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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My number one source for Headlines Subject to Unintended Interpretation is our own Lufkin Daily News. The latest: "Duo Found Guilty of Animal Cruelty for Fighting Chickens." Why didn't these men pick on someone their own size? As we can see from the abundant carcasses in supermarkets, chickens are virtually defenseless. To even the odds, I say tie down these men, cover them with chicken feed and turn a flock of their feathered opponents loose on them.
Article below is from the Houston Chronicle (From my files. Date unknown but something like this plays out every day)
"Sammilu Williamson Evans was the graceful and elegant beauty queen with girl-next-door charm, but somewhere within her sculpted beauty she grappled with private demons. The 46-year-old woman who won a string of beauty contests in the 1960s and 1970s, stepped off the balcony of her posh Galleria-area condominium Wednesday. Police said she had been drinking before the fall from the 23rd floor of the Bristol condominium. Family and friends were left wondering why the woman who had it all would end her life."
(Italics mine)
All? All what? Beauty. riches, fame; the popular notion of what constitutes "having it all." But these could not protect Ms. Evans from "private demons" because she apparently had few, if any, spiritual defenses. When there was no more adulation, and applause and beauty had faded, riches were very cold comfort for loneliness and loss of identity. She no longer knew who she was. Life and beauty queen had become synonymous to her. When she was no longer beauty queen, life lost its meaning. Why go on?
If having an abundance of the pleasure and treasure that the World offers is the ultimate key to happiness then celebrities and the rich and famous should be the happiest people on earth. There is ample evidence that they are not.
Jesus said "What profit is there if you gain the whole world and lose eternal life? What can be compared to eternal life?" What indeed? Yet, many are gambling that there is nothing after this life. They want what they want and they want it Now!
It's popular to (figuratively) beat up on Hollywood, the media, liberals, humanists, politicians, etc. for what's spiritually wrong with our country. Sure; some of them are part of the problem but perhaps we need to look closer to home for who is really to blame. According to statistics more than 75% of Americans maintain that they are Christians. Based on that, the U.S. is generally portrayed as a Christian nation. I disagree with that idea. I've given my reasons and said my piece about that in earlier blogs.
Is there a noticeable gap between what Christians profess and how they act? There are those inside and outside the faith that will answer with a resounding Yes. We are supposed to be imitators of Christ, sharing the good news of salvation, visiting the sick and prisoners in jail, clothing and feeding those in need, turning the other cheek, being humble before God, allowing ourselves to be moved by the Holy Spirit into the will of God, serving others in the spirit of true agape love, etc. OK; I admit I don't measure up. Of course there are those who quietly go about God's work under the radar of recognition and personal glory. But,religious writers and critics say, these are in the minority. The majority are biblicaly illiterate and have not been discipled. This results in producing lukewarm evangelism, "silent Christians" and "Diet Christianity" guaranteed to limit spiritual growth. Some television preachers have substituted "positive thinking" for faith.
The 13th chapter of 1Corinthians, the "Love Chapter," has been used so many times at weddings some think it applies only to marriage and that Paul wrote it for that purpose. Not so. It is Christ as LOVE; a personification of the kind of love Christians should have for each other and to demonstrate to all those they come into contact with. Apparently some of us Christians have failed to read the memo. Pat Robertson has portrayed God as vengeful; saying God caused disasterous hurricanes to punish America because of homosexuals.  There were hurricanes for thousands of years before America existed. Was God just practicing?
We don't have to go around in an animal skin, carrying a staff and calling down the wrath of God to show we are serious about our faith. Consider this example: Following hurricane Katrina, an avowed atheist wrote to the British left-wing Guardian Weekly asking , "why Christians are the people most likely to take the risks and make the sacrifices involved in helping others. It ought to be possible to live the Christian life without being a Christian or, better still, to take Christianity a la carte. Yet, it is impossible to doubt that faith and charity go hand in hand." All kinds of organizations were involved helping in the aftermath of the hurricane but it was the actions of Christians that were recognized by the atheist. Even the New York Times described how the church groups were doing a better job than government agencies and didn't object (!) that when those "doing temporary repairs and cleaning up debris give homeowners a signed Bible and pray with them."
Jesus, with 12 ordinary men, "turned the world upside down." (Acts 17:6) with a message of salvation, peace and love. We can't all go to sites of devastation to put our Christianity into action but we can all continue the work of turning the world upside down where ever we are and whoever we are.  We don't need a seminary degree to demonstrate agape love or to do simple acts of kindness and courtesy inspired by the spirit of Jesus.
We can't leave evangelism entirely to the clergy or wrap our cloaks of righteousness about us and take refuge in church services and expect the Good News to flow into the world by osmosis. It won't happen.
Many, perhaps most, Americans are cheering for those people in the mideast rebelling against dictators and for democracy, envisioning that if they attain it, it will be just like the democracy we enjoy. Consider that a poll in Egypt found that 84% of Egyptians favored the death penalty for anyone who leaves the Muslim faith.
What kind of democracy will that be?  Shiites and Sunnis may have a common enemy now but they have been at odds for hundreds of years and are not likely to suddenly come together after the shooting stops.  .
 Nature abhors a vacuum and if the rebellions are successful, the leadership positions must be quickly filled or chaos will result. The turmoil is a long way from being over in Egypt.
The rebels in Libya are asking for American air raids against troops loyal to the Libyan dictator.  Mr. President, don't do it. It would put the an absolute no-win position.  Send humanitarian aid but do not risk anymore of our military as is being done in Afghan and Iraq. (Since I wrote the above comments, Britain sent a small mission group of diplomats and commandos who secretly parachuted into Libya to talk with the rebel leaders. They were arrested and temporarily detained on suspicion of being enemy mercenaries.  Baffled by their unfriendly reception, they are now back in Britain with perhaps a little better understanding of who and what the West will be dealing with if they foolishly get involved

" The (Arkansas) Secretary of State's race pits a Democratic candidate who says he has detailed ideas for the office and a Republican candidate who says he has few plans and that's the way it should be."  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 9/19/2010
"M. B., 82, has been given a ticket and fined $1,103 after an Oregon state trooper clocked her driving 110 mph in a 55mph zone."  You Go Granny. NASCAR is calling.
A news article says that Jennifer Aniston has changed her hair style.  Who is this woman and why is the world being kept up-to-date on her coiffures? I know she's an actress but the question remains.

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