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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mary went to to the tomb and found it empty. Contemporary records estimate the stone over the tomb entrance, which was rolled away, weighed between 11/2 and 2 tons. The religious leaders of the day spread the rumor that followers of Jesus had taken his body from the tomb and had hidden it. How the followers managed to roll the massive stone back up the incline that it came down and why they took time to unwrap Jesus from his grave clothes and stack them neatly on the floor of the tomb was not explained. Also, how the followers of Jesus could have done all of this with 16 elite Roman soldiers guarding the tomb against just such activity also has never been explained.

Doubters and unbelievers may find comfort in these baseless theories. Even though these and similar theories have persisted through the centuries, they have not prevented the growth to over 1 billion of those who believe Christ rose from the dead.

If I find myself engaged in conversation with doubters and they persist in projecting their doubts, I don't argue with them. I tell them if they are happy with their beliefs, then so be it.

As for me and other believers, we have received the most powerful witness possible: From Someone who was actually present when Jesus arose: The Holy Spirit of God.
Doubters can't match that.

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For quite a while I was curious about one event that occurred after the resurrection. Why did Mary not recognize Jesus after he arose? Some offer the explanation that her eyes were blinded by her tears. Possible. Others say perhaps she was so overcome with grief that she was in shock. Also possible. Maybe, since she was not expecting to see Jesus alive and supposing him to be the gardener, she did not concentrate on his facial features. Or, she had her back to him. Again; possible. Yet, when he spoke her name she instantly recognized his voice.

My humble opinion? She didn't recognize Jesus because he was in his resurrection body. Subsequent events proved he was no longer confined by time or space. Later, he suddenly appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He accepted their offer of a meal and as he broke bread to share with them their eyes were opened and Jesus disappeared. Later still, Jesus appeared to the disciples who were in a room with the door locked. Finally, on the road to Bethany the disciples watched as Jesus was drawn up to heaven. Why do you think Mary didn't recognize Jesus?

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"It is stupid to occupy a land of rocks, sand, deserts, ice and snow." A comment concerning Afghanistan. A left-wing rant in 2010? No. The opinion of the Duke of Wellington circa 1839 as the British prepared to embark on what would prove to be a disastrous military campaign to put Prince Shah Shuja on the Afghan throne. The Duke was too intelligent to have anything to do with the campaign. In spite of Wellington's warning, British politicians and businessmen pushed approval of the project through Parliament. When the Grand Army of the Indus set out on its mission it numbered over 20,000 men and 30,000 camp followers. When the last wisp of gunpowder smoke drifted away after the battles and ambushes, one British soldier survived to tell the tragic story of what happened to the rest.
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Well, the truth concerning the Health Care Reform Bill is slowly emerging from the fog of misinformation, smoke and mirrors. Now that the bill has been passed, some Democratic politicians apparently feel it's safe to reveal the real purpose of the bill.

Here is what Senator Max Baucus (D. Montana) had to say about Health Reform: "It is an income shift." Also, "It is a shift, a leveling, to help lower income, middle income Americans."
Uh, excuse me, Senator. Please explain how raising taxes on middle income Americans to pay for this bill is going to help us.

Let's hear from Howard Dean, former DNC chair and Democratic presidential candidate. Maybe he can explain. "The question is, (who asked this question?) in a democracy, what is the right balance between those at the top (economically) and those at the bottom? When it gets out of whack as it did in the 1920's and it has now, you need to do some redistribution (of wealth). This (health bill) is a form of redistribution." Hmm. Mr. Dean, I thought this bill was about health, not wealth. After all, Mr. Obama stood in front of God and everybody and said the purpose of this bill was to provide health care for an additional 32 million Americans and it would also keep the country from going bankrupt. Would he deceive us?

Also, Mr. Dean and Sen. Baucas; I think, if not mistaken, redistribution of wealth is a socialist tenet and is not required, nor even suggested, by our Constitution.

"Any government big enough to give you what ever you want is big enough to take away everything you have." Thomas Jefferson

(Please be advised: When I refer to Democrats or Republicans I'm talking about politicians, not rank and file members of those parties.)

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My favorite scripture: "I through the law have died to the law that I might live to serve God. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live. Yet, not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me."

Galatians 2:19,20

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