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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Noah the Jewish Fly, Chapter 10

  "Master, I had an encounter with the Lord of the Flies."
  "Tell me about it," Jesus replied.
  "I don't know if it was a dream or a vision but it seemed very real,"  I said.  "We met in an oasis.  He was dressed all in white, which I thought was ironic to the tenth power.  His robe, tunic, turban and sandals were all decorated with gold and precious stones.  With his white hair and beard and pleasant expression he had the demeanor of a friendly prosperous merchant."
  "What made you think he was Satan?
  "I wasn't sure at first but I knew who he was  after he began talking.  He had an oily tongue and lies slid of it easily and often.  He did confess that Noah Flies had been an aggravation to him since they came off the Ark because they had always refused to kneel to him.  But he said he felt sure that I was different than all the others that came before me."
  "Different?  How?"
  "He said I was more likely to be up-to-date, more modern in my thinking and not hampered by old- fashioned religious ideas like my predecessors.  Surely, he said, you're smart enough to have already figured out that God expects us to use our own intelligence so that we can make choices and control and use that intelligence to determine our own destiny.  Who says we need a great nanny in the sky to tell us what's right and wrong?   That's a myth conjured up by weak-minded people who didn't know any better.  Remember, Satan said, when Moses went up on Mount Sinai to carve the Ten Commandments into the stone tablets? The Israelites at the base of the mountain hardly waited 'til Moses was out of sight before they began molding a golden calf to worship. See?  When push comes to shove, people want something tangible for security, something they can experience with their senses and they want it now, not pie in the sky in the sweet bye and bye."
  "Moses carved the Commandments into the stone tablets?  That's news to me," Jesus observed wryly. "He's still recycling the same old lies and deceptions." 
  "I asked Satan why he thought he could mock God with impunity.  He puffed up and declared that he was God's equal.  At one point, he said, he was one of God's favorite angels, but over time he began to wonder why God should have all the glory.  He talked it over with some of the other angels and they urged Satan to confront God with a proposition to set up two thrones in Heaven; one for God and the other for Satan. God will not share his glory with anyone so Satan was kicked out of heaven along with all of his conniving angels."
  "Yes," Jesus said.  "And I saw Satan fall like lightning."
  "He glossed over that part like he intended to leave Heaven anyway.  He said he was tired of the place and if there wasn't any chance for advancement, what would be the point in staying?  It was apparent that he wanted to change the subject because then he said he had the power to give me anything I might want.  He said he had put a package of goodies together that was bigger and better than anything he'd offered to my ancestors to get them to change their allegiance. Every earthly pleasure would be mine for the asking."
  "I can imagine," Jesus said.
  "First, he would make me into a human: young, handsome and rich.  Next, he would give me twelve palaces, each one in the center of a golf course. What's a golf course?"
 "Something in the future," Jesus answered.
 "Oh? Well anyway he emphasised that each palace would not be at the edge of a golf course but right in the middle. After that he promised a thousand of the best horses and the latest chariots made entirely of gold; riches beyond anything I could imagine; a constant stream of beautiful young virgins for my selection and I would move in the social circles of kings, princes and all the movers and shakers.  Beyond that I would be famous throughout the world.  All this and more would be mine if I denounce you as an impostor and return to his kingdom."
  "What was your answer?"
  "I said I didn't want anything he offered. It was all temporary and one day it would be only dust and not even a  memory.  That you, Jesus, offered eternal spiritual riches that will never pass away plus joy, peace and love right now."
  "How did he take your answer?"
  "In spectacular fashion I must say. His eyes turned bright red and flames shot out of his ears and mouth.  Although enveloped in the fire I was not harmed. But the oasis that had been so beautiful and green a moment before was now black earth and charred tree stumps.  Satan said I was a fool to put my trust in Jesus because I was betting on a dead horse.  He would prove that in just a few weeks and I would see Satan's victory when my hope was hanging on a tree.
  "At that moment a very odd-looking chariot without horses appeared next to him.  It was long and had four wheels.  On the side were the numbers 666.  Satan got into the vehicle and told me to remember that although I had turned down his wonderfully generous offer of a better and more exciting life, he would not give up on me.  Then, laughing like a goosed hyena, he and the chariot disappeared.  Jesus, what did Satan mean about my hope would soon be hanging on a tree?"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Noah the Jewish Fly, Chapter 9

  In the days following, Jesus and his disciples put a lot of miles on their sandals as Jesus taught, healed, raised people from the dead and fed thousands at a sitting.  It seemed to me to be enough evidence to convince a stone statue that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah.  Look, I'm not saying I'm smarter than anyone else but even I could tell at this point the disciples were still somewhat clueless about the real identity of Jesus.
  After Jesus performed a miracle at the wedding feast in Cana the disciples were sufficiently impressed to say they believed in him.  Big whoop.  Jesus said that even Satan and his angels believe that he is the Christ.  In the disciples' favor I'll readily admit I also missed the significance of the New Wine served at the wedding feast, the three water pots that contained the wine and more symbols laid out for those who are looking. Subsequent events proved, that until they were filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples believed in Jesus as long as he conformed to their image of who he should be.  An ever present possible human reaction as it turns out.
  An incident in Capernaum provided me an interesting example of the kind of faith Jesus was looking and hoping for in the Israelites; sons of the kingdom;    A centurion approached Jesus with a request to heal his servant who was suffering terribly.  Jesus replied that he would come and heal the man. Two things that must have set the watching Pharisees' teeth on edge: Jesus, a Jew, was talking to a Gentile and, horrors!, Jesus would, potentially, have to go into the house of a Gentile.  Both actions would have made Jesus polluted according to nightmare load of the ceremonial laws of cleanliness.  Jesus was not interested in abiding by or giving credence to the laws the Jews had compiled.
  The centurion understood authority and immediately recognized it in Jesus.  "No need to come to my house," the soldier said.  "Just say the word and my servant will be healed."  It made me wonder; Why was it that a Gentile centurion could clearly see the authority of Jesus and the Jews could not?   And that time and distance were no obstacles to the power of Jesus?  Could it have been that the centurion was not self-afflicted with a stiff neck or burdened with a mish mash of man-made religious laws, religious prejudices, a know-it-all attitude and a religion that had once been vibrant and God-centered but had now become calcified and institutionalized?  Or that he was willing to humble himself and, to get to Jesus, he didn't have to climb over a mountain of doctrines, tenets, mistaken beliefs and spiritual blindness?  I was beginning to have an inkling of the enormity of the forces arrayed against Christ but also that faith in him could arise in unexpected places.
  My belief that Jesus was the Messiah had been solidified because I had a a sort of an inside view, as it were, being present a few times when Jesus was at prayer.  At those times I felt I was carried on the wings of Jesus' words into Heaven itself and into the dazzling presence of God.  It was then that I understood, at a much deeper level, the meaning of, "Believing, trusting and reverencing God is the beginning of Wisdom."  Present in the Spirit in the Throne Room, I was overcome, not with fear but with the love and power emanating from the Throne.  I am not allowed to tell you of all that I saw but some day you may get your chance to see it.
  There were times however when Jesus would say, "Off with you, Noah.  I'm going to commune with the Father now and no other human---or insect-- may listen in.  But I will tell you this much:  We'll be talking about my destiny, the present and the future;  of things that will affect mankind in the entire world."
  One day Jesus and the 12 stopped for a rest in the shade of some palm trees by the road.  Jesus sat alone with his back against one of the trees. 
  "Come out and sit on my palm, Noah,"  he said.
  I made my way out of his beard and flew to the designated landing spot.
  Jesus looked at me intently.  "My little friend, the Lord of the Flies and Filth wants to take you back.  He is furious that you have escaped his dark kingdom and wished to put you through a barrage of lies, torture you with doubts and deceive you right into Hell.  Be aware of his intentions but don't be afraid; keep your spiritual eyes on me, only believe and your faith will protect you."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Noah the Jewish Fly, Chapter 8

   As I settled into a vantage point in Jesus' beard I must have wiggled a lot because He asked, "Are you comfy?"
  "Like sitting in the back seat of a Rolls Royce (A)," I answered.
  "Really?  As good as that? (A)  Well, you may stay there as long as you can stand it.  There are some rough times ahead;  ugly times you may not prefer to witness."
  What?, I thought.  As long as I can stand it?  Ugly times?  Hey; bring 'em on. I'm a grizzled veteran of ugly times. I've witnessed murder, child molestation, starvation, torture.  You name it; I've seen it.
  "Yes, you have" Jesus said, reading my mind. "And the evil-doers of all those things will be repaid.  But I'm referring to things even you, with all your experience, would find unimaginable at the moment.  For now, you will have to wait to see them as they come into being.  But before we leave this subject I know you've been pondering Isaiah's prophecy:  "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed."  What do you make of that?"
  "Oh, that," I answered. "Yes, I've wondered a lot about what Isaiah was referring to.  I came to the conclusion that the prophet was speaking figuratively.  It is beyond reason that your people would actually do You physical harm.  After all, You have come to deliver them from the penalties of sin and to set them right with God if they believe in You.  Surely, surely, once they recognize who You are they will receive You with joy."
  Jesus did not respond.
  Disconcerted by Jesus' silence I pressed the case for my opinion.
  "You grew up in Nazareth didn't you?" I asked.
  "Yes," he replied.
  "Well, I bet the folks there are proud of You.  You know, 'Local boy makes good; Turns out to be the Messiah.'"
  I could hear and feel Jesus sigh before he answered.
  "I was well received when I returned to Nazareth,"  he said.  "As usual I went to the synagogue on the Sabbath. Recognized by all as a Teacher, I stood up to read and was handed the book of Isaiah.  I read a messianic passage, closed the book, handed it back to the attendant and sat down.  Everybody in the synagogue stared at me.  I was seated but I was not finished teaching.  I added, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."
  I interrupted with, "And that's when they started cheering, right?"
  "No," Jesus said. "They sat quietly for few moments, seemingly amazed and somewhat shocked at what I had said. Then, a buzz started in the crowd and I heard someone close to me say, "Isn't this Joseph's boy?  We watched him grow up right here in this town. What gives him the right to claim to be the Messiah?  He's either mad or lying." I knew then that not one person there was receiving what God was offering.  I went on to remind them of God's acts of grace to Gentiles through Elijah and Elisha during a period of Israel's unbelief.  That stung the congregation into a frenzy. Yelling: 'Gentile-lover! Blasphemer! Death to the Liar!' they grabbed me and led me to the edge of a cliff, determined to throw me to my death.  It was not my time so I calmly walked through the mob to safety and they were powerless to stop me."
  I was stunned into silence by how His hometown had shamefully treated Jesus.  Then, something warm and wet from above drenched and roused me from my depressed state; Jesus was weeping.
  It's well known that flies cannot cry; but this fly did.  Buckets, actually.
  "Don't cry for me, Little Friend,"  Jesus said softly. "Weep for Israel.  There will also be many tears shed by My people when they realize Who they have rejected"  He stood, gently removed me from his beard and used a corner of His robe to dry my eyes. 
  "Feel better?"  He asked.
  "A little," I answered. "I just had no idea anyone would treat you like the Nazarenes did."
  " Capernaum is my new hometown,"  Jesus said. "Nazareth has made its choice.  Come, get back in my beard. We must move on."


(A) Once again the elderly author slipped off the time track.
(A) Example of Jesus' omniscience

References: Luke Chapter 4, Isaiah 53:5

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Noah, the Jewish Fly Chapter 7

  "Master," I asked, "Will you free your people from the grasp of the Romans?"
  "Noah, I am the Shepherd of God.  I have come first to gather the lost sheep of Israel.  I know each one by name and they know my voice.  But the Seed will not always fall on good ground.  Some will fall by the wayside, some on stony places, others among thorns.  As for the Romans: Nations rise and fall but the Kingdom of God is forever."
   Within myself I nodded in agreement with all Jesus said but I was so content my mind had shifted into neutral.  Sheep? Seeds?  Of course.  I get it.  But the importance of what he said floated right over my head and not into my heart.
  When Jesus spoke, his words had the sound of the dawn for He is the "Sun of Righteousness who shall arise with healing in His wings." His words were as new as the next instant and older than the Universe.  Even so, many would be unable to hear them over the cacophony of every day concerns and the search for pleasure.  Or simply find them easy to ignore.
  Resting in the palm of His hand I basked in a sense of peace and security I had never known before. I tried to snuggle deeper into a line of His palm and rubbed against something unexpected: a callous.  What? ---A callous?  This was not the soft hand of pampered royalty but of a working man.  He did not get such hardened skin without experiencing drenching sweat and hard labor from the first light of day until he laid aside his tools at sunset. From the first I could tell by looking at Him that Jesus was of peasant stock but until I felt that callous it had not sunk into my tiny brain that Jesus actually had to work like a commoner. 
  After all, He is the Messiah.  He should have been spared the aching muscles and bone tiredness of manual labor which was the lot of commoners, shouldn't He?  Shouldn't he have had something finer than the coarse fabric of His clothes and the simple meals that were not always available and the bottom-of the-barrel wine that was within one short step of being vinegar? In the Great Scheme of Things what difference would it have made if His path been made smoother? It seemed to me he deserved much better treatment and if I had been in charge that's what He would've had.  But I had to learn that 'the wisdom of God is foolishness to men.'
  Jesus voice roused me from my thoughts.  "You have to move, Noah. I will have enough trouble with people believing my message without them wondering why I'm carrying a fly in my hand."
  "But Master,"  I protested. "It's so cozy here."
  Jesus appeared thoughtful for a few moments and then spoke: "So like human reasoning: Find a comfortable place in spiritual life and stay there.  Avoid criticism and embarrassment by living and expressing faith in Me only within the bounds of what is socially acceptable.  Build a wall around that comfortable place to keep out anything, including the Holy Spirit, that might urge or cause change.  The scribes and the Pharisees have not only built such walls for themselves but for others whom God has made them responsible.  Will they welcome the Words of Life?  Some will but most will not and then they will compound their sin by shielding their disciples from the Gift of God by denying me as the Christ.  I tell you, 'Whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.' 
  Come, Noah.  Climb into my beard.  Burrow in and you will go wherever I go and be the first to hear me speak."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Noah the Jewish Fly, Chapter 6

  As I winged my way back into the Upper Room a more complete picture of Jesus was starting to come together in my mind.  One big piece was missing but I felt the total picture was almost in my grasp. The hours that I and Al bar Levi had spent poring over the prophecies of Isaiah concerning the Messiah had borne fruit in abundance in my consciousness and spirit.
  Bar Levi used the rabbi's usual teaching method of  answering a question with a question.  I confess I found it exasperating at times but also it made me think more deeply than I might have otherwise.  He didn't leave me foundering when I had exhausted all my mental and spiritual resources.  Instead, he would carefully, almost imperceptibly, nudge me in the right direction.  Still, still, I had a few concerns that lingered until Jesus had me return to bar Levi.
  As bar Levi and I studied the scriptures I wondered: Was Isaiah's description of the Suffering Servant intended to be a  portrayal of Messiah?  If so, it didn't line up at all with the traditional view of Messiah in the mold of David; a Warrior-King who would rid Israel of all its oppressors, rebuild the Temple and restore the nation to its former glory. For a while the two options bounced around in my head like pinballs.(*)  Even though the latter view was certainly the most appealing I ultimately realized that its appeal was to the flesh; not the spirit.  It was much later that I understood how accurate Isaiah's vision and prophecy proved to be.  Also later, my eyes were opened to the realization that Jesus WAS before the earth was formed and in Genesis, God had set in motion His plan of salvation.
  At the feast of the Passover, Jesus said the bread and wine represented his body and his blood which would be 'shed for many.'  Who are 'the many?'  Are they the righteous?  Back to Isaiah; "And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."  The 'many' are all of us; everybody; no exceptions both now and in the future. The way I understood it, Jesus was going to allow himself to be sacrificed for the sins of everyone in  the whole world. The logical question that follows is this: How can the death of one man, no matter how devoted to God; no matter how willing; how can that sacrifice possibly be sufficient to erase all sin in another person's life?
  That question was burning in my mind when I flew into the Upper Room where Jesus was sitting alone.  He extended his hand and I lined up on it for my landing approach.  The instant I touched down on his palm I heard a Voice in my spirit; a majestic, quiet Voice, yet as forceful and awesome as stars colliding or mountains crumbling.  I was so startled by the sound and substance of the message the Voice delivered, my landing gear collapsed.  I did three forward rolls and ended on my back inside the sleeve of Jesus' robe.
  "That was quite an entrance, Brother Noah," Jesus said.
  I crawled out of his sleeve and onto Jesus' hand. "Master, I know who you are,"  I said, head bowed and with all the reverence within me.
  "Really?  Who am I?"
  "You are the Christ; the Son of the Living God."
  "You're blessed, Noah.  You didn't pick this up on the street and you didn't reason it out.  No mortal revealed it to you.  It came to you directly from my Father who is in heaven.  Simon bar Jonah has already been been blessed the same way.  One day there will be thousands of thousands who will have made the same confession."

(*) Editor's note:  Pinballs were not invented for another 1900 years.  Please forgive error by elderly author.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Noah the Jewish Fly Chapter 5

  I wanted to dive into the cloud covering bar Levi but I felt immobilized and as though my six feet were firmly glued to the menorah.  What was going on in there?  My curiosity was pushing against its limits.  Though I had never seen it before, the cloud was strongly familiar.  Why?  Think; think----.  Wait; hadn't God manifested himself to the ancients as a pillar of cloud to lead them by day in the desert?  Of course; you knew that, Noah.  But, old boy, you can't be faulted for being confused.  After all, how often have you been in the presence of God before?  Well, everyday, sort of, as a matter of fact. Yes, that's true but------.  Stop!  Quit arguing with yourself before your brain turns to porridge.  Maybe if you'd noticed bar Levi's slippers were out from under the cloud you wouldn't have become so befuddled.

  "Tell me, son of Levi, do the rich, the powerful and the leaders of my people treat them well?  Do they have compassion for the weak, the sick, the elderly, the poor, the children and those on the fringes of society?
  "You know, Lord."
  "I am quite aware of what I know.  I'm asking for your observations."
  "My observations lead me to say there is little or no compassion forthcoming from those in control.  They desire recognition in the marketplace and the Temple and hearing their name praised is precious to their ears. How they love being pointed out on the streets as someone of importance. They expect the highest seats at feast tables and they never tire of seeking after this world's goods."
  "Just as I have noticed.  Do you think I may require too much from my children?"
  "No, Lord,"  bar Levi replied.  "Your prophet Micah said, 'He has shown you, O man, what is good:  And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?'  If we do these things we keep the covenant and the Law."
  "Yet,"  the Lord said with a sigh,  "Israel has apparently found that doing these three things consistently is much too difficult for them.  To do them requires change and personal sacrifice.  This they are not willing to do.  In the first place it requires an admission that they need to change.  They would be insulted at the suggestion that anything in their lives is wrong.  They would say they 'are children of Abraham' as though that entitled them to do as they pleased.
  They have not heeded my prophets.  Time after time Israel has called out to me in their distress. When I answered and delivered them they promised to obey Me but instead they soon drifted off into idol worship and concerns for their own affairs."
  "But," bar Levi said. "When Messiah comes all that will change for the better. They will finally become the people who will be worthy of you.  The people will welcome Messiah with praise and adoration.  Love, peace and compassion will abound throughout the world.  Each person, to the farthest edges of society, will have significance in the eyes of his neighbor because they will know they are all equal in the sight of God and are all loved equally by You."
  For several minutes, but what seemed an hour to bar Levi, there was no response to his glowing forecast.  He felt his enthusiasm slowly fading as a sense of foreboding took its place.  It was not to be.  Then the Lord spoke
  "You are to say no more to your colleagues or to Noah about Jesus,"  the Lord said.  "Jesus will declare himself in due time.  Eventually, Noah will play his part; minor and seemingly insignificant though it will be.  In the meantime, though he has memorized the Scriptures, guide him in depth through the writings of Moses and the other prophets.  Do not force-feed him.  Let him arrive at his own conclusions.
  Until just before Noah's death, he has been loaned a mind, will and emotions.  In other words: a soul.  Now he has a voice and, generally, those of his kind who have heard him speak, want nothing to do with him.  He is different and other flies, without understanding, become frightened, angered or threatened by his strange utterances.  The majority are indifferent, they ignore him  and go about their lives as usual.  Noah is not defeated in his loneliness and rejection.  He soon realized where his abilities came from and submitted himself to Me and dedicated himself to learning My ways. I am more pleased with that than all burnt offerings and the works of ten thousand who cry 'Lord, Lord,' but who have yet to seek and abide in My ways.  Nurture Noah. One year from now I want him to be studying the Messiah prophecies of Isaiah."
  "I hear and will obey, Lord,"  bar Levi said.

  From my perch on the menorah I saw the cloud suddenly evaporate.  Al bar Levi stood, his back to me, head lowered.  After a moment or two he raised his head, slid his feet back into his slippers and turned toward me.  I was not prepared for the sight of the golden glow covering his face and his brilliantly shining eyes. I almost lost my grip on the candelabra.
  "Noah," bar Levi said in a voice saturated with awe.  "I've been in the very presence of God."
  Overcome by bar Levi's appearance and the powerful holy aura still in the room I blurted out: "What did He look like?"
  "I only heard His voice.  Otherwise I would be stretched out dead on the floor."
  "How foolish of me,"  I said sheepishly.  "I knew that."  I felt like kicking myself with all six of my legs.  "Can you share anything He said?"
  "Yes. You are to diligently study the scriptures with my guidance  Together, we shall extract the full meaning of God's words."
  "I'm ready."
  "In all fairness you should know that, when the time comes, you will be bereft of your extraordinary
abilities.  You will die as an ordinary fly,"  bar Levi said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
  "I am not the least bit dissuaded,"  I replied.  "Nor do I have any regrets.  I understand who I am in God.  He knows me by name and He cares about me individually.  What more could I ask from the gift of life He has given me?  I rejoice in the certainty that I am part of God's plan."
  "Noah; you have more wisdom in your tiny body than in most of Israel,"  bar Levi said quietly.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Noah, the Jewish Fly Chapter 4

   As Al bar Levi approached I could tell by his grin he had spotted the two Pharisees scurrying in the opposite direction. I hitched a ride on top of his turban for what turned out to be a two block journey to his house.  The Pharisees had said enough for me to know that bar Levi was very likely the one I was looking for.  Or, has God picked him out? Hm. That's kind of presumptuous. Why would God take even the least notice of me?
  At his house we passed through a gated wall into a courtyard cooled by a fountain and shaded by two palm trees. Inside, a male servant met us in the entry, removed bar Levi's sandals and washed his feet, dried them and put house slippers on his master. That looked like it would be refreshing for my six feet also but I wouldn't have survived even the gentle scrubbing. We moved on into the study where the rabbi placed the two scrolls, he had carried from the Temple, on a large table and his coin bag in a cabinet.  He selected, and ate, a few dates from a brass plate presented by a female servant.  The  dates looked delicious and I was sorely tempted to get a nibble but summoned enough will power to resist.  Maybe later. After the servant retired and the rabbi was seated I hopped over to the top of a nearby empty seven-branched candle holder. I took a deep breath and thought,"Well; I guess this is as good a time as any to introduce myself.."
  "Al bar Levi,"  I said softly, my voice quivering.
  Bar Levi slid from his chair and knelt with his palms and forehead on the floor. "Here I am, Lord," he said.
  "Uh,---It's not the Lord, Rabbi,"  I replied.  "It's me, Noah."
  "Noah?"  Bar Levi raised himself to a sitting position, still on his knees.  "Where are you?"
  "Over here; on the top branch of the menorah."
  "I can't see you.  Are you a spirit?"
  "No, I'm not a spirit.  I'm a --uh--fly."
   Using the table top for support, bar Levi pulled himself up to his feet.  He smoothed his robe and took two steps closer to the source of the voice he had heard.  Leaning forward he squinted at the candle holder.
  "Well so you are," he chuckled.  "You had me going there, Noah."
  "You don't seem at all surprised that a fly can talk."
  "Is anything too hard for God?"
  "Well no; of course not.  But why do you think God is involved in this meeting?"
  "Surely you remember the story of Balaam's donkey speaking to Balaam,"  the rabbi said.
  "I do," I responded.  "I'm also reminded that Balaam wasn't surprised to hear his animal talking."
  "God opened Balaam's eyes so he could understand why the donkey spoke to him."
  "Do you think God will open your eyes?  And/or mine?"  I asked,
  At that moment I heard a sound like distant thunder; a compelling sound unlike anything I had ever experienced.  From bar Levi's stricken expression it was evident he knew the sound was not due to an approaching storm. A cloud enveloped the rabbi and he immediately fell to his knees again in his former pose. From then on until the thunder ceased and the cloud dissipated, I didn't speak nor did Iunderstand any thing that transpired between the intermittent thunder and bar Levi, now hidden within the cloud.

  "Arise, Al bar Levi. I already know you are my devoted servant.  You don't need to demonstrate.   Besides you're getting too old for that up and down business."  The voice was calm and gentle.
  "Lord, I am not worthy that you should come to me,"  the rabbi mumbled.
  "Do I need an invitation to come to you?"
  "Oh, no.  Heaven forbid----I mean,------goodness gracious I don't know what I mean."
  "Calm down, son of Levi.  I merely want to discuss Noah the fly with you. Why do you think I have visited you?"
  "You know, Lord."
  "Yes, I know.  Since you have not had time to get acquainted with Noah, I should like to point out some of his attributes and characteristics that I find very pleasing; more pleasing than all burnt offerings.  I also have some instructions for you."

Chapter 5 in the next blog. What do you suppose God would find pleasing about Noah?

  Now, a completely different but spiritually related  matter:
  I recently had open heart surgery; quite unexpected since there was no heart attack and symptoms were mild. So mild in fact that I, like most men, would have dismissed them.  But not my faithful wife.  Off to the family doc and then to the cardiologist.  Multiple tests, poking and prodding.  Serious deterioration of aortic valve.  Go to Houston for conference with noted heart surgeon.  Valve must be replaced.  We left his office at 5:00 pm, I was in a hospital room by 7:00 pm and wheeled into operating room around 7:00 am the next morning.  I told the surgeon I had changed my mind and wanted a tummy tuck instead.  He had great sense of humor.  Three days in Intensive Critical Care Unit, then back to hospital room.  All was well.
  Two cows were talking about a steer who had recently been placed in the corral with them.
  Bessie said to Lucy, "He's such a bore.  All he wants to talk about is his operation."
  My operation is just the setting for the point of this story.  This is the point:  From the moment it was apparent an operation was necessary I did not have one nano-second of fear, anxiety, worry or concern about the proceeding or the outcome.  Why?  Because I had perfect peace in Jesus Christ.
This was not a case of my bravery or "manning up" or a show courage.  The peace had nothing whatever  to do with my personal resources.  Instead I was totally assured by the scripture: "To live is Christ; to die is more of Christ."  I was in a win-win situation; I couldn't possibly lose.
  I am no spiritual giant and God is no respecter of persons to single me out.  I only know that Christ is exactly who he says he is.  He has proven that over and over in my life and the lives of others.

John 14:27
John 14:21

Monday, June 20, 2011

 It took twice as long for me to return to the inn because I couldn't seem to fly in a straight line. My navigation system had become distorted by the extraordinary news I got from Rabbi Al bar Levi.  After bouncing off a building wall my brain was jolted back on track and I began to try to sort out events up to now.
 About a year ago I felt compelled to get deeper into the scriptures and to find a rabbi/teacher to help me in my search for spiritual meaning and to reinvest the ancient scriptures with the joy, promise and hope God intended.  I hate to admit it but my faith had become sterile; a matter of form and following the rules that the priests had heaped over and above the Ten Commandments. In addition to the common folk's everyday struggle just to survive they also had to obey psuedo-commandments governing the smallest details of their lives. The religious hierarchy obeyed the laws if they found it convenient to do so.and if a show of obedience promoted their public image of righteousness.
  Of course there were, and are, truly devout and sincere religious leaders who do their best to be trustworthy shepherds of an often confused flock waiting to be led to the truth. But sadly, most of the so-called 'leaders' are in business for themselves and a very profitable business it is. The money- changers who make a profit on exchanging Temple coins for unacceptable Roman money are required to pay a fee to the priests. It's sort of a franchise. Only Temple money can be used for paying Temple tax, tithes, and special gifts.
 Worshippers bringing animals for sacrifice must bring only those "without spot or blemish."  Such sacrifices were later recognized as a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice of the Messiah who was without spot or blemish.  Not surprisingly the priests reject the animals, brought by the worshippers, as being blemished or spotted no matter what their condition.  In order to offer a 'proper' sacrifice, the worshipper has to buy, at an exorbitant price, an approved animal from the priests.  What a racket.
 When religion becomes institutionalized, perpetuating the institution and the leadership become the only reasons for its being.  Blasphemy and worldly reasoning are acceptable if that will protect the institution and thus the leaders' bird nest on the ground..  No wonder Jesus lost his cool and took a whip to the money changers.  They're fortunate He didn't send them to their reward immediately.
 What with the rattling of coins and the all the animal noises it was hard for me to hear in this place where only praises and and the voice of God should prevail. But, I didn't really know what I was looking or listening for in my search for a mentor so the noise wasn't much of a bother.
 I noticed two elegantly dressed Pharisees gossiping through their perfumed beards ( their mouths were moving; a sure sign that they were gossiping. )  They seemed to have positioned themselves beside a building column as though to be remote from the peasantry. I flew onto the turban of one of the men in time to hear him say the name "Al bar Levi."
 "I'd heard Al bar Levi was in line for a seat on the Great Sanhedrin," said Amos. "That was until a rumor started that he thinks the Messiah has already come and is in our midst at this very moment in the person of Jesus. If the rumor is true, it would ruin any chance he might have had.about the possibility of being on the Sanhedrin."
 "How foolish,"  Abijah, his companion responded. "Even if he really believed that nonsense he should have kept quiet about it. Once on the Sanhedrin he would have been set for life."
 "Remember not to say anything about this to anyone," Amos said in a low voice.    This is just a rumor, you understand.  Personally I like bar Levi.  There's something charming about his eccentricity but I just don't think he's fit for the Great Sanhedrin. Obviously. he is completely wrong about the Messiah since this Jesus fellow is from Nazareth. Why,---- everyone knows nothing good ever came from Nazareth. Besides, the scriptures are very clear that Bethlehem will be the birthplace of the Messiah."
 "You're right as usual, Amos," Abijah said. " Well, I must be going,  I am to continue instructing a class of converts this afternoon."  He sighed. "Gentiles are so stupid.  One of them actually asked if his conversion will impact his spiritual life in some way.  I set him straight right then.  I told him to follow the rules, do as he was told and he would eventually become as spiritual as me."
 "Well done old friend,"  Amos said.  "By the way you must tell me where you got that beautiful turban. Say,---isn't that Al bar Levi over there?"
 "Over there by the Laver; talking to a priest."
 "Yes it is.  Oh no; ---I think he's seen us," Abijah said in a panicky voice.  He tugged on his friend's arm.  "Come on; we can't afford to be seen talking to him."  They pulled up the fringed hems of their fancy robes and scurried off to escape Al bar Levi.
 Left in their wake I detected an unexpected but familiar odor.  The odor of Death.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

  I could tell I was not the only one in the room who was unsure of what Jesus was talking about.  The twelve men present also appeared puzzled by his remarks and they conversed with each other in low tones, gesturing for emphasis.  My own questions bubbled out into my consciousness almost faster then I could consider them.  Was Jesus setting himself up as leader of a revolution against the Romans and these men were the nucleus of his army? No insult intended but although he had a definite air of authority about him, this gentle little guy hardly looked the military type.  Besides, according to the rumors I'd heard the conflict was between Jesus and the Jewish power structure; not the Romans.  So; maybe Jesus intended to lead a popular uprising to get rid of the Jewish rulers and install a new, Godly and spiritually pure priestly class. Lordy; there certainly was need for change. The Pharisees utterly despised the peasants and didn't hesitate to take away their property in the courts or steal it outright. Together with wealthy landowners and the religious leaders,the Pharisees--snakes dressed in robes of gold threads-- preyed on widows, orphans and the desperately poor, without mercy. And they had the nerve to say flies are nasty  
  I hopped up on the cushion close to Jesus to listen in on the conversation he was having with the fellow next to him. (Jesus call him John.)  Jesus looked down at me and stopped in mid-sentence.  His brown eyes were so soft I felt I could float in them. He smiled and gently picked me up by the wings.  "Greetings, Brother Noah," he said. "Make haste; visit Al bar Levi and then return quickly."  He let go of me and my wings revved up, lifting me toward an open window, my mind whirling as fast as my wings were beating. How did Jesus know my name? And how did he know that Rabbi Al bar Levi and I were friends?  This was getting more and more exciting and mystifying. But why was I being sent to visit my rabbi?  I didn't want to leave. The action was here in the upper room and I was afraid I would miss something important. But I had felt the touch of Jesus and the irresistible persuasion of his words moved me to do as he said.
  I was in Rabbi Al bar Levi's study in just a few minutes.  "Master," I said, a little out of breath, "I have been celebrating the Passover with a group of men at an inn a few blocks from here. The leader of the group, a man named Jesus, told me to come see you and then return quickly."
 Bar Levi looked up from the scroll of Isaiah spread before him.  "Jesus, you say?" Bar Levi stroked his beard and appeared thoughtful.  "Why did he send you to me?"
  "I--I don't have the foggiest,"  I stuttered.
  "I believe I do," bar Levi said, still fingering his beard. 
  "Is he a rabbi?"
  "The Rabbi of rabbis."
  "A prophet?"
  "The Prophet of all prophets.  But neither of these is the purpose of his being."
  "What, then?"
  Bar Levi placed his hand on the scroll.  "It's all right here.  Isaiah gives you a complete description of Jesus the Messiah. Everything but his name."
  The rabbi's words reverberated and crashed like thunder in my brain.  "The Messiah?  That unimposing little man?"
  "That unimposing little man and his twelve companions are about to turn the world upside down.  Now; up with you.  Fly, Noah, fly.  Return and see the unveiling of what was prepared before the world began."

More of Noah's adventure in the next blog.

Monday, May 2, 2011

  Hello; I'm a fly. That's right; a fly,...with wings and everything. Wait a minute; don't hit 'delete.' I know that I and my kind can be very, very annoying.  We show up, uninvited, at your picnics, barbeque's etc and walk all over your food. Yeah, we're universally hated and reviled and the word 'fly'is usually preceded with the word 'damn.'  But, hey, flies have to make a living too, you know? Nothing personal; it's the way we're made. I guess we're not all that bad 'cause how many times have you said, "I wish I could be a fly on the wall" so you could eavesdrop on your friends, family and neighbors?  Gotcha.
  Well, I can be a fly on the wall and boy, the stories I could tell.  All of which brings me to a story I can tell you, passed down from my great-grandfather 7 or 8 thousand times removed: Noah Fly lll. Ol' Noah III was the great grandson of one of the two flies taken on the Ark and he lived a long time. (All the male animals and insects brought on the Ark took the name Noah.  I bet you didn't know that.)  Anyway, here's his story as he told it.
  "In the year 33 A.D. I had taken up residence in the second story of an inn.  My wings were getting heavy and my wandering days were over.  This upper room was comfortable and food was plentiful.  I didn't have to share it with any other flies because they stayed away out of respect for my great age and my vicious left hook.
  "This particular day was the time for the Feast of Passover and, being a good Jewish fly, I looked forward to sharing it with whoever rented the room.  The servant girls came early and arranged couches in a circle and placed small low tables close to them.  Later, a group of men filed in and reclined on the couches; the humans customary way of dining.  The men seemed to defer to one member of the company. There was nothing in his appearance to distinguish him from the rest. It was plain that he was of peasant stock but there was an air of charisma about him that even I could detect.  The servant girls brought the Passover food and wine and left. As I listened to bits of conversation going on I began to get the feeling that this was not going to be your usual Passover celebration.  For once in my life I forgot all about eating and pestering the diners.
  "Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as the Leader began to speak.  'I can't begin to tell you how much I wanted to eat the Passover with you before I suffer.  I won't eat it again until the Kingdom of God comes.'  Whoa. This really got my attention.  What did he mean about suffering?  And, if he's not going to eat the passover again I suppose he knows he's going to die. Wait a minute; I'll bet this the fellow the servants have been talking about.  They said the Pharisees have been harassing someone named Jesus because he's been making things uncomfortable for them and the Sanhedrin. Don't those people have anything better to do?  I turned off my buzzer and flew right below him on the floor. 
  Jesus held up a whole loaf of unleavened bread, broke it, gave thanks and said, 'This is my body broken for you; do this in remembrance of me.'  Crumbs fell and I ate one.
  Next, Jesus picked up a goblet of wine and said, "Each one of you take a drink of this and pass it around 'til it's all gone.'  A drop appeared on the floor beside one of the fellows and I slurped it up. 'This is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you,'  Jesus said.
  Like all Jews I had memorized the scriptures and Jesus' words reminded me of some passages in Isaiah. I felt certain I was on to something; but what?

 Follow Noah's search in my next blog.

Friday, April 1, 2011

  The existence of God, or the divinity of Jesus, cannot be proved or disproved using intellectual argument.  C.S. Lewis asserts that we have an "incurably abstract intellect."
  This intellect, along with the five senses, forms a barrier against letting total reality get through to us. If we cannot see, smell, touch, hear or taste God then our mind, our intellect, tells us God does not exist. But our senses equip us only to experience the physical world around us; to tell us what is real and what is not.    If one comes into contact with something foreign to one's experience, memory, assumptions or preconceived ideas and if at least one of the senses doesn't transmit positive information to the brain, then one is likely to dismiss whatever it is as an aberration.  We would also consider ourselves as being "sensible" for recognizing such supposed aberrations and rejecting them.  
  It is no wonder then that Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." 1Cor.2:14.
  No where is that more true than in the realm of science. Science rejects spirituality because it cannot be measured or proved in the laboratory.  Richard Dawkins, British evolutionary biologist said, "Many of us (scientists) saw religion as harmless nonsense.  Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people need a crutch for consolation, where's the harm?"  Dawkins also said with unbridled condescension, "(Religious) Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence.  Faith is belief in spite of, or even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence."
  He is snared by his own words because scientists have great faith in the unproved theory known as the  "Big Bang."  Where is the evidence?  Until the 1920's scientists believed that the universe consisted entirely of the Milky Way galaxy though it is now known there are billions of galaxies. And, until the early 1900's it was thought the universe was static although later investigation showed the universe is actually expanding. Then, later, astronomers thought the expansion was slowing until they proved it was actually accelerating. What is the universe expanding into? Is there Super-Space beyond the space containing the universe?  Science cannot answer the question of what existed before the Big Bang and how the whole thing started. Dr.Dawkins, in a rare moment of humility, admitted, "I don't know how (it all started), nor does anyone else."
   I am one of those you look down on, Dr. Dawkins, but may I offer a possibility? Isn't it possible that the Bible has been right all along? I believe that, in the future, when all investigations have been completed, that will be the only and final conclusion.  In the meantime, I have all the convincing evidence of God's creative power that I need. Whether God used evolution or the Big Bang or anything else you come up with I believe that you, Dr. Dawkins, and your fellow scientists, will arrive at the same truth.
   I don't mean to mock science. Far from it. I am fascinated by all the discoveries being made. My point is that science is constantly changing whereas the Word of God is forever. The Bible is not a scientific book and is not in competition with science; it deals with spiritual and practical matters.  Christians are not stupid because they are not scientists or because they choose to believe as they do. There is one point of contention: Scientists claim to know what happened a millisecond after the Big Bang; Christians know what happened before it ocurred and scientists do not.

   In spite of common sense to the contrary, our congress and president have involved our country in another war. What unmitigated nonsense. Has our government not been spending fast enough to send us into bankruptcy? Is this another attempt to make the world safe for oil companies? Libya is no threat to the our country. Is this part of some secret stragety to isolate Iran? If our involvement is, as the U.S.propagandists say, a humanitarian neccessity  then why has the U.S. all but ignored the horrific genocide in Darfur?  How do funds magically appear for these foolhardy military adventures and yet are not available for feeding the millions of children in our own country who do not have enough to eat?  Would you walk by and ignore hungry children on your way to deliver tons of food to Afghanistan and other countries?  That is what's happening with our government.
   "The U.S. has not just misplaced its priorities.  When the most powerful country ever to inhabit the earth finds it so easy to plunge into the horrors of warfare but almost imossible to find adequate work for its people or to properly educate its young, it has lost its way entirely."  Bob Herbert, NY Times columnist.
  The Arab League was quite happy for the U.S. and other non-Arab countries to risk their pilots to provide a no-fly zone. Then that same League complained that the Allies took the mandate too far. Although Arab countries have planes made in America and pilots trained here, only two (French) planes from the tiny Arab country of Qatar are in combat. These mid-East countries are made up of various tribes, Shiites and Sunnis, all of whom have their own ideas about freedom and government which don't coincide with Western democracy. The Muslim Brotherhood and the Al Queda are supporting the rebels and the the position of fighting for these organizations in Libya and against them in Afghanistan.. What irony. You can be sure the rebels, if they are successful, will do what they feel is best for them and that doesn't include being beholden to the U.S.  They will continue to regard us as the Great Satan.  They don't hesitate to work with who they consider to be the devil to pull their fat out of the fire.
  Jeffrey Sachs, professor of economics at Columbia University, recently had this to say, "Washington is unrealistic. They are not talking about real things like military spending and entitlement programs.  Instead, Congress and President Obama seem set on cutting civilian discretionary spending, including education, that directly impacts mainstream America."
  "There is such a disconnect between what American people say, and what Washington does, you wonder if this is a democracy.  The American people say, 'get out of Afghanistan, stop wasting money on the military, raise taxes on the rich and (opt for a) public option on health care.  Of course, the interests, the powers that be oppose all of that."
  "I think we are in a decline because our political class is so dishonest right now and so disconnected from American values that we are not finding a way forward.  In the long term America will continue in decline as long as we play these games."  Amen,  brother.
   General Electric made a profit of $14 billion in 2010; $5 billion of that was earned in the U.S.  GE did not have to pay any U.S. taxes. Not a single penny. Nothing.  Jeffrey Immelt, chief executive of GE, is also  leader of President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.  Imagine that. What a cozy little coincidence.
  The Time's David Kocieniewski reported, "Its (GE's) extraordinary success is based on an aggresive strategy that  mixes fierce lobbying for tax breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its profits off-shore."
  This kind of skullduggery will go on whether there are Repubs, Democrats or chimpanzees in Congress;
Wall Street, the Military, Corporations and Unions control the government.
God help us.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My number one source for Headlines Subject to Unintended Interpretation is our own Lufkin Daily News. The latest: "Duo Found Guilty of Animal Cruelty for Fighting Chickens." Why didn't these men pick on someone their own size? As we can see from the abundant carcasses in supermarkets, chickens are virtually defenseless. To even the odds, I say tie down these men, cover them with chicken feed and turn a flock of their feathered opponents loose on them.
Article below is from the Houston Chronicle (From my files. Date unknown but something like this plays out every day)
"Sammilu Williamson Evans was the graceful and elegant beauty queen with girl-next-door charm, but somewhere within her sculpted beauty she grappled with private demons. The 46-year-old woman who won a string of beauty contests in the 1960s and 1970s, stepped off the balcony of her posh Galleria-area condominium Wednesday. Police said she had been drinking before the fall from the 23rd floor of the Bristol condominium. Family and friends were left wondering why the woman who had it all would end her life."
(Italics mine)
All? All what? Beauty. riches, fame; the popular notion of what constitutes "having it all." But these could not protect Ms. Evans from "private demons" because she apparently had few, if any, spiritual defenses. When there was no more adulation, and applause and beauty had faded, riches were very cold comfort for loneliness and loss of identity. She no longer knew who she was. Life and beauty queen had become synonymous to her. When she was no longer beauty queen, life lost its meaning. Why go on?
If having an abundance of the pleasure and treasure that the World offers is the ultimate key to happiness then celebrities and the rich and famous should be the happiest people on earth. There is ample evidence that they are not.
Jesus said "What profit is there if you gain the whole world and lose eternal life? What can be compared to eternal life?" What indeed? Yet, many are gambling that there is nothing after this life. They want what they want and they want it Now!
It's popular to (figuratively) beat up on Hollywood, the media, liberals, humanists, politicians, etc. for what's spiritually wrong with our country. Sure; some of them are part of the problem but perhaps we need to look closer to home for who is really to blame. According to statistics more than 75% of Americans maintain that they are Christians. Based on that, the U.S. is generally portrayed as a Christian nation. I disagree with that idea. I've given my reasons and said my piece about that in earlier blogs.
Is there a noticeable gap between what Christians profess and how they act? There are those inside and outside the faith that will answer with a resounding Yes. We are supposed to be imitators of Christ, sharing the good news of salvation, visiting the sick and prisoners in jail, clothing and feeding those in need, turning the other cheek, being humble before God, allowing ourselves to be moved by the Holy Spirit into the will of God, serving others in the spirit of true agape love, etc. OK; I admit I don't measure up. Of course there are those who quietly go about God's work under the radar of recognition and personal glory. But,religious writers and critics say, these are in the minority. The majority are biblicaly illiterate and have not been discipled. This results in producing lukewarm evangelism, "silent Christians" and "Diet Christianity" guaranteed to limit spiritual growth. Some television preachers have substituted "positive thinking" for faith.
The 13th chapter of 1Corinthians, the "Love Chapter," has been used so many times at weddings some think it applies only to marriage and that Paul wrote it for that purpose. Not so. It is Christ as LOVE; a personification of the kind of love Christians should have for each other and to demonstrate to all those they come into contact with. Apparently some of us Christians have failed to read the memo. Pat Robertson has portrayed God as vengeful; saying God caused disasterous hurricanes to punish America because of homosexuals.  There were hurricanes for thousands of years before America existed. Was God just practicing?
We don't have to go around in an animal skin, carrying a staff and calling down the wrath of God to show we are serious about our faith. Consider this example: Following hurricane Katrina, an avowed atheist wrote to the British left-wing Guardian Weekly asking , "why Christians are the people most likely to take the risks and make the sacrifices involved in helping others. It ought to be possible to live the Christian life without being a Christian or, better still, to take Christianity a la carte. Yet, it is impossible to doubt that faith and charity go hand in hand." All kinds of organizations were involved helping in the aftermath of the hurricane but it was the actions of Christians that were recognized by the atheist. Even the New York Times described how the church groups were doing a better job than government agencies and didn't object (!) that when those "doing temporary repairs and cleaning up debris give homeowners a signed Bible and pray with them."
Jesus, with 12 ordinary men, "turned the world upside down." (Acts 17:6) with a message of salvation, peace and love. We can't all go to sites of devastation to put our Christianity into action but we can all continue the work of turning the world upside down where ever we are and whoever we are.  We don't need a seminary degree to demonstrate agape love or to do simple acts of kindness and courtesy inspired by the spirit of Jesus.
We can't leave evangelism entirely to the clergy or wrap our cloaks of righteousness about us and take refuge in church services and expect the Good News to flow into the world by osmosis. It won't happen.
Many, perhaps most, Americans are cheering for those people in the mideast rebelling against dictators and for democracy, envisioning that if they attain it, it will be just like the democracy we enjoy. Consider that a poll in Egypt found that 84% of Egyptians favored the death penalty for anyone who leaves the Muslim faith.
What kind of democracy will that be?  Shiites and Sunnis may have a common enemy now but they have been at odds for hundreds of years and are not likely to suddenly come together after the shooting stops.  .
 Nature abhors a vacuum and if the rebellions are successful, the leadership positions must be quickly filled or chaos will result. The turmoil is a long way from being over in Egypt.
The rebels in Libya are asking for American air raids against troops loyal to the Libyan dictator.  Mr. President, don't do it. It would put the an absolute no-win position.  Send humanitarian aid but do not risk anymore of our military as is being done in Afghan and Iraq. (Since I wrote the above comments, Britain sent a small mission group of diplomats and commandos who secretly parachuted into Libya to talk with the rebel leaders. They were arrested and temporarily detained on suspicion of being enemy mercenaries.  Baffled by their unfriendly reception, they are now back in Britain with perhaps a little better understanding of who and what the West will be dealing with if they foolishly get involved

" The (Arkansas) Secretary of State's race pits a Democratic candidate who says he has detailed ideas for the office and a Republican candidate who says he has few plans and that's the way it should be."  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 9/19/2010
"M. B., 82, has been given a ticket and fined $1,103 after an Oregon state trooper clocked her driving 110 mph in a 55mph zone."  You Go Granny. NASCAR is calling.
A news article says that Jennifer Aniston has changed her hair style.  Who is this woman and why is the world being kept up-to-date on her coiffures? I know she's an actress but the question remains.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"We need too have a vote on it (Obamacare repeal) because we promised the people we would," Senator John McCain, R-AZ, said Sunday on "Face the Nation" on CBS. "We have to have a vote on repeal so that everybody is on record whether they want repeal" (Lufkin Daily News, 1/24/11)
If you are hoping that Obamacare will survive the recent turnover in Congress, relax; all is well. But, if you are hoping the Repubs will force repeal of Obamacare you're out of luck. They won't succeed in their bogus attempt to repeal it because insurance and pharma companies, huge donors to the Repub party, don't want it repealed. House Repubs will make a great smoke and mirrors show of fulfilling their campaign promise of voting to repeal the law knowing full well that it won't get by the Democratically controlled Senate. If it should, Mr. Obama will veto it. Then the elephants can say, "See? We tried but those stubborn ol' donkeys wouldn't cooperate." Business as usual.

If we put our ultimate trust in anyone or anything other than God we are sure to be disappointed.


I noticed in an NFL ad that the play-off games were being seen by our armed forces in 175 countries.

a.) I didn't know there are 175 countries

b.) What business do we have putting our troops in those countries? Who made us the
world's police force?


The Pope recently said he was shocked to hear that Christians have been killed in Egypt and other Muslim countries. With all due respect to your exalted position, sir, you should know this is not something new. It has been going on for centuries and will continue until.......?

A small Christian group has been persuaded by Harold Camping, who heads up evangelistic Family Radio, that the world is coming to an end on May 21, 2011. (Time mag Jan. 4, 2011) Mr. Camping made a similar prediction that was to take place on Sept. 6, 1994. Did that happen and I missed it?

The group under Mr. Camping's wing is distributing flyers about the "coming" event and feverishly trying to inform the public before it's too late. Evangelism is good but I don't think this is the way to go about it.

Jesus said that no one knows the date when the world will end; not even Jesus. Yet, people will continue to believe they have found secret codes in the Bible that enable them to figure out the date. Even Isaac Newton, the great English scientist, spent years poring over the scriptures and eventually thought he had determined a date for the end of the world. God had something to say about this in Isaiah 44:25. "I am the one who shows what liars all false prophets are, by causing something else to happen than the things they say. I make wise men give opposite advice to what they should, and make them into fools." No matter how devoted and sincere decoders and self-appointed prophets are, no one can know the mind of God except the Spirit of God.

We are to be spiritually ready for whatever happens, not frightened or worried about the apocalypse. "Be not afraid; only believe" Mark 5:36
According to recent news articles, cursive writing will soon be as unintelligible as Elizabethan English is to most of us. Cursive is sooo twentieth century. Just think; people over thirty will be able to write messages in cursive that will be a mystery to the youngsters now in school. And if the cursive document includes correct grammar it will be a double mystery. On the other hand, I confess that twitter (tweet? twert? twizzle?) language might as well be Chinese to me.
lol, bff. There; did I just say something nice or gross?**********************************************
Cleaning out our house after Nita's death, I threw or gave away hundreds (literally) of things that had been accumulated over the 60 years of our marriage. Included were plaques representing awards of various kinds. After my departure from this vale of tears no one would remember (even my memory was a little hazy about some of them) or care what they were for. I was not the least bit sentimental about them so into the dust bin they went. This led me to wonder: what, if anything, of worth and endurance would I leave behind?

My name? The Marsellos family name will disappear with the passing of my son. Not always succesfully because of all my multitude of weaknesses, I have tried to uphold the name without stain and I know he is doing, and will continue, to do the same. In the areas of father, husband, grandfather, etc., architect, poet, novelist, artist, Christian, etc., I can say without false modesty and with complete honesty that I have never felt I was more than average. ( One definition of average: The best of the worst and the worst of the best. Ugh.) Paul said we are not to think better of ourselves than we ought.

Does life have a point or is it only a collection of random events? Do we have a reason for being or are we like a weather vane, doing our job as we and others see it but being moved only by the vagarious winds? I firmly believe we have free will but is there some Grand Scheme in which, under the right conditions, my free will ultimately blends with God's will for His purposes?

It can occur at any age but middle age seems the time when many examine their progress in life. I know I did. I found that I was, so to speak, "Weighed in the balances and found wanting." (Daniel 5:27) I had no spiritual weight at all. For me, life was bleak and without real satisfaction. There are numerous ways to temporarily cover up spiritual hunger and deficiencies: appearing religious (talking the talk. I was very good at that), church attendance in body but not in spirit, denial that anything is missing, alcohol, illicit sex, drugs, work, pride (remember the Pharisees? Nothing wrong with us. We're sons of Abraham), gathering possessions, etc., but only one way to level the balances.

Jesus said to Nicodemus (and us), "You MUST be born again." There is no wiggle room in this statement; it is absolute. Take it or leave it; there's no middle ground. It will do no good to stand before God and say,"I was an Eagle Scout" or "I attended every church service all my life" or "My grandfather was a preacher" or "Our family is very prominent. We have always been good people and contributed millions to good causes." Fine. Wonderful. Congratulations. But, none of that matters unless you have been born again.

All of the above leads to a dream I had recently. In the dream I was conversing with a group of people; none that I recognized. I don't know if there were 2 people or 20. But I distinctly and clearly remember that I declared,

"I know why I was born! It was so I could lead (---?---) to Christ!"

The name of the person was a blur. Was it someone I had the privilege to influence for Jesus in the past or someone in the near future? I don't know. But I do know the joy I felt to have the confirmation of the reason for my existence. Everything else in my life has only been background.


"Now the God of hope give you all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit" Romans 15:13