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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Polls and Things

A recent poll showed that 76% of Americans claim they are Christians. Hm. I wonder what criterion the respondents used as the basis for their answers? I was reminded of a similar poll taken some years ago in which a movie producer said he was a Christian because he was born in America which is, he said, a Christian nation. No; neither does being "good" or belonging to and/or attending church, automatically qualify someone to call themselves Christian.
"For I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live. Yet, not I but Christ liveth in me, for the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20. This is Paul's confession of his bond with Christ. The very Spirit of Christ inhabits his innermost being. And, if we have accepted Christ as our savior, He lives in our innermost being also.

In the poll some respondents who claim to be Christian also said they believe in ghosts, some have had conversations with ghosts and others are mistakenly trying to blend New Age beliefs with their Christianity. Following are some of those beliefs:

That astrology is a method of foretelling the future

That crystals are a source of healing or energizing power

That tarot cards are a reliable base for life decisions

That God is "a state of higher consciousness that a person may reach"

That each person is God

That God can be defined as "the total realization of personal, human potential"

In these New Age beliefs, emphasis is on the creature rather than the Creator. All these beliefs are contradicted by God's word and most are expressly forbidden. The attempt to add them to Christianity may be a matter of "just in case" and "covering all the bases." Instead it only denies the power and person of God. King Saul did not get the answer he wanted from God so he consulted the Witch of Endor and suffered the disasterous results.

If a person is involved in authentic Christianity they know, as the old hymn states: "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand." Christ is The Source for Christians and is sufficient for all our needs. Nothing else is needed for us to be complete. And we clearly identify with Paul's confession of Galatians 2:20, sometimes referred to as the "220 hook-up."

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According to a recent newspaper article, Johnny Depp, temporarily a movie idol, stated he 'admired' John Dillinger, a gangster of the 1930's. (The fact that Dillinger was a a cold-blooded killer was not mentioned.) Depp said that Dillinger was "brave and charasmatic." Mr. Depp may be wallowing in that slop because he intends to make a movie about brave Mr. Dillinger.

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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, orchestrator of the September 11th attacks, has remained alive for 8 years since being jailed. Need I point out that the victims of those Islam-fueled, murderous attacks have now been dead for those same 8 years? The victims have been denied those years while Mr. Mohammed has been fed, clothed, housed and had his medical needs attended to by the U.S. which includes, by extension and ironically, the victims families and survivors of September 11. I'm not clamoring for Mr. Mohammed's blood; I just would like to know why it is taking so long for justice to be served. More political correctness by an administration that doesn't seem to know what to do? Don't expect a speedy trial once it begins. The trial and appeals can add many more years to this travesty.
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President Obama apparently has taken his administrative cue from President Roosevelt's example. However there are differences both in conditions and style. Roosevelt had the full cooperation of Wall Street and Main Street and (almost dictatorial) war time powers. In 1933, oil prices hovered around 4 cents a barrel; No bank was considered too big to fail. Roosevelt also cut government salaries by $100 million; government and veteran pensions were reduced. Congress and the vice-president had their salaries cut by 15%. They may say they feel our pain but this current congress will not have their salaries reduced. The federal government is not only hiring many new workers but it is also increasing government salaries.

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