: "One Life; Echoes of Elvis" in the National Portrait Gallery, D.C.

The curator said, "Everybody should have a moment with Elvis." Perhaps. But, like so many other blanket statements, it reflects the sentiments of the speaker. Millions; probably hundreds of millions, will agree with the curator, but not "everybody." Me for example.

Although I like some of Elvis' music, I will not pine over my missed chance to have a moment with him. Our paths never crossed and we had little in common; he didn't practice architecture and I can't sing or wiggle like he did so well; he was fabulously wealthly and I'm not; he was handsome and----oh well, you get the idea.

Overall, I think that under the grease paint, hair gel and leather suit that Elvis had a kind heart. Anyway, if you should have a "moment with Elvis," tell him I said hello and happy birthday.

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On occasion someone will remark that I look younger than my age. I have no reason to be flattered since this is the way God made me. Sometimes I reply that I take vitamins G-O-D. The reactions I get are always interesting; from slack-jawed confusion to big smiles. Or, I could say that I spent a lot of time interviewing prospective parents and finally chose the most improbable couple: a 32 year-old Greek immigrant as my father and a 17 year-old Amercan cabaret singer for my mother. I never measured him but I believe my Dad was about 5'-5" tall and never weighed more that 140 lbs. In any case, My brother Dick and I towered over him heightwise and inherited the longevity gene not from, him but from some other ancestor. We're aiming to be the oldest ever in our clan, God willing.

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Another headline from our local paper:


If you've ever had to endure the endless waiting in a hospital emergency room you will certainly sympathize with this couple. 30 years surely qualifies as the record and one wonders why it took so long for them to recognize each other if they were in the same room for that long.

I guess that's not so strange when you consider this:

In 2004 a university dormitory was torn down. In the basement, behind the furnace, workers found a skelton wearing a tattered Tshirt. The lettering on the shirt was still clear. It read: "1925 Texas A&M Hide and Seek Champion."

The story was told to me by a UT grad so I cannot vouch that it actually happened.

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'Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and He with me." Rev. 3:20

This verse is usually considered to be an invitation to non-believers. It is, but it is also (and I believe primarily) directed to Christian believers to come into a deeper relationship with Christ. He will not break down the door or push his way into our lives but, if we invite him in, He will come in and we will feast together on spiritual nourishment.

"Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good,

And let your soul delight itself in abundance. (Portion of Isaiah 55:2)

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bill Maher, professional comedian, said in effect: "Christians only care about saving themselves." Of course comedians use irreverence, mockery, coarse language, and anything else to shock and amuse their audiences. In this case, however, Mr. Maher was being interviewed and not on stage.
It makes one wonder about the Christians he has come in contact with. Or has he formed this opinion based on hearsay and without any investigation? I would like very much to have a private conversation with him; to let him know there are Christians who deeply and earnestly desire for him to know the salvation, peace and joy that Christ offers him.
There are Christians in show business. Please pray with me right now that one of them will be led by God's Spirit to reveal the Truth to Mr. Maher.
A grain of truth abides in Mr. Maher's statement. Once they are saved, some Christians feel no obligation to spread the Good News to others. Not even to their children. Or their friends. "Don't discuss religion or politics" is the mantra. Too personal. Let the professionals take care of it; the minister, priest, youth worker, etc. That's their job. Actually, it's the job (privilege) of everyone who professes to follow Christ.
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8. NKJV
These words of Jesus may be received by us thusly:
Jerusalem: Where we live; our family
Judea: People we are in contact with, neighbors, fellow workers, classmates. etc.
Samaria: People we are not comfortable with
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I received a call yesterday from an architect that used to work in our office about 30 years ago. He was an only child; willful, talented but difficult to work with. Nevertheless, with the Holy Spirit's guidance and power I was able to lead him to Christ. His call was to tell me that he had retired from the practice of architecture and would soon be ordained a minister and already had a small church. He said, "I just wanted you to know what you started long ago." I told him that it was not my doing but that credit should go to the Holy Spirit. I was merely His instrument.
Praise God.
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Headline in the sports section of our local paper:


Hmm. If players comply would this make any difference in the way they perform? Would this affect their off-field behavior? It would certainly solve the problem of players ' concussions. Provided that players become willing donors, are there people lined up for brain transplants from NFL players? Some candidates may be those fans, warmed with alcoholic anti-freeze, who in 20 degree weather are in the stands with out any clothing on their upper bodies and/or have painted themselves all over with team colors.
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We were gifted with a colorful calendar from our local favorite Chinese restaurant. In delightful Chinese English, "Prospects for the Year" are provided for each month. (I don't subscribe to fortune-telling, zodiac signs, etc. but include this for the amusement of English majors, etc.)
For January:
"Be vigorous to take intiative and always well prepared to face your works and problems. Leave adequate leeway to people; never procrastinate things that need to be done. Learn who is faithful and who is mendacious; who is your friend and who is your enemy. With tiger's sapience, success is not that intractable."

Certainly the Chinese interpreter's English is vastly better than my Chinese.